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Everything posted by oboogie

  1. You need to talk to an artist who specializes in coverups. We are mostly collectors here. It will have to be large and a lot of black to cover that up. A black panther maybe? 😉
  2. oboogie


    It's all good. Looks fine to me. Don't worry about what others think, as @Hogridersaid.
  3. oboogie


    He's back. HAHAHAHA.
  4. Give it time to heal. Keep it dry and clean.
  5. People like this dumbass always come back. Hope he stays away. Bye, fuckface!
  6. It almost looks like an ingrown hair or something? I don't know. But yeah, I bet it'll clear up before too long.
  7. Thanks, guys. l obviously I need to apply it myself the next day. The artist had been applying it for me.
  8. Why does mine always come off? It never stays on four days or a week for me. It always ends up leaking, and I have to remove it.
  9. Looks good. Glad you like it!
  10. I don't know what this means. You have a blowout.
  11. It is blown out. the skin on the wrist is really thin, and it is not unusual for art with thin lines like that to blow out in that location. The top layer of skin does grow over it, so yeah. That's correct.
  12. Same here, @Hogrider. I trust my artist, and both of my sleeves were designed by him with pretty much no input from me.
  13. I would talk to a trusted tattoo artist and let them work something up. We are all collectors here, not artists. Plus, any decent tattoo artist will want to draw something up themselves, not have someone come in with random ideas from strangers. Just tell your artist what you want and let them have a go.
  14. I think you should just get more tattoos and not worry about it. Do you know how much laser treatment costs? Do you know that it hurts far more than getting a tattoo? You are assigning way too much meaning to it. Just live with it and find a new tattoo artist for your next one.
  15. Yeah. I reported his bullshit post as spam. Eventually you'll stop obsessing and just get tattooed. Life is too short.
  16. Blowout. Don't go back to that artist.
  17. Thanks. Steve! This is a great start! You're right, @Hogrider. It's an excellent idea.
  18. Oh, my god. Yes, please. It's the exact same question over and over and over and over and over. They probably still won't read the pinned thread, but it's worth a shot.
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