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Posts posted by CultExciter

  1. Obit:

    Martin T. TRIBBLE Obituary: View Martin TRIBBLE's Obituary by Daily Press

    It's funny. They leave out so much. So much of the crazy shit we did when we were 23 years old. The stupid hardcore bands. The stupid drugs. The stupid nights getting shit-faced on the worst malt-liquor. And repeating it every night over a summer when you had a shit job and you weren't worried about anything else. But, I suppose, it really wasn't stupid at all when you were having fun.

  2. I should also mention, Marty was an apprentice for a short time. He put some of the shittiest tattoos on himself, which, if you knew him, was just his style.

    He also had some of the oldest Brian Bruno tattoos I had ever seen on his legs. Sigh.

  3. I lost a friend over the weekend. Marty was brilliant and he was also a mess. He told stories that were almost never true, but he also had a kind and empathetic heart. When he listened to you, you knew he was listening. Not sure why I am posting it here...some sort of memento mori, or epitaph? Not sure, I just wanted to let the world know that I loved my friend.


  4. BRIDGE9 BOARD! It's been years!

    It reminds me of the time Wes from American Nightmare punched me in the back of the head...with his nub.

    Also, in reading this, it make me think of the short-lived FX series Starved. Sigh, these should be my friends.

  5. I've always enjoyed the Philly convention for the things it is, and the things it isn't (ie, THE BEST SHIT SHOW ON EARTH). Richmond Convention is always hit or miss. I like seeing the people I know. I don't like seeing the people I do not know. As they say, things ebb and flow...who knows what things will be like five years from now.

    Coleridge said it best:

    “The fair breeze blew,

    The white foam flew,

    And the forrow followed free.

    We were the first to ever burst into the silent sea.”

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