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Posts posted by MsRad

  1. MsRad there are plenty of pictures on this thread that I don't find funny but I don't feel the need to comment on any of them. Are you suggesting that I think the Jonestown Massacre was something to laugh about? Now I could find that really offensive, but do you know what I don't. There are pictures on here of all sorts of things that people can choose to take offence at, if they choose too.

    If you want to add 2+2 together and make 5 that’s up to you

    i'm not suggesting anything, thats why i was waiting to hear a response from you before passing any sort of judgement other than stating my own personal opinion on the image. honestly, i think you posted it in the wrong thread and now you're trying to pick a fight with me. this is a thread under the Funny Stuff category (look at the top under the header on the left). if you think the image is interesting or a good discussion starter, then it needs to be posted somewhere else (and we have a couple of other image related threads on the site). otherwise, people, myself included, are going to be confused as to why you put it in a humorous category, especially if you don't think it's funny yourself. there are many images in this thread that i too find offensive, but i can see how others would find them funny (and i try not to push my views on other people). that one i couldn't find funny and i was wondering why it was posted here.

    seriously, you're getting something out of my responses that's not intended. i'm just confused why you posted a serious picture in a funny thread. that's all.

  2. It wasn't meant to be funny.

    But its ok for you to send me a like for the Charles Manson/Jesus photo :rolleyes:

    as a witty response to the other jesus image, yes i liked it and it was funny to me. not charles manson. and the Jim Jones follower was not in response to anything.

    i was waiting for your response as to why the Jim Jones image was funny (which is why i put ... instead of a .) but apparently you don't have one. which i don't understand why you would post it in a thread that is full of images that are ironic/funny.

    edit: clearly i'm having trouble getting my thoughts out today.

  3. i think what i mainly dislike about Terry Richardson, other than his general attitude, is that he's not doing anything different from say Danny Lyons or Nan Goldin, and is doing it for what seems to be the shock value, rather than the genuineness of some of his contemporary peers (such as Edward Templeton, or even Glen E. Friedman). i do like his work from when he was in Iraq for the first desert storm, and right after her returned. that felt genuine.

    and i'm glad i wasn't the only one who found that show offensive.

    anyways, we can go back on topic now.

  4. That's amazing and hilarious hahahahaha

    Must be a pain in the ass to call him ! I'm sure they've got hand signals for that though.

    yep, hand signals are the way to go. and he doesn't stray far actually, he likes to hang around their other two dogs or their family, i think because then he knows what's going on. he's in love with their son Waylon, who's only 20 months old, and lets him climb, hug and pull his ears all he wants. he's a great dog, and a pitbull mix so just another one on the list to put the stereotype to shame.

  5. that last picture of it's mouth is just rad! i love the detail of the tongue and all the little bumps (maybe tastebuds?) on the roof! crazy!

    also, what's it like having a blind cat? i know people who've raised hard of seeing pets, but never completely blind or eyeless. i also have friends who are fostering a deaf dog, but he watches everything so he get's right along just fine. he even barks with the other dogs because he sees them barking haha.

  6. Here's the article:


    and yeah Ursula, i too love Tattoo Age, as well as their cute TV channel, but then i see some stupid picture by Terry Richardson, shake my head, and remember why i hate them again. god, i HATE Terry Richardson.

    i just remembered too that there was some travel/review show they started doing, and i tried watching the first episode and couldn't get past the first 5 minutes. it was horrible.

  7. While I don't disagree, I also don't think that most people who do stick and pokes see them as alternatives to going to a shop. Almost every example I've ever seen or heard of falls under the category of A) someone like Jade, above, who was badass young 'un, B) someone like Swazzi (my new nickname for you) who did it as a "club" thing or C) the result of an evening of party tatts.

    it's becoming a trendy thing to do amongst 20 or 30 something "hipsters". i read an online article through Vice i think (might have been another publication) on how to give a proper stick and poke tattoo. it was really ridiculous. i also know some people who do it on a regular basis because it's cheaper than getting tattooed, but really, i think it's pretty dangerous thing to make "cool".

  8. Kiiitttaaays!

    PK is the calico and Radar is the white and grey. Radar's a momma's boy. He whines for me, wants to be carried (seriously, he'll asked to be picked up) and follows me around. I've never seem a cat that was clingly like that. It's like having a kid. PK's pretty normal, but she really really loves to be warm.

    our cat Vanilla was like that growing up. he loved being around my mom, and my mom said it was like loosing a child when he passed away. he helped her get through the first part of my parents divorce, then he had some sort of stroke and we had to put him down. we all loved that cat. he couldn't even kill a mouse (he was actually afraid of them, along with my pet rat, and my rabbit Henry!), but man did he love campbell's mushroom soup.

  9. I'm sorry to ruin the good atmosphere of this thread, but this is worth watching if you haven't seen it already....

    it's really amazing. i've watched it at least 5 times (not, right now, but over the last few months). i cry everytime.

    also, this will be the hardest part of my new job.

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