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Posts posted by Shaun1105

  1. Welcome to the forum!

    I hope you stick around and learn a lot about great tattoos. I do think it's important to say that you should really be learning the "basic information" from an experienced tattooer during your apprenticeship. Also I would say that getting tattooed is the first step towards becoming a tattooer. Second step? Getting tattooed some more.

  2. Afterthought: Any Canadian LSTers willing to send me some 50%or higher lidocane stuff? I buy, you ship to me?

    I'm totally willing to do this (and live close to the border/come over often for easy shipping), but I'm not sure where I get my hands on this? Regular pharmacy? Medical supply? From tattooers?

  3. I'll get tortured by butterflys ;) hard to imagine. We don't really has theye type of Christians here, I wonder where they get these ideas?

    I don't know that it's actually a belief of any Christians outside of this guy's church/pastor/mom, really. I've certainly never heard anything like it before and I've been a christian for over twenty years.

    As to where they got the idea - probably somebody had to come up with something to discourage kids other than a single old testament passage that immediately follows one saying don't cut your sideburns.

  4. A coworker once asked me: "aren't you afraid of what will happen in hell?" I asked for some clarification on this and he said " I was taught that what you have tattooed on you will be what you're tortured by in hell".

    At the time I had only an anchor and a flaming lantern, which I guess you could come up with some pretty inventive torture ideas with. I know some Christians are quite against tattoos, but that's some superstitious craziness right there (and I'm a christian!).

  5. Wow! Thank you Shaun. This is all i am asking. I want to make a tattoo design off the net. This design off the net is only to give the artist an idea of what i want. It is that simple. Yes i am looking for help. Not drama. Again Shaun thanks for the mature feedback.

    Thank you for your kind words. However, I was kind of trying to tell you NOT to do what you're trying to do. A great way to give your good tattooer - there are plenty in Dallas - an idea of what you want is to tell them at your consultation. They know what the US Flag and the Dominican flag look like. They will blend them the best way they can, or come up with even better ideas using images as @BrianH has done.

  6. I have had all my Dominican friends tell me it looks awesome as well as my wife and I think it looks great. And if you think it sux OH WELL. My feelings are not hurt.

    If you go and look at almost any mediocre tattoo on facebook you will find 10+ people saying how 'awesome', 'sick' or 'amazing' it is. The fact is that most people don't really know what a good tattoo looks like. Also, even if someone realizes a tattoo is kinda 'meh', it's hard to tell someone because it's on them forever.

    This forum is a place where people know what a good tattoo is, and for the most part aren't afraid to let people know. When people have a good attitude, we want to help them get the best tattoos possible. Step one is going to be going to a good tattooer - there are plenty in Dallas - and telling them your idea. Even if you can find a reference on the internet, most tattoos you see there (as noted above) are mediocre at best so there's not much point using them.

    And I'm glad your feelings aren't hurt. In the end, everyone will get the tattoo they want (and deserve).

  7. To be fair I really don't think he meant put duct tape right on the tattoo. More like using duct tape to secure a waterproof covering over top of it. Like one might do with a plaster cast while showering, for example.

  8. With 15 days of healing, you will be able to put sunscreen on it. You will be able to go into a pool or the ocean, and if it gets wet it won't hurt it (much), but don't soak it. So splashing around in with kids will be ok, or kind of just hanging out in a pool or whatever but actually swimming is not a good idea. The sunscreen should be considered protection while you are in the pool/ocean - and that time should be limited.

    You should have it covered the rest of the time.

    I'm basing the above opinion on my own experience. For my '1st Tat' I got it 16 days before going to Vegas. I put sunscreen on it and went in the pool, but kept my shoulder out of the water as much as possible, and stayed in the shade as much as I could too. My tattoo suffered no obvious ill effects.

  9. The tattoos I have so far have met my expectations by at least 200%. Everything has been beyond what I imagined and I can't imagine being only 90% happy with a new tattoo, even 99% would be a disappointment.

    Oh, I agree with you on that. Being less than satisfied would suck. What I meant was that for all my tattoos they are at least 10% different that what I had in mind initially; and as a result I like them even more than I otherwise would have.

  10. 90/10 sounds like about the right ratio. What fun would it be if we got tattoos that were EXACTLY what we thought they would be? I like that the artist adds their input (although surely you did see it as a stencil before it was applied??) and usually their opinion and changes is what makes your tattoo a better one than you otherwise would have gotten.

    Looking forward to seeing it.

  11. The June Tattoo of the Month contest winner is:


    ..with a very very nice Rock of Ages from Joe Ellis (post #3)

    Congratulations, you have won a free LST skull shirt!

    Please PM me the with your shirt size along with your address and I'll send it out right away.

    Thanks for everybody's participation in the June contest!

    Congrats @Shaun1105

    Thanks very much! I am extremely honoured to be this month's winner - there was some quality competition! To the guys who were within a handful of votes: @Killercook76 your dragon/tiger side piece is great. @Orangutango your Stefan Johnsson falcon is absolutely amazing! I'm a big fan of his work and would love to get something even half as cool from him someday.

    Thanks everyone for your votes and good luck to all July competitors. Keep getting great tattoos!

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