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Posts posted by irezumi

  1. Even more pivotal video was Ban This. The Frankie Hill segment especially; his part blew everyone's mind. Ramps were not always or easily accessible, and nobody had seen street skating like this before. Between Frankie's part and Ray Barbee's part this just made you want to go out and find a good curb or bank or stairs and kill it. This was being filmed in '88 & '89; crazy stuff for that time. Shit, still is. If me or my friends did half of these tricks on a session today it would still be awesome.

  2. it's fine I'm sure, it doesn't look infected just healing slowly; I'd tell you if it were a concern. Some new tattoos on some people just get a milkyish appearance for a few days or weeks. It's brand new skin growing back just like any normal scrape that has 'baby skin' after the scab comes off. I've seen some reds look pink after the peel but come back to vibrant red by the 3rd week or so.

    Best advice is to just apply the aftercare religiously just as usual. It's a couple of weeks old I'm guessing? Motor City con from your description of recent show in Detroit? I'd say wait a full 4 weeks from the day it was done, and then evaluate what it looks like.

    I do NOT recommend asking a doctor for advice. Trust me on this; all too many times I have seen a doctor jump the gun on a slow or poorly healing tattoo (out of pure ignorance is all) and take drastic measures when all it might need is some time to settle down and then evaluate. Some lady got a red reaction (not an infection) on her foot and instead of coming to us to see what we thought she went to a doctor and he gave her a dermal abrasion. It sounds almost as bad as it looks now. Just a horrible spaghetti looking scar now when it could've just waited out a month and then touch it up.

    As far as your tattoos not healing like that; everybody's body is different and heals at a different pace.

    looks like Graeme summed that up shorter and faster than I did while I plunked out that reply on my keyboard. #beatmetoit

  3. I don't think I've actually been on a skateboard since high school. I think about starting again from time to time, but then I remember that I'm old and my body hurts at the best of times as it is.

    Including myself we have four 40+ skaters from our shop that still go to local skateparks on the regular. Still ripping. Liquigels homie. That's the magic right there. Oh and wristguards too..... I need my hands and wrists.

    Joel long does a mean frontside smith is all I'm gonna say for now.

    - - - Updated - - -

    This whole Blind video was crucial at that time

  4. It's clear you don't want any advice or input from anyone on anything, unless it's reinforcing what you already think or believe... your other posts in other threads also make that plainly clear. So, don't listen to the great advice you were given in other threads, don't listen to any give to you here. If you care about tattoos and quality, you should learn terms to imply that you do. Otherwise, it seems like you don't. And from everything I've read, it seems that you don't really, although you sure think you do.

    Yeah at this point I see someone who clearly has no intention of listening to well-given advice and continues to act like an ass with little respect towards the community or the people involved in it.

    Stop giving this idiot advice and let him continue to use words and phrases like gun and 'get your ink game up' so that any professional tattooer can see the kind of moron they are dealing with.

    You have completely exhausted any sense of patience and help or advice I have for anyone at all much less on the internet. This is where I tell a customer "it's clear you are in the wrong shop. I'm sure you will find someone out there that will give you what you want. Good luck and good bye."

    It's clear you are on the wrong forum. I'm sure you will find plenty of forums on the Internet that will tell you the advice you want to hear.

    You know, one of the only reasons of giving someone like this much time and patience is only because Ian recently made a post about how we need to be kinder to new people here. It's hard to be nice to people and give this much credit when they act this stupid.

    "This why we can't have nice things"

  5. I've gotten four tattoos at Tattoo Paradise and can highly recommend the shop! Scott M (who doesn't work there anymore but is guesting there sometime now or very soon) and Dave Cavalcante have both worked on me. It's a clean shop and the guys and gals are fun.

    Seconding and thirding Lil Dave. Awesome dude, great attitude, solid tattooer.

  6. Just use the first line. The rest of it is something you can know for yourself or tell someone if you feel like it. But that phrase alone can convey the idea of all of the rest of the text without suffering aesthetic design of the tattoo. I'd also suggest not using a silhouette outline. I can't think of anyone with a silhouette for more than a few years I've talked to or worked on that was still happy with it 5+ years down the line. The question always is "what can you do with this?"

    In my opinion 4 words in a banner or two & an image is a concept to work with. Any more than 4 words is usually pushing it, again in my opinion. As always everything is case by case.

    Solid advice by Graeme also^

  7. If everyone here, including several well-rounded tattooers, are giving you the same advice worded slightly differently each time I would have say that the answers are not going to get much different.

    Telling people that they are wasting their time and effort trying to give you sound advice in a thread asking for advice just because it's not what you want to hear is kind of a dick move.

    All in all, the BEST advice here is to go into a shop whether it's this artist or a different one, and go with them. We have given you some ideas and advice and that was the point of your thread. Take it from here and seek out a consultation in person with an artist.

  8. Yes I am a tattooer, as is David and Stewart. In all honesty I think they gave the best advice here in regards to putting better tattoos around it and it will eventually just be part of a big collection. Salvageable meaning to try to rework it? I would avoid doing that. For just one reason of several I'd have to point out that the red/black ratio in the part you are talking about will no longer be 50/50 in that spot ( consistent with the other shapes) to more like 70/30 black/red and that's gonna look worse in my opinion.

  9. @Matthew Thomas, I think everyone here is giving fairly solid advice. I understand that some if it isn't what you want to hear, but sometimes there is only so many options. I tell people the news they don't want to hear all the time and it's not to crush their dreams but to be realistic about what can be done. My objective is to make it look like it's not a coverup at all.

    I didn't read the entire thread so I'm not sure if this has been mentioned already or how in depth your own knowledge of blasting over is; the new tattoo to cover the old one will almost definitely be substantially larger than the original one in order for it not look like a murky blob in the middle of an otherwise well done tattoo(most of the time that is, obviously everything is case by case). Only black ink can cover black ink. In order for there to still have contrast of light vs dark (we don't want just a solid black splat with a little color or light shading around it) the new one needs to have more room to hide the old one. Good example: we can't adequately hide a stamp with a matchbook. There simply isn't enough room. Hiding a stamp in a flash card, well that is certainly opening up the options of what can be done to make it look like it was never there.

    With how much black is in your star (and red in this case) it's gonna be a pretty big tattoo. Which is awesome. My only point here in my post is to bring this up and if it's been mentioned already then it's my fault for not reading every post and spending so much time typing in a damn screen. Lately Siri has been making me sound drunk or uneducated.

  10. I wasn't trying to say don't use this or that someone is wrong for doing so or anything like that; pretty sure I did say it seems like a decent product. The word gimmick was not used in a negative light or intended to be taken in a way as negative; just that some methods that have always worked over time still will.

    And I'm the first one to say that everybody heals different with different methods. I've skinned the cat 20 different ways and they all work. Some are better with some people than others.

    Perhaps music media was a poor example; media has decreased in sound quality with each new advancement in technology for the sake of making it convenient. Analog tape is still the best but the most impractical. I wasn't trying to make it sound like this is worse because it's newer.

  11. Has ANYBODY noticed a single drawback of using -derm products? I am really starting to wonder how this isn't industry standard at this point...

    Because some things don't really need to change regardless of new gimmicks. This seems to be a decent product but to say this is the end-all of tattoo healing procedures would be like saying that the MP3 is the end-all of music media. Vinyl still works fucking great.

  12. If you have a slot booked with an artist who has a long waiting list and then you require some redrawing that means it doesn't get completed in your booked slot, what happens then? Is it likely that they'd book you in for another session in the near future or would you have to go back on the waiting list? What about if you've travelled a long way? Or do artists usually factor in redraw time when they book slots?

    I think most of these are case-by-case scenarios, and no clear answer for you, sorry. A lot of variables are involved, and any number of situations could take it in any direction.

    Yes it's possible you might get re-booked for a later session depending on to what extent changes need to be made, amount of scheduled time, whether or not or other clients are after your appointment, whether or not the shop and tattooer has flexible hours if re-drawing takes a significant amount of time etc etc.

    I'd say most of the time changes are minor and take relatively little time especially if the tattooer has drawn it a few times already before even seeing the client.

  13. Keepcalm, it's entirely possible you won't be a lucky as to have an artist or situation where you feel you don't need some input. Like above people said, personally I have never changed a design simply because I approached them for their style.

    99% of most clients are not like that. That's a special breed. Ok maybe 97%.

    I have been stuck redrawing something a bit too many times and it does get aggravating in some cases. It happens but thankfully not often. It's kind if part if the deal; we try to make you what you want, with the exception of professional judgement calls of technical aspects such as design structure. But if it's as simple as "I'm not sure I like the way those wings look, it's too ____ for me" then it's part of the job to try to make it more appealing to you, without the ego of "this is what I wanted to do so that I can get a picture of it.". I would rather re-draw the wings and make you happy than have you go to a different shop later and say "this isn't what I wanted".

    The other day I drew up a bird and roses and banner for someone brought in some shitty JPEG that they liked. I took down what they wanted, made an appointment, and then spend some time making a drawing for that tattoo. When he came in for a follow-up before the actual tattoo he looked at it and I could tell something bothered him. Apparently the bird I used (thanks Jerry) wasn't to his liking, he wanted it closer to the lame one on the JPEG. To me it looked rad because it was a classic looking bird. To him he just wanted a different style, and there's nothing wrong with that, it's just a matter of personal taste. I was a little bummed, but I gave him the kind of bird he wanted. And he left super happy. Which means he'll be coming back and bring his friends and maybe one of them want the 'cooler' bird.

    Don't be scared to speak up. You live with this tattoo until you're dead. I will see that tattoo maybe once in my life at the most. You should be comfortable with what you wear, I often hear that they didn't want what the artist wanted to do. Well if you don't speak up then it's not our fault!

    Be assertive and make sure that if you don't like it then don't get it.

    Edit; Siri made all kind of blunders here, Apologies for odd sentence structure or the use of wrong words.

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