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Posts posted by slayer9019

  1. I could never understand not tipping. Maybe it was just my father and I but I tip everywhere and usually a nice sum 20-25%. I feel like I'm stealing if I don't tip. In NYC I have seen a waitress confront someone for not tipping,so I guess its all about the local culture

  2. @Duffa The sunglass guy has it's own thread or it is a post within one but I can't find it.....maybe someone else remembers, it is insanity regardless

    As for this thread, ironically (yes actually ironic) I was at Blackheart yesterday killing time when I got shown this book, Look at This Fucking Hipster. Has anyone flipped through it?

    after living in Brooklyn for a period.....I hate hipsters! Check out the site to go along with the book! Look at this fucking hipster


    10 minutes is acceptable. Any more time and it makes the tattooer feel rushed.

    I have a hard time with this one. Getting tattoed in NYC means I have to catch a train which leads me to be at least half hour early. Didn't realise people didn't like it. I always worked off the policy "fifteen minets early is better than one late"

  4. Since I have accidentally showed up to my tattoo appointment early today (about 6 hours early) I had to kill time. So instead of going back home I decided to become a tourist for the day here in NYC. So far it has been expensive and not all that fun.

    Anyone else try this before in their own city?

  5. I've had a beard/facial hair since I could. Shaved it off oncw...such a mistake. Used to have the full beard then switched to the goat/mustache a few years ago. One point had my goat at about 6 inches but a new job changed that.

  6. Reviving this topic maybe but an interesting change of work environment for me has prompted a response. For many years I worked in the court/tribunal system which included working as a judge's associate (that's judge's clerk for the Americans). So, incredibly conservative environment which included sitting up front in court & the whole deal with representing the judge at all times. Completely covered up there.

    Then I continued in the law but as an in-house lawyer where it was OK for me to shave my head closer to the scalp and show my head tattoo or have my new front torso piece peaking out of an unbuttoned shirt. No one here really cared because there wasn't much eye contact happening in the first place!

    Now I work in very hot and sticky Bangkok for a refugee NGO with lots of client contact and the clients are from all backgrounds and religions, with many of them not having left their local village their whole lives and are now suddenly in Thailand. Boss says it's ok to wear short sleeves at work and show my sleeves. However, I'm aware that my tattoos may offend or alienate some clients from some cultures and religious backgrounds. I'm playing it by ear at the moment but the last thing I want is to not be able to gain the trust of someone because of my visible sleeves. I'm hoping that at the end of the day my demeanor & work will be enough.

    I can see what your saying there. I stick with if they don't see it there is nothing to judge me on especially considering I have 'darker' themes

  7. Had a growing interest in bikes for a while now but never know how/where to start, and never matters anyway because I'm always dumping cash somewhere else! Sooner or later I'll make my buddy Todd teach me how to ride.. 'til then, I'll just keep ogling bikes and watching SOA..

    actually thinking about it you live in the same area as me. look at getting a motard/dual sport. City riding is HORRIBLE on a cruiser but fantastic on a upright, high torque bike. Manhattan runs rule on the 400cc Suzukis!


  8. Daves_insanity_sauce.jpg

    we've got a bottle of daves at the shop that is at least 15 years old and barely any of its gone. usually we give people a tiny drop on a tooth pick when they say they like hot stuff. very few take it well

    Haha. Yea my roomates and I have a nice collection of death sauces and I love giving a little bit to any tough guy. The look on their face is priceless. Never gets old!

  9. Dude have you seen that movie about body mods? I think it's called Modify. There's some pretty real shit in that movie. A lot of the people seem nice enough, it's just hard for me to understand going that far I guess. I always wonder if it comes from the same place inside as wanting to be heavily tattooed or if it's something else. I've had about 9 or 10 different piercings over the last 15 years, I still have one in each ear, septum, this one on my lower lip but kind of lower then the ring ones I don't know what it's called, and one in each ear. I feel like when I was a teenage I was only getting pierced because I wasn't allowed to get tattooed and it was hard to find someone who'd tattoo teenagers too.

    I should also mention by saying I did a tattoo, I mean I horribly scrawled my initials onto my dudes leg with no instruction. I'm not saying I know how to make a good tattoo or even a passable one. I'd still be totally fine with doing a shit tiny tattoo on a friend who wanted that then cutting off a weird patch of skin on a friend who didn't have the loot for a real doctor.

    Yea Modify! I've seem quite a bit (maybe too many) body mod movies/shows. It does really come down the mental 'line in the sand' of mutilate vs modify, according to my mother 1 tattoo is mutilation but to me lines only get drawn when you have to use a scalpel. btw I have preformed 'very minor' surgery on myself and a friend once. Put my own stitches in no problem as well. Only reason was young, stupid, no medical insurance, thank god I'm older now!

  10. Yeah I gotcha, if I were going the bar hopper route, I can pick up an older sportster in good running condition for around 2 grand at auction, and I know how to work on Harleys. I really dig on older Triumphs too, but I have never worked on em.

    Nice 2 grand for a sportster, (80s Im assuming?). I helped a friend salvage his fathers ironhead (sat on a deck of 10 years!! Such bike abuse!!). In terms of working on the older bikes they are all relatively the same stuff, and pretty basic engines. It's when you get into 4 bangers and Japenese bikes that things get scary! Tried and failed to fix a katana...it is not easy!

  11. Part of choosing a tattooer for me is about their personal artistic style, having lots of tattoos shows me what kind of tattoos you like to get, which are usually the same type of tattoos you would like to do. So basically, if you are covered in bio-mech/tribal/new school then I'd assume that's the kind of tattoos you like to get and give so I'd probly not really get tattooed by that person because it's not my thing. If I met someone who was covered in awesome tattoos by great artists and who's own portfolio showed all the things they learned from getting those tattoos, well I'd probably get tattooed by them.

    Yeah being covered in good tattoos doesn't mean you're going to be a good tattooer but it certainly helps.

    @slayer9019 - to me tattooing is not like surgery at all really. Even the most minor surgery is going to go much deeper than tattooing. It's going to involve a more complicated and lengthy healing. It requires a completely different skill set, I think. I've done a tattoo, yes it was horrible, and yes the person who got it knew it was going to be bad. I would never ever attempt to preform surgery on someone, in even the most minor way. Why? you ask, because I have zero knowledge on the procedure and wouldn't want to cause permanent injury. To me, the only thing in the body mod world that comes close to surgery is some of the more extreme piercings and mods. Some of them are straight up surgery. Giving someone a tattoo, even a large one will never come close to slicing some dudes dick down the middle, or cutting 1 inch holes into someones ears/cheecks/nose/whatever. The only thing I'd think would be similar to tattooing is when you take a skin biopsy or have a layer of skin removed for whatever reason and I only say that because it's the only thing I can think of that doesn't go deeper than a tattoo needle would. If someone here is actually a doctor/nurse feel free to inform me otherwise.

    Yea I was more along the lines of skin biopsy (we all have different definitions of minor). I would be guessing since I never had tattooed someone or plan to ever but after seeing it done to myself I have formed an opinion on it. Im guessing as a good tattoo artist you need to be knowledgeable to an extent on how different skins (or in general) would react to minor trauma. Also the whole blood-born pathogens deal with autoclaves and whatnot require a bit of knowledge in the medical area as well. Again I could be completely backwards but just throwing out my opinion.

    PS... some of those 'hardcore' mods scare the shit outta me...after being through surgery myself quite a bit I can't see opting in for cosmetic surgery!!!

  12. I have owned a couple of different Harley Sportsters. Had to sell them because of some money troubles, but I will be getting another bike in the near future. I'm thinking either a really cool bar hopper, hard tail sportster esque, or a sport touring bike, ala BMW K1200GT.

    The only hardtail I would buy at the moment would be an older Triumph. I'm not a fan of big bikes (too heavy! Plus not 'flickable') and harleys are overpriced in my opinion. But to each his own.

    Bike below is what I want if I had the money for a kidney-busting bike.


  13. Had a growing interest in bikes for a while now but never know how/where to start, and never matters anyway because I'm always dumping cash somewhere else! Sooner or later I'll make my buddy Todd teach me how to ride.. 'til then, I'll just keep ogling bikes and watching SOA..

    same thing I said to MsRad. Start small, try the safety course. I've usually got people up and running in a few days for the basics. It is cheaper than most people think if you start with a small, older bike. just remember dont skip on the gear. Dress for the crash not for style.

  14. i tell D all the time about how jealous i am at motorcyclists. there's a few on here that i know in real life. i secretly have been wanting to bug Scott about it, wanting to do trade work to learn as much as he's willing to teach me about motorcycles. but i also like getting tattooed...

    i guess the cats out of the bag now!

    anyways, i've been drooling over used Honda Rebels (i want to start out with a small engine and i've read several reviews by short, female riders that they're a great beginner bike, plus their pretty cheap). i keep looking on craigslist, keep dreaming, keep looking at romantic photographs and videos related to bikes and riders... and then i come back to the reality of my tiny little 2004 vw golf that i have a love hate relationship with.

    if you do want to learn to ride just take one of the safety courses. They usually teach you on 100cc-200cc bikes, and everyone tells me they are pretty damn good (and cheap!) at least here in NJ. As for a first bike I would check out craigslist for a older 70s-80s Yama/Kawi standard as they are user friendly and CHEAP! Plus if you drop it (which almost everyone does) you will not cry at replacing anything. Rebels are nice as well, but a bit heavy. I personally prefer motards (dirt bikes w. street tires) as they are light, cheap to fix, and very very durable.

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