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Everything posted by MsRad

  1. Bane and American Nightmare are two bands that i love. i'd love to hear some of your stuff too. do you have a demo or a site where people can hear your jams?

  2. now i have rock n' roll outlaw stuck in my head...
  3. hey Travis! what band are you in? it's nice to see a fellow straight edge hardcore punk kid on here.

  4. ah bummer. i won't be there sat (i've got a work obligation and another paper to write), but i'm sure we'll meet sometime. take care, Dean!

  5. that's not lame, i fantasize about such things all the time, and i'm never drunk! i never got to see them before they broke up. it always seemed like they played when i was broke or didn't have a ride (i was in highschool then) and my parents wouldn't let me go to shows by myself so i missed out on a lot of good bands. still bummed on not seeing Fugazi.
  6. i often get bored and start doodling lettering or script. can anyone suggest a great resource for finding examples? i know that sounds like a dumb question, but remember i'm a collector, not an artist, and because of this i don't know who to ask or where to look for this type of thing.
  7. chest and the top of my feet were the least painful. seriously. the worst spot for me has been my inner bicep. i could feel my teeth knocking. it's especially brutal when you start getting close to the armpit, because then it just tickles AND hurts at the same time.
  8. MsRad

    song lyric tattoos

    to me, all of these lyrics have images i associate with them so they consist of the image and the lyric. i'm going to have a part two to this soon.
  9. MsRad


    as so we don't hijack Bill's introduction, maybe this should be in the random crap section? i like both albums almost equally now (global won for a long time), but for seperate reasons. i seriously could go on about them for a while haha sorry Bill! i didn't know that this would happen!
  10. MsRad

    Ah crap.

    Hi Ron! i was wondering where you were located. your work is really good!
  11. MsRad

    art art art

    that's Ruby from Arkansas! i just pulled that negative a few months ago. yea technically i'm in school, though i'm just taking two classes and i'm not really thrilled by either of them. i like the content, i just don't like the format or the lack of real discussion. it feels really easy and a waste of my money. i'm writing about this image: http://www.metmuseum.org/works_of_art/collection_database/photographs/the_road_west_dorothea_lange/objectview_enlarge.aspx?page=571&sort=0&sortdir=asc&keyword=&fp=1&dd1=19&dd2=0&vw=1&collID=19&OID=190017984&vT=1&hi=0&ov=0
  12. MsRad

    art art art

    haha thanks Dari! i'm trying to finish up a 5 page paper right now on Dorothea Lange's the Road West.
  13. it's totally a dude soap opera, just like Rescue Me. but i think that's part of the appeal haha
  14. Lochlan, you are awesome! your comment on Dean's post was a great story and i would love to read more about your history here in the Bay scene. i'm bummed i missed that skarhead show on wednesday, it would've been nice to have met you! see you next friday or sunday at sfo?

  15. hey Dean, are you tattooing at SFO? figured i'd come by and say "hi!" in person.

  16. it's good to see another photography fan on the board. i'm currently getting distracted from writing a paper on Dorothea Lange's the Road West. Nice to meet you Jake!
  17. MsRad

    Bunny Beasley

    i've always wanted to add a moon bunny to my collection. someday i'll get it figured out.
  18. this weeks episode sort of broke my heart : / what can i say, i'm a sap!
  19. it was EXTREMELY awkward. i was more pissed at the original artist (who was a total dick and jerk in my opinion) than i was at mine.
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