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Our Endless Days

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Everything posted by Our Endless Days

  1. god damn, @Mr. Smith, that is so fucking awesome. how many hours have been put into that?
  2. one of my favorite threads on the board. keep this shit going! - - - Updated - - - one of my favorite threads on the board. keep this shit going!
  3. saw that steve byrne one yesterday i think. so awesome.
  4. I haven't been posting here all that long, but this site has become one of my favorites. There are a ton of really nice people that post here and make this place great. Happy freaking birthday.
  5. If anyone follows Chad Koeplinger on Instagram, he recently posted an awesome ass panther head and a snow leopard head.
  6. yo Jo Jo, that article you wrote for TAM was cool. just saying.
  7. other than this being totally badass, any other perks to being a member?
  8. vintage tattoos: the book of old-school skin art by carol clerk
  9. there was a piece of flash hanging on the wall in between where Valerie and Stewart tattoo. it's a battle royale sheet. i'm not 100% sure, but i think i saw that same pupper hanging on a wall at smith st. bummed her segment is over. it's great seeing people that are really talented, but still come off as humble, which Valerie and Stewart both do. hats off to you guys.
  10. @Dumpleton that's so awesome @jade1955 how'd that feel?
  11. only started using instagram so i can follow tattooers. realy couldn't give a shit what my friends are doing.
  12. These pictures are really bad, but this is what I got on Friday from Dan Santoro. The wrist sucked so badly. I got tattooed in all together for about 4 hours. By the end, I started to get the shakes like no man’s business. I’ll post better pictures when these pups are healed.
  13. @Mitch Wood Thanks, man. I’m bummed I didn’t get a better picture after I had gotten tattooed. They seem to be healing quite fast, so hopefully I can post some good ones when they heal.
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