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Everything posted by Pleadco

  1. Pleadco


    Hey howdy hey, welcome to the site. LST is all about reaching out and touching as many people as possible.
  2. Pleadco

    Hey everybody

    Welcome to the forums, feed us pictures of tattoos and flash. Arrrrr!
  3. How is rob nowadays? I haven't seen him since 95' probably, and he always had trouble catching his breath, har. He'd sit there, skipping whole verses while all of this awesome stuff was going on behind him. That theater sounds sweet!
  4. My wife, "why suikoden?" Me, "because it's awesome!"
  5. I shall have a drink tonight in honor of your little family member. Here's to a kitty-life well spent with good people. Cheers.
  6. Saw this on reddit, by Becca at The End is Near, NYC.
  7. In the process of hunting down artists in the northwest who do Japanese traditional (for the purpose of eventually starting a back piece) I came across this gentleman from Vancouver, BC. http://www.waterstreettattoo.com/tattoos (Stace) A couple of examples.
  8. Hey howdy hey, welcome to the forums.
  9. My 9 year old daughter, after learning how much her grandmother hates tattoos, told me, "well, that's her problem then." :)
  10. Thanks @Hogrider for this one. "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" Has some great exercises for someone starting from scratch.
  11. I just picked up that one from the library. I really like it! Also another thread for beginners drawing. Drawing for beginners/trying to ejumicate yourself | Tattoo Advice | Last Sparrow Tattoo
  12. Heh, I love bologna, but I try not to feed it to other people. :)
  13. Its not from a lack of trust, but would you mind citing your source for this information? I've seen a lot of suicidal people at work, and most of them, male or female, aren't really worried about aesthetics when they are at that point of their life (at least those making serious attempts). I don't doubt the info, just curious :)
  14. If their last words were, "Teddy Roosevelt, sex machine." Then that would be awesome.
  15. Perhaps this is true, but from what I have seen most people here attempt to treat the art with respect. I can't imagine anyone here walking up to horiyoshi and yelling, "tat me up! I need to be sleevified bro!" I think the people who typically use certain slang aren't treating it with that same respect, and that is what is being criticized more than anything. Regardless, this is a safe place for sharing, and please forgive people for playing valley girl and poking fun.
  16. I admire very much his steadfast, calm, and focused nature. Thank you @Graeme for pointing me in this direction :).
  17. Was awesome hearing about Horiyoshi's early inspiration and really brought to mind how everything is interconnected. The zen philosophy on tattooing and life was mind blowing. I could listen to hours of him speaking. (smiles for days)
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