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Everything posted by Devious6

  1. Devious6


    Welcome to the forum...but to get any feedback we'll need to see some pictures.
  2. Neither an artist nor having tremendous knowledge of the industry I can only offer my welcome to the community.
  3. 61 here, and just got my 2d tattoo yesterday. Never too late. Welcome to the forum!!
  4. Got this today - crappy picture so it's hard to see the colors. I'll post a better pic tomorrow after it is a bit less irritated and in better light. This is my 9/11 Pentagon survivor nod. I had the artist perch the eagle on a pentagonal-shaped piece of rubble. Had originally wanted to have the date 9-11-01 in the center but, after getting feedback here, decided against it. I'm glad I left it out. I asked him to create some clouds and show the sun beginning to peak out - really based on my desire to speak to the focus on the future and not just the event itself. I was very, very lucky to survive that day - this piece has much meaning.
  5. Make sure you listen to your artist. He/she will give you instructions on aftercare as well. My only alteration was to use Aquaphor instead of A&D for the first few days - and VERY light is truly the key for both the Aquaphor and the lotion until you are healed and the peeling and any scabbing is gone. Your skin needs air to heal - one of the major factors behind the many folks who advocate for a dry heal. Whatever you wear it should cover the tattoo to protect it from the sun and the poking of curious people, but not be constricting or chafing. I'm scheduled to be in the chair on Saturday so I'll be right behind you in the healing process!! Enjoy the experience!
  6. Want to know what 1000 backpacks filled with school supplies destined to be given to needy elementary and middle school children look like? Here they are Our College's Registrar Office has been doing internal fundraisers for the past 4 years to fund giving the backpacks out - as well as other supplies when possible - to schools that have needy students. We started with one 3rd grade class and are now up to 3 schools and multiple classes in each. We've given out over 450 backpacks so far this year. But, a local church, Parker Hill Church, contacted us recently to say they wanted to help. Today, the delivered 1000 backpacks filled with supplies. This will allow us to outreach to schools that surround our 4 extension campuses - something we've not been able to do before. It took about an hour for us to carry them in to the storage room - but what an experience. If this doesn't put a smile on your face, nothing will.
  7. I would have to disagree. My experience has been totally the opposite - people have been helpful and tolerant. Again, this is a tattoo forum. People who frequent it tend to be passionate about tattoos and that sometimes leads to strong opinions and discussions. In the end, though, it's a personal decision as to how much stock one places in another's opinion or idea. I have only one tattoo - and it is not of the prevalent style. No one has ever made me feel unwelcome.
  8. Devious6

    Hi :)

    I love that hawk! We had a red-tailed hawk hanging around our farm today. We have them here often. What a wonderful way to remember your Dad.
  9. Devious6

    Hi :)

    Welcome to the forum!!
  10. @otisc Awesome! How is the heal process on this phase?
  11. Your own statement identifies the source of the conflict. You state "I'm not a big tattoo person." This is a tattoo forum - would you not expect to find people with passion and strong opinions? I only have one tattoo yet I have found this group to be nothing but helpful and informative. It's not about what you have or want, it's about how you interact with the group. In the end, your decision about your tattoo is just that...yours. Get what you want/like, not what someone else does. People here have given you their advice and suggestions. Go with what makes you happy.
  12. Based on guidance from the wise folks here, I deleted the text from my next piece. I'm thankful for the wisdom.
  13. Looks to me - admittedly a relative newbie - that you are using too much ointment on it. hat are you putting on it? An ointment or a lotion? Let it dry out for a few days and see how it looks.
  14. I was too often at the Donut Bar...and the Ice Cream Bar. That was my problem.
  15. Welcome to the forum!!! This^^^^^^^
  16. Thanks to an unusually hard work-out while crewing a hot air balloon flight last evening and even with a post-flight splurge of a small cup of ice cream at a local dairy, I hit my intermediate goal of losing 30 pounds this morning. Only 2.5 more and I will be at my target weight....at least for now. Maybe I'll shoot for my high school weight instead of my Army weight.
  17. Ooops. Sorry for the spolier!! I set the DVR to record it....and then decided to watch it anyway. My wife even watched it, too. She said she liked it - but hated the many commercials for horror movies. Lynn's idea of a suspense-filled thriller is any Doris Day movie.
  18. Did anyone else watch the Season 8 premier of Ink Masters last night? Team Peck's first pick was Ryan Ashley Malarkey - she is a local artist here in my area. And, just to make me feel old, she went to high school with one of my nieces. I actually checked her booking schedule about a month ago - closed until sometime late fall to begin booking for next year.
  19. Knowing that I always have an allergic reaction to surgical tape - even if I wear it for just a few hours after a blood draw, etc. and reading these comments convinces me I need to stay away from the Saniderm approach as much as I'd like to try it.
  20. Went out to buy some new suits for work today - that in itself is not awesome...but I have now lost almost 30 pounds and when I found that I am able to wear a size smaller and a slim fit suit well......I'm feeling pretty awesome. I couldn't wear a slim fit when I was in College...and next year will be my 40th college reunion.
  21. Ugh. They love me already - hopefully most will be gone up here by mid-September!
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