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Everything posted by Cork

  1. Jesus was the first tattoo recipient. Haven't you seen the famous pictures of those big old fashioned needles that they used to tattoo his hands and feet?
  2. I don't have any idea what it's supposed to mean, but I have always liked that hand with the fire at the finger tips.
  3. @CercleRouge are you hitting the thighs or just stopping at the butt?
  4. I'm no expert, but that tattoo artist looks pretty solid to me. What are you going to be getting?
  5. Killer tattoos everyone! @introspect and @DevilMan being my favorite so far for obvious reasons. @hogg should have done more front squats and that tattoo could have been much bigger! @jade1955 that is ballsy. Awesome tattoo.
  6. Instagram filters will be the downfall of society.... or at least good tattoo photography.
  7. Haha, I feel you on that one! I only have the 3 sessions down and I am sort of looking forward to the next session but not incredibly enthused like have been for all the others. You just have to grind it out. Looking forward to updates. If I'm not mistaken, Gogue said on his Instagram that that back piece is that guy's first tattoo? I'm always impressed by people who do that.
  8. This thread has been too quiet lately with regards to personal progress. Anyone have something coming up? I'm not due until September 2nd.
  9. Another Dana Helmuth creation. Just up on his IG. .@danahelmuth | Webstagram - the best Instagram viewer
  10. My oni is also red, great choice! I've never had an issue with that color.
  11. @DevilMan what do the tags mean? I thought usually it was the artist's signature, but your tags are all different, yet the artist was the same.
  12. Snatch grip deads are ROUGH. I had them in my routine for about a year and my upper back never got used to them. I've been going strong in the gym still. It's been tough with consistency since healing my back piece sessions have been slow going. I followed the Cube for about 1.5 years, but I think I am tossing around the idea of going back to 531 but adding in a strongman event day once I collect enough gear, since I now have room for fun implements :)
  13. I liked the tattoos. You should get them.
  14. Balance was foremost in my mind since the beginning. I'm a huge fan of the full Japanese styles, and body placement is a HUGE deal. I kind of started on my back piece sooner than I thought I would be able to, but it was definitely in my head as to what would go where, and how I would tie it all together once the back piece was in place. I never thought I'd be one to get a suit, but I think it would just look weird with empty space between my tattoos ;)
  15. Almost 2 weeks later, and my wind is finally healed. No more scabs. That sucked. Can't wait for healing 12 more hours of that!!
  16. Out of curiosity, what did you have lasered? @youthcrewalex
  17. I personally really like Dana Helmuth's snakes. I'm glad I got him to add one to my back piece.
  18. Whoever said you have to have a desk job to browse the oddities of the internet?
  19. This is the commiseration thread, you aren't allowed to demean me for crying and moaning!
  20. My lat feels like I lifted up my arm and let Mike Tyson go to town. So tender!
  21. Yeah I saw it, though I don't know what kind of importance that holds. He broke my tattoo hymen, but I haven't really kept in touch with him. I do want to get back with him in the future once my back is done. I figured there would probably be some better subreddits, thanks, I'll go check this one out.
  22. Really? I thought more people would know about it. Everything Tattoo
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