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Dan S

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Everything posted by Dan S

  1. Dan S

    Dr Martin

    I guess there aren't a whole lot of watercolorists reading, Doug, mayhap it would be best to just go for the basic 12-pak and work from there? Anyhow. Hope you find whaat you're looking for.
  2. @Duffa, looking thru his portfolio online, man, some amazing stuff there...and hey-wallaby's are cheap!
  3. AS long as no wallaby were injured during it's production...
  4. Kool story? Ya mean he DID make yer tribal more tribal?!?!?!?!? Just checked that FB page, man, they do some sweet work there-looking forward to seeing yours!
  5. Welcome to LST, Michael! Hope you enjoy the forum and it's members-lotsa trip stuff on here.
  6. Yeah, Nick liked it, too...sent him the link this morning, and got a mail-back most rickey-tick, laffing.
  7. My last piece is just about healed, only a few funky spots left...guess that means I have to start figuring on when to go back down to start sleeving my left arm. Decisions decisions!
  8. @Musashi, yeah, you got my heart started this morning! Glad you had such a good experience with Nick, and the work looks great! Shit, he even puts up with my kids leaning over his shoulder to watch and me moaning and groaning! And I sent him a link to this so HE can have a heart attack too!!!!!
  9. I'm thinking maybe some collage art of fallen scabs...got to be SOME use for them other than littering the bathroom floor! I can always tell which section is healing by what color scabs are on the drain after my shower. Now maybe THAT'S something a non-apprenticed type "artist" could do to get into the tattooing world!
  10. @Jade 1955, truly a righteous trip there, my man!
  11. I never listened to any Public Enema, but I bet John Wayne woulda motherfucked HIM!
  12. Fucking-A Kee-rect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Kneepads, son, kneepads! I have aset of SWAT entry-gear knee/shin/instep protectors that I use sparrring that are outstanding. Fully suspended shell, shock absorbing lining, you could kneel on the deck holystoning all day and never notice it. And from the way my knees felt, I ain't EVER gon touch 'em up!
  14. And I might find out about that language thing. My cousin lives in Moscow, married a Rooskie, and after looking through Den Yakovlev's work, I do believe I might have to take her up on her offer of a couch anytime. Just incredible, bout all I can say about the work I saw. Hope he can speak either some German or some American.
  15. You must not be old enough to remember the real Elvis. The movies? Of course they're corny-you don't actually think he set out to find an artistic masterpiece, do you?! Col. Tom said, "sign here, boy, and you'll make another million", so he did. Just like you or I would. As far as stealing wholesale from blacks, no more so than Blacks stole wholesale from Whites. You need to do some real research into who was making what kind of music back then before you make statements like that. There were Black and White influences crossing over ever which way in ever style of music, from the Blues to R&B, to pop, to Gospel, you name it. Hell, one of the biggest names in "racist music" wrote tunes in Cajun French that charted Gold in Canada. Everone stole from everone. Oh, and he wasn't Led Zeppelin with a pompadour, Led Zeppelin was Elvis without the Pompadour...or the voice. At any rate, if it wasn't for L.Z., and a few other Brit band, many of the str8-up old-time bluesmen would have faded off into obscurity. At lest they got a shot at the recognition and money they deserved, and a lot of that was owed the exposure they got from Zep and company in the sixties and seventies.
  16. Never ran into it, but I've been able to get around language problems in my travels pretty well...I guess if you were working off his wall or portfolio, or had a pic you wanted copied, or could even start him with an idea and work with him on the sketch, you could handle it.
  17. I don't give a damn if a man has stacked hard time-I think you tend to meet a better class of person in prison! Really, if he's done his time, and as long as he isn't short-eyes or like that, so what? I guess the only other beef I would have would be if he was a commie P.O.S.
  18. Good luck with all that. It doesn't take any courage to be a hack, just the lack of understanding of what is going to happen when one of your "clients" ISN'T happy about some of you work that isn't "fantastic".
  19. I'm thinking that a beautiful young Lady shouldn't give a damn what OTHER people think of her tattoo, as long as she likes it herself.
  20. "Leader of the Railroad Over the Storm" Ain't it wonderful what a coupla misplaced letters will getcha?!
  21. I'll get all picky n shit... Obersturmbannführer was an SS Field-Grade officer rank, roughly equivalent to a Lieutenant-Colonel, so no, he wouldn't have wanted his face shown or his name known!
  22. Why don't you try being upfront about what you want? Instead of going in, telling whoever that you're just shopping around, then laying it on them that you're scratching, just walk in and say "hey, I've been trying to teach myself to tattoo, and it isn't making it. Is there any chance I could work-in any capacity-here?" People dig honesty, and IDK, I get totally the ass when someone tries to piss in my ear and tell me it's raining.
  23. Dan S


    Welcome to LST, Sam, I hope you find enough interesting threads to keep you busy reading and thinking as I have!
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