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Everything posted by Delicious

  1. My bad I misunderstood you. let the death commence
  2. Um, dude, we agree with you for the most part, but Tim Hendricks is respected around here. Also, LET THIS THREAD DIE! Started by a troll, so let it die
  3. I like how Rihanna asked for the best tattoo artist in new york city, so this guy's friend, instead of sending her to a great tattoo artist, sends her to an average one because they are friends. Seriously?
  4. That guy gives me the douche chills. Seriously. Wtf? How is he gonna claim Valerie's work as his?
  5. @iowagirl, thats fucking hilarious. oh my god... love the stephen king reference
  6. Pandora opening her box would be cool... I just keep picturing a red head atalanta with the golden apples wearing a bear skin. gotta love her. Or arachne half woman and half spider. it would be the height of irony to put her on the same leg as athena lol. Either way I love your ideas, grew up reading the greek myths, the ones with the girls were my favorite. Especially Eros and Psyche, and Echo and Narcissus.
  7. Wow very cool @jitterbug! Hope all is well and that your baby is healthy - - - Updated - - - also I just realized, you have medusa and athena on each calf... you should totally get a atalanta or an arachne tattoo. Both include cool animals like your other two. (Though you'll have to wait until the baby comes)
  8. Then you could have sent the picture to them via private message. I've posted a picture of my sister's first tattoo on here, and when no one liked it or said anything, i didnt quote myself asking for more opinions on her tattoo. I refuse to say anything about the quality of your tattoo, because I dont want to be labeled as an elitist, but quoting yourself asking for opinions is kinda lame. Back to tattoos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. all of them. spill. we want pictures and names. part of the initiation ceremony. then we punch you ;) jk
  10. I too, like to watch having my blood drawn. Also, I donate blood as much as I can, excluding where having a new tattoo disallows me from it. It's a huge needle that goes into your arm, they roll the vein sometimes, and they take several vials before even taking the pint of your blood. The intial feeling makes me feel sick, and the feeling of a needle in your arm sucks... but it's odd and interesting to watch yourself lose a pint of blood. the tube that allows the blood to go into the bag gets warm from your blood, and it's like, what am I doing? Sometimes, its a little comparable to being tattooed. it's interesting and fascinating to watch, and painful, with great results. Lol except being tattooed doesn't almost make me pass out everytime.
  11. thats interesting that you dont want to to watch, if anything, I would love to, but the places where I have been tattooed, it's hard to watch them being done because of my positioning.
  12. I hear so often that "Im afraid of needles, I could never get tattooed" But, when you get tattooed, it's nothing like real needles. You cant really see a needle going in your skin, and it doesnt feel like getting a shot or blood drawn. Yeah, they are done with needles, but to me, the feeling and look of needles (as in dr's office type) vs a tattoo needle is completely different. Your thoughts?
  13. I asked my friend to go with me, so if we have the dinero/time, we're planning on going up. Hopefully it works out for us.
  14. i got super drunk tonight... feeling a little sick right now, but pretty much sober now. fuck I had sake bombs for the first time... amazing.
  15. So I just came back to this thread... man I fucking love lady head tattoos. So beautiful. I now have two, and idk, I thought about maybe one more in the future(way in the future), but when can one have too many lady heads?
  16. holy fuck, that dick tattoo is amazing.... though honestly, I dont think I could be with a man with his dick tattooed... any um, intimate moments, the dragon would be glaring at me. How did he deal with the pain? I wonder if it hurt more because he was uncircumcised? Idk I hope im not being too crass here.
  17. This is a tragedy, putting all these shitty tattoos on dumb ass girls, now they're branded for life, like cattle.
  18. So true!!! It's like the plain skin world decided that if we dare, as women, to get our chests tattooed, that it must fall within the realm of 'pretty and feminine'. I say fuck that. As long as it suits the shape of your chest, go for it.
  19. The worst part about getting tattoos is, as soon as you finish one, you are formulating for the next one. But I promised myself no more tattoos for a long time, simply because I'm 20 years old, already have 4, no need to go out and fill up my skin. Plus, I'm wondering if this is a phase I'll grow out of... I dont think so but just to be sure, I'm putting on the brakes. My sister, on the other hand, is chomping at the bit to get more, and I have my brother seriously considering them. It doesn't help that my friend (the one I have matching flapper tattoos with) just got a sick ass umbrella done on her arm right underneath where she put her flapper... My brain is going TATTOOS!!! While my common sense goes "Save your money, wait for months and months, look around, there's no rush"
  20. happened to me too. as hard as you try to stay still, its really hard not to. or uncontrollable charlie horses.
  21. Ok, I dont know if you all remember my thread, Fat people and tattoos, but ever since I have gotten more tattoos, I feel better about my body. No, it doesnt negate the fact that I am obese, but at least I have something on my body that makes me feel positive, instead of making myself feel like there is nothing good about me. Plus, people love my tattoos. gives me a little self confidence boost on the days I am especially hard on myself about my looks
  22. Idk, all the shops where I live will ask you how much you have to spend. So that they can work accordingly. They only have a shop minimum, not a price per hour. For example, I went and got my most recent tattoo, brought x bucks of bday money with me. They asked what I wanted, where, and how much I had to spend. I told them. I expected a small tattoo, because x bucks isnt shit. They gave me a very large tattoo, because they really wanted to do it. But, i wouldnt go in there and ask for a large tattoo, only having certain amount of bucks. I wanted something small, that would fall within the budget I had. They went above and beyond. The exception, not the rule. It's totally douchey to ask for something big and amazing when you have no money. I went in there expecting a palm sized tattoo, now I have one that takes up half of my calf. Btw, I totally swapped all prices paid with an X. as to avoid talking about price directly.
  23. Just felt an earthquake here in Northern CA. Luckily I was really really far away and so all we felt were shaking, and thats it. Made me seasick. The whole house shook but nothing else happened. It was a 5.7 earthquake up in Greenville. it's 193 miles away, so I cant believe we still felt it. Hate the seasick feeling. Hope everyone is ok there though
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