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Everything posted by oboogie

  1. Yikes. Well, if that's what you were going for it, then well done? 🤣
  2. You like what you like. I think both of those are hideous and awful, and I would never want them, but you are the one who has to live with them, so if you like them, fine. To me, the above is a piece of spinach with a face. As for not liking traditional tattoos, I can't help you there. I love them, and when well done, they are much more appealing as a rule than either of the two you've posted. To each his own.
  3. I can't speak for Dan, but in my opinion, that isn't a very good tattoo. Just find another artist.
  4. It's fine. It's still healing. Just quit putting anything on it, keep it clean, and let it heal.
  5. I'm glad you appreciate my honesty. I just meant it in a kind way. I don't want you to upset yourself or worry about something until you make yourself sick. But you are right, only you can decide. Good luck!
  6. We aren't doctors. Go see your doctor. My elbow was swollen for a while, but it didn't look like that.,
  7. People with your kind of anxiety probably shouldn't get tattoos. You are making ME uncomfortable with your obsessing. Seems like a really bad idea.
  8. I really don't know why you are coming out swinging for Dan. He's absolutely right. P.S. The fact that you think jailhouse tattoos look like American traditional tattoos tells me everything I need to know about you. 🙂
  9. No. It's a hideous pile of shit. There's no arguing on that. @Gingerninja is 100% correct.
  10. The truth is that both of your tattoos will fade anyway with no black outlines. They will probably both just be blobs of colors in a few years.
  11. It would be much bigger, darker coverup. It is possible, but it won't be a watercolor.
  12. Another little filler I got this week — Radiant Baby by Keith Haring. Erik Albright is my go-to Haring filler guy!
  13. Just leave it. You can always cover it later. It’s fine. Don’t add white. That will result in making it absolutely awful.
  14. Quit obsessing. It looks nice. That's the only advice I have.
  15. It's not a great drawing. But talk to another artist about your ideas and let him draw it up. Don't even show him what your friend did. Just see what happens.
  16. The same thing happens when I use Saniderm. Your tattoo will be fine. Those will go away. Don't worry about it.
  17. You can always get it touched up. Locations of the tattoos mean they heal at different rates. My legs take longer to heal than my arms.
  18. I have sinus infections about once a quarter. I've been sick when getting tattooed, after getting tattooed, before getting tattooed. It doesn't make any difference to how my tattoos heal.
  19. This. My tattoos are just nice. I like tattoos, so I get them. They don't have to mean a damn thing. As @Hogrider said, you are not a good candidate for tattoos if you are obsessing, thinking, doing over, worrying, and creating drama over your tattoos. I get a tattoo, then I look forward to getting the next one. That's it. It's not world-changing. They are tattoos, they are optional, and I really think you should steer clear. It shouldn't be this hard. Honestly. The angst is unnecessary.
  20. Just add art around them. It's a really nice grouping.
  21. I’d suggest you do it legally. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t know Canada’s visa situation, but do your research. It’ll be a big waste to fly over and only to be turned around and sent home.
  22. Yes. I'm much older than you. And no, nothing is taking away from my tattoo. I like it much better than any of the ones you liked on the sheet. Hahaha. 🙂
  23. It's nice. Just leave it. You didn't speak up, and what's done is done.
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