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Posts posted by Cork

  1. But isn't the traditional way of getting a Japanese tattoo to do it in short sessions? If you look on Horiyoshi 3's instagram there's a lot of 50 minute sessions and what not.

    You're right, his instagram has a lot of that. Don't know if it's part of the tradition though, or just something that he favors.

  2. It's hard to get a good picture because of my bulbous glutes. Another session down with Dana and I am so happy.

    The experience was pretty damn unique. My right side was done first, sometimes it felt light just like he was running a fine tip pen down the back of my leg, barely any pain at all. The butt crack however. Holy bejesus. It sapped my stamina big time trying so hard to not involuntarily flinch. By the time he got to the left side, I was done. Luckily he was fast as hell once we switched sides and it was done in no time at all. It was a real quick 3 hour session. Several flaming asshole jokes were made.

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