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Everything posted by slayer9019

  1. As a gun owner I can see a pseudo-parallel concept overlap in these situations. There a few people who make bad decisions, this creates uproar on both sides of the fence, people in the industry/group get worried/enraged. Rinse, repeat.
  2. Hmmm that would be interesting! Although the dóre tattoo I have does involve a rock and Satan.....maybe I have it already??? Although..... ROA > SOA
  3. While I sometimes disagree with some of his writing try "the God delusion". It is a nice breakdown of religions @hogg just saw your post. Tell me what you think of it when your done. I got some other books to check out when your done with that
  4. I personally would be upset if I wore it. While I have seen worse, than doesn't make it great by any standard. I would look into laser but as mentioned purple is a son-a-bitch color to get out. Find a quality artist to give you an opinion. Panthers always look good!
  5. This depends if one is a theist or atheist "satanist". In terms of thiestic Satanism one worships demons usually based around the judeo-chritisan religions. Athiestic Satanism usually uses the symbolic demon to represent man's animalistic nature and moral values. So yea your pretty much correct. I would say that most athiests can find correlation with their ideals within the athiestic satanism when you remove the shock-value symbolism. I did a great deal of research in my personal quest to find a religion eventually bringing me to realize I'm just a plain old athiest.
  6. There are very rare examples of people with only good tattoos in my personal experience. I guess it is just a part of the process
  7. @Iwar, I can't believe you still have any room! Also...created that thread: http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/tattoo-101/1731-religious-tattoos-non-religious.html#post24849
  8. This came up in the other thread http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/tattoo-101/1728-tattoo-what-you-want-misleading-true-page2.html#post24847, people getting religious tattoos, while being a atheist. I personally enjoy the strong emotions religious imagery stirs in people, whether they are a theist or atheist. What are your opinions?
  9. Well the first tattoo I got I had, what I feel was too much input. I ended up getting exactly what I asked for but not what I wanted. As a artistically-retarded individual myself, I try to describe the tattoo in as little words as possible. For me this gets me a better end result than what I would be able to hobble together in my non-artistic brain (I swear my artist sisters stole the right-brain genes and left me with only left!) While I know what looks good to myself, I cannot create. @Iwar, I can understand (being an Atheist myself), but at the same time I love the strong emotions and history from religious imagery. Nothing stirs the emotions more than religious imagery, regardless if the observer is theist or atheist!
  10. Actually I think it is more middle of the road jobs (college degree/skilled worker) that usually get the brunt of it. When you work menial jobs most of the time they could give a shit. While on the other end of the spectrum if you got your doctorate they usually use that as more of a benchmark. People in the middle (most of us) get shit on because there are more of us to pick out of the bunch. Also anything that is "client-facing" usually demand no tattoos. As part if my job part of the job description is apperance, not just a guideline. Still hasn't stopped me from getting tattooed but as of yesterday I can no longer where polos or short sleeved dress shirts ever ever again. This is simply a choice people have to make.
  11. Well looks like I am going to be getting tattooed regularly. Just started my lady head over at Invisible and am booked out till the end of March, then follows another artist. At the end of it I will be consecutively tattooed for over a year solid with a month break at most. I have a feeling my itch will be satisfied for awhile!
  12. The way I look at things like this goes as follows....if you are bare minimum bearing dead average intelligence you are officially smarter than half the planet! There are at least 3 billion people less intelligent as you. This also defeats into the following assumption.....there are litterally billions of people that are ready and able to make poor decisions. So to me someone getting silly tattoos are just fantastic content to look at on the internet.
  13. As Simone who has some "satanic imagery" I agree. Kinda wish I could move the tattoo but oh well. While to me my tattoo is a montage of dantes inferno by gustave dore, an excellent combo of liturature and art but the general public sees Satan dude. Having a swastika tattoo is like having a devil tattoo on crack...almost anyone will say wtf!?!?
  14. At least you were at a good pub. How many of the 300 beers did you try?
  15. I guess we all make that decision (ex not being a kindergarden teacher) when we tattoo ourselves in more aparent locations
  16. looks like I can't make it, have to work......
  17. or possibly tattooist/piercer? I do know a guy who is a very successful construction worker (concrete) who has his face/head/neck tattooed. We discussed this and he said if he wasn't one of the best at his job and middle aged he would have trouble having his job.
  18. A quick list of the top of my head in the NYC area. Saved Tattoo Smith Street Eastriver Tattoo Invisible NYC
  19. Might have to come and check it out! Thanks for the heads up. Damn, beat me to it! I was gunna bump this back up when I got home from work.
  20. the only one that kills me (British vs USA english) is math vs maths
  21. Since I started to get tattooed? A month and a week. I also was getting only around 1-2 hours a week on average so larger pieces go about a half a year
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