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Everything posted by Hogrider

  1. I haven't seen this before. I have outlines that will rise for a few minutes to a few hours, but nothing permanent.
  2. Wear sleeveless shirts. Seriously, you're over thinking this. Get the tattoo you want and don't worry about the rest. Make sure you get referrals and see previous tattoos in the same style by the artist. Don't go to an "I can do every style" tattooer. NOBODY does every style well. Go to the people that specialize in the style you want.
  3. Unless it’s oozing and very sore I wouldn’t worry about it, but there is no reason NOT to contact your artist if you’re worried.
  4. And you came here for???? I love it when people ask for advice and then do what they were going to do anyway. Hope it works out. I’d be concerned that the artist will need to cut corners to get it done cheaper, but who knows.
  5. OK, well there you have it. In that case my advice is the same. 🙂
  6. I'll make is simple. No matter how you describe this situation, no one that has any extensive work is going to say it's OK to confront your artist. An estimate is and estimate, it's not a guaranteed contract. She misjudged the amount of work. What would you like her to say???? What could she say that would make this alright? Better to be mad about the cost than mad because you got a shit tattoo. I wouldn't want someone rushing through my tattoo because I was complaining about the cost.
  7. Here's the big question - are you happy with their work? If so, go ahead and finish it up. You said you would have been OK with an extra hour or two; well the extra four hours is only two more than the two you already would have been OK with. I'd either keep quiet and get it finished or go elsewhere. Nothing good is going to come from trying to bargain down the price.
  8. This is not a forum for scratchers. Read the forum rules.
  9. What @oboogiesaid. You want to put the least possible amount on it. Too much is worse than too little.
  10. Read the forum rules. This is not a forum for tattooers looking for advice. This is a forum for people that get tattoos.
  11. Try the search function. There are a lot of threads on this. I forget what causes it, but I don't think it's serious. I think you'll need to go to a dermatologist.
  12. We like to discourage scratchers. 🙂 If you bothered to read the guidelines you would know that it is NOT what this forum is for. Maybe Scratchers.com.
  13. More likely your aftercare product. You just need a little. The goal is to keep the skin from drying out, not drown it. Try a little cocoa butter. Emphasis on a little. Too little is better than too much.
  14. Dermatologist 1 - The skin is rejecting the ink and do what? Nothing? It's very rare to have an issue with black ink. If your body is rejecting the ink, why just in that little spot? I don't think they know what they are talking about. Dermatologist 2 - "I talked to another dermatologist about it. They told me it was fungal infection but I was wary because another topical corticosteroid was given (this time for fungi). " So what did you do? Did you use the cream? I'd get an appointment with a dermatologist that you can go and see. See if you can find someone with experience treating people with tattoos.
  15. I'd contact the artist and let them know what happened. I'd probably go back, just for continuity. I would give it at least a couple of months to heal though. If they have a good reputation and you didn't notice anything shady going on, I'd give them the benefit of the doubt.
  16. Yea, the ribs are no joke. 200+ hours in the chair and the only time I ever said "STOP" was when he was honking on the ribs.
  17. The lower back and love handles are no fun.
  18. I'd wait until it's healed so you actually know what it's going to look like before I start looking at having it "fixed." How exactly is the other artist going to "fix" it? I've seen more tattoos that look worse after they are fixed than better.
  19. When someone threatens me with a lawyer, I know they are full of shit and stupid.
  20. No you can't "fix" it and it didn't move. It's ink under your skin, it doesn't move. Calm down and think! Don't tell everyone you know how much it sucks because no one will notice except you anyway. It's not on a piece of paper! Your skin moves and as your skin moves, the ink embedded in your skin will move. That's a nice tattoo. If I was a Tattooer and someone gave me grief about that I'd tell them to take their business elsewhere.
  21. And he last visited November 2019 after a total of 3 posts in 2014.
  22. I think I'd follow the doctor's advice. What's your plan if she turns out to be right?
  23. Try the search feature. There are 2 or 3 of these threads a week and there is only one answer - tattoos take 4 - 8 weeks to heal and you don’t know what it’s going to look like until it’s healed. Blow outs can’t be fixed anyway so no point in fretting over it.
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