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Posts posted by Pleadco

  1. Well I am an artist after all and I think there is something deeply personal about designing your own tattoo. I want it at the base of my neck between my shoulder blades, I can hide it if i want or show it off. The artists in my area inspire me to be a better artist and to encourage myself to grow. The process of drawing, designing, and planning is a wonderful kind of therapy. Also I live in Upstate NY not the City, there are some great artists in the area but nothing like NYC.

    You could probably get your design tattoo'd on you by a random shmo, but I venture that you will learn a heck of a lot more by getting something designed by any of the great artists already listed in this thread. It will most assuredly be a humbling experience that will help you understand what it means to not only be a good artist, but a good Tattoo artist.

    Welcome to the forums!

  2. So here I am reviving an old thread. I would like to solicit your opinion on the breast question: to appreciate them bare, or to cover them up?

    I plan on putting this tattoo on my thigh, so it won't be seen by the general public, but I'm still curious.

    Your thoughts please...

    That really will depend on you. Some people would be embarrassed. Others would be willing to get a neck shunga.

    Boobies on a mythical creature would seem tame by comparison.

  3. Thank you for discussing what must be a sensitive topic for you. That takes some courage to ask for help, and shows more wisdom than was being used when you decided to tattoo yourself.

    A lot of people may look down on you, but this will serve as a warning for anyone who thinks doing stuff like this is a good idea. The only other positive thing I have to say is that you hopefully were only tattooing yourself.

    My suggestion would be to throw your "gun" away. Find and ask a good artist what you should do, and go from there.

  4. [ATTACH]11344[/ATTACH]

    Always been interested in Buddhism but never quite bought into some aspects. Heard this was good.

    Along a similar vein, although more of a philosophy, I enjoy appreciate taoism. One of my favorite books on the subject is "the Tao of Pooh."

  5. Been in correspondence with Rob Noseworthy Rob Noseworthy - @Robnoseworthy Instagram Profile - INK361 and just got an email that we will be starting my back in January! He's giving me the option of multiple sessions in a row if I want to cut down on travel.

    From all accounts he is an awesome guy, and I'm looking forward to visiting that beautiful area.

    I haven't been this nervous/excited since my first tattoo. Going to have to recruit the wife to take pictures of my bare back to send to him for reference tonight. That should be an interesting conversation. Hah.

  6. The best way to keep it from rubbing against your clothes is to cover with something that won't move. Either under armor type clothing, or saniderm/tegaderm/tatuderm. The derms will keep germs (and your picky fingers) off the tattoo.

    If those aren't an option, your best bet is just to leave it alone and let it heal. Don't start worrying about how it looks until it's fully healed

    Also, make sure to read the several pre existing threads on aftercare instructions on LST.

  7. Welcome to the forums. Please peruse the forum rules, and don't be shut about using the search button if you have any questions or concerns I.E. there are a ton of topics about after care, what makes a good tattoo, etc.

    Where are you going for your tattoo and what are you getting?

  8. @ttoosday , Please pardon me for being blunt, but the best thing you can do accept it and move on. We can't help or make suggestions unless we see it. For all we know it may be perfectly fine, and you are having tattoo remorse.

    It's not the end of the world, you can get it covered, lasered, added to, or just leave it alone and you might learn to love it.

    Expand your tattoo horizons. Spend some time here, listen, find a good shop, go get an awesome tattoo. I guarantee you will feel better.

    Unless you are a chronic sad-sack. Then we can't do anything for you. Cheers!

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