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Everything posted by TrixieFaux

  1. haha thanks! So many pics on here induce instant envy.
  2. Sure! Oh wait, I'm not in charge. ;)
  3. I guess this is a little of a derail but here goes anyway, I think those shows may be a part of it for some, but I also think a lot of people just love talking about themselves and attaching meaning to things. Before those shows existed, people attached meaning to their tattoos. It's human nature and symbols hold meaning. Some people are just a little sappier with the meanings they attach than others. And some more literal. But yeah, agreed: meaningful or devoid of meaning, or anywhere in the middle does not determine whether it's going to be a good choice in a tattoo. Just takes a good skilled artist to have a great, satisfying, and worthwhile tattoo.
  4. A longer wait-time gives you more time to save. It'll be worth it!
  5. @Jnvlv there's a lot of love for snakes here, you are preachin' to the choir! I'm from CT, too--Southern CT. Although I have not lived there in many years.
  6. Thank you, yes at least on my arms... Can't rule out ever getting color...buuuuut, probably won't. I love the way color looks on others, but aesthetically I guess I prefer either all color or all b&g rather than mixed and b&g suits me.
  7. Thanks, yeah I love Memoir. Shawn is great, as is Brendan Rowe. Shawn came up with the idea to frame my little forearm owl in a playing card instead of covering it up. Your Tibetan skull is so good.
  8. good one, I just tagged my most recent cat pic #lastsparrowcats
  9. I like seeing the pics of all everyone's overall look, so here's my updated one: (ETA: now my right arm tattoo is going down farther than my left arm, so now I'm going to have to add more to my left. And so it goes...that's how they get ya.)
  10. I got some blackberries, leaves, branches, and another rose added to my arm yesterday (Kim Saigh at Memoir).
  11. omg @Lance! @DJDeepFried was just showing me those cats on ig yesterday. They are on YOU?! Of course they are. Awesome.
  12. ooh ooh, and I have my next appointment w/Kim on Friday. Last or second to last on this right arm raven/roses/jewels sleeve. @DJDeepFried just leaned over my shoulder and said, "Oh what are you writing? Like you're some big whoop." :D This is what it's come down to. Yes, I am a big whoop but I could never steal your Seth Wood thunder.
  13. @DJDeepFried, that would just be too sexy, I'm afraid. I'll have to wear jeans instead. ETA: Ok, so for the meet up...look for a blonde woman in jeans with a tall beardo in a fundoshi. That's us!
  14. ^^^I agree. People get what they like, love, or otherwise identify with regardless of it being "within their own culture" or not. One world.
  15. On my recent trip home I had the usual light-hearted debates w/my mom over tattoos. We were talking about me wanting to change schools and she said I couldn't get a job at another school w/these tattoos. I said that I keep them covered w/long sleeve shirts. She said, "You can't wear long sleeve shirts all the time in LA!" I explained that yes, I already do...we have air conditioning. Blah blah blah. So then later, she tells me that Adam Levine was voted the sexiest man alive. I asked her if she agreed with that assessment and she said, "Yes." I said, "But he has tattoos!" And she goes, "He's an entertainer, not a kindergarten teacher." Oh lordy. I knew she already had a double standard about it being more ok for men to have tattoos than women. Now I see, it's also ok if you are an entertainer. I told her he is a grown-ass man and I am a grown-ass woman and that my job requires me to be an entertainer most of the time, too. Then MIL told my hubby that if we keep getting tattoos we won't be able to move back to Boston. Oh parents. They are so silly. We are in our forties and these are the conversations we are having!
  16. Found out just before Thanksgiving that I got my National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification! It was a challenging 2-year process for me but one of the incentives to do it in my state is a pretty nice raise, so I'm really happy about it. It was a good experience, kind of like a master's program with no professors. Then our family went to MA and CT for a week to celebrate Thanksgiving & Hanukkah w/family. Fun times. Glad to be back where it's warm. I have some new stories for another thread...
  17. Maybe Tin Tin should just pack up his whole shop and move it to Los Angeles, you know, just in case! :-D
  18. On a positive note, I was getting my flu shot the other day and this woman in line behind me was like, "Oh my GOD, you have to see her tattoo!" She calls her husband or friend or whoever over and said, "Well I want one like that!" Then the guy giving the shot also complimented it. It was my tiger on my left arm.
  19. Nice! I am digging this by Thomas Hooper...only in my case if I did something like this I would have to stop at the wristbone:
  20. Cool! I would have just "liked" that but I'm on tapatalk and don't think that works. Anyway, look forward to seeing them.
  21. Would love to revive this thread...I don't have anything to add to it yet but would love to see more wristband/cuff tattoos. Not just traditional but any good ones. Anyone have any?
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