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Scott R

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Posts posted by Scott R

  1. Ian I had several places want consult fee but after I questioned paying to be told how much a service would cost all but one waived it. I walked out of one and the receptionist chased me out and waived the fee. They were the most expensive at $500 a session with 10-12 needed in their opinion. I would suggest comparing lasers to cost. you want the best laser for the cheapest price IMO. Usually the people with the best(most expensive lasers) will have some experience in actual removal.

  2. since I started becoming very interested in march , My wife has gone from" you can get your back tattoo covered" to last week saying everything except visible and please keep your chest bare. So I got green light for back,ribs,stomach shoulders upper arms and thighs. I guess My Enthusiasm is catching on because she is tossing around the idea of getting something small.. I never thought she would even think about that.

  3. not to belittle your experiences, but could it also be that you draw attention because you are attractive? do you think ugly girls get approached about their tattoos or ignored in general...

    i know the above sounds shallow but i notice men will come up with ANY reason to talk to pretty girls.

    I have been taking note of good work regardless of who its on lately. I found myself checking out a 300 lber on the treadmill the other day. she had some scratcher stuff on her back but her chest(collar bone) was nicely done and I asked her who did it. I kept it short but figure if its out in the open Its for me to see and ok to ask who did it

  4. Deb, I know I speak for many members when I say that you are an invaluable contributor here. You have a unique perspective on tattooing and years of experience that qualify you to speak on subjects that we customers can't (or rather shouldn't). Thanks for being an important part of our little community.

    well said

  5. I am employed by a local hospital that owns the gym I work at. I also am a independent contractor with my own clients. You would assume that I need to be careful of how I present myself due to the hospital but our architect came in(remodeling) and he has a full sleeve. Its my personal clients that I rely on for the bulk of my salary and alot of them are borderline wealthy people in their 50s-60s and although they seem like they like me alot I feel visible tattoos would cost me initially.

  6. Since this site is open for anyone to join I suggest a policy of no "breaking into the business" related questions as a forum rule. All that does is keeping tattooers away, thus making it alot less fun for all of the other members who are genuinely interested in talking about tattoos.

    Iwar- I dont know what the right answer is but I agree to do something that will get the artists to frequent the site more often. I think LST is awesome but this is the second time in a few weeks an artist has mentioned not coming here as much.(stewart and mario) I have learned so much from the other enthusiasts but as a guy who just wants to give to tattoing by being a consumer it bums me out that the takers are limiting my chances to get the perspective of artists on different subjects.

  7. Yeah I wouldn't do half price tattoos, that is just lumping yourself in with them. There is no real solution, but I know everytime someone comes in and wants to cover up some tattoo they got for twenty dollars I make sure they understand that the price they are paying is more than what they would have paid and now a $20 tattoo ends up costing them $270-$320 to make it look decent. When they could have just spent $180-200 and had a good tattoo in the first place.

    plenty of business models discuss how you can raise your price and loose customers and still make more money. If your product is superior never lower the price

  8. thanks lochlan,

    Left shoulder is a cross with memorial right shoulder initials and clover the middle piece covers name of street I grew up in San Antonio. Hindsight I could have gone way smaller to cover and in reality I just needed to cover the middle of my back but I will be happier with proffesionally done work.

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