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Posts posted by Ursula

  1. yeah they totally do.. it does say on the website that an iphone app is coming soon though... so maybe they are just waiting till it's out of the beta stage or something.. or they are just tricking me so i'll sign up anyway hahaha

  2. hahaha in Florida we call it a miami body suit.. dudes with no tattoos except hands and neck...

    way to make yourself unemployable and look like a total chode!

    i plan on waiting until my art career is a little more secure and i know i won't have to work retail on the side anymore to do the tops of my hands and fingers... plus i still have a ton of room on my legs including both knees and a lot of thigh space

  3. i didn't think of mentioning the soles of my feet but as with MsRad i will not be getting those done! although i will get my palms done.. didn't mention nether regions either cause i thought it was a given but now that i think about it there are lots of people with dick/vag tattoos around... i'll get my ass cheeks done but not like into the crack/hole area hahahaha

  4. Yeah I got my dog when she was already a year old and had the name jezebel I changed it to G.B. and it didn't even phase her it's like that was her name all along

    And 8 pounds? That's just cruel ! They must not have been feeding her right or something!

  5. yeah i actually havn't seen my dog since january. i had to move back to canada and the province i live in has a ban on pit bulls and any related breed or breed that resembles a pit bull, so of course that includes my 35 pounds staffie who's never hurt anyone or even tried to.. bullshit..

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