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Everything posted by Fala

  1. @Stewart Robson - it is nobody's business but your own what happens with your life and career. You don't have to explain anything to anyone about what, who, or why things are or are not happening with yourself, Valerie or anyone else for that matter. With that said, thank you for your openness!
  2. @Pugilist - good thing I'm not modest!!!
  3. @Graeme Too bad you don't have something lined up for when you are in NYC later this month! Reposted/stolen from Yoni's instagram: http://instagram.com/p/u9m5YGMGjb/ I don't know how to load a picture via instagram, sorry.
  4. I would have, but I just used my little bit of tattoo $ today :rolleyes: His work is so great.
  5. Post-outline, pre-shading for me today! I can't believe I remembered to take a picture!
  6. Koji is at NY Adorned this week @Cork ;)
  7. Just finished a session with Yoni at NY Adorned, will post a photo when I am less red and bloody! It's a wheel of life with lots of nice colors - oranges, blues, greens, reds. Super short 2.5 hour 1-off session, flew by save for my hip screaming at me for laying on it funny for that long. And dang is the fleshy bit near the hip the pits to have tattooed, I think I'd rather have my ribs tattooed again. Bummed that I don't have anything else planned with Yoni for a while.
  8. @ironchef - love the teal-blue-orange combo!!! Congrats on making it through two full days too!!!
  9. I am too @SeeSea - I get 10 days vacation right now and it is hell.
  10. Maybe you could try a benpathen patch test to see if you are reacting to that @roroarro? What about whatever you were using after the benpathen? Are you allergic to latex, or have bad reactions to plastics? What does your tattoo artist say?
  11. I keep returning to this thread, maybe I am a glutton for punishment but... I have a tattoo with a blowout that has lightened up over time, when it first happened I was like, "oh shit, that sucks. Oh well, nothing to be done about it now." I am pretty sure I flinched when it happened. Regardless of the imperfection (or the why of the imperfection) I LOVE that tattoo. I would not want to be without it, and I highly value the experience of both getting the tattoo and having the tattoo, and what the tattoo represents to me. I love everything about it - even the imperfections. Life isn't perfect, we aren't perfect, and it is a nice little reminder that things won't always be perfect (if you want to start getting all meta about it.) So, why bother posting in this thread again? @flowergirl - tattoos are permanent in that they will be in your skin until your body dies, they change (just like your body will change as it ages), accepting the imperfections in yourself (and your tattoos) shows a certain level of maturity, and pragmatism. So, by "dealing with it" you are sort of forced to accept and love yourself as you are, just like accepting and loving your tattoo for what it is. It can be hard, I know. Go to the thread on things you've gotten into since getting tattooed. Take care of yourself, take care of that tattoo, and if it is still bugging you in 3 months then go and talk to another tattooer about what you can do with it. There's really not much else to be said about the whole thing. The folks who posted were trying to help you understand the situation since your initial post came across as you needing the help. The people who are involved on this site are great people, have amazing tattoos, and are super knowledgeable about tattoos/tattooing whether they be tattooers or not. We spend our time on here, we don't get paid, we are here because we like the people and community here on LST. If you don't like it, or can't step out of yourself enough to see what kind of place this is, then you shouldn't be here. Period.
  12. That's fantastic SStu!!! If it weren't for you saying so, I would not have guessed that your recent acquisition is a coverup!
  13. Awww... you two are so cute! Husband is the one who chose Virginia (wisely, I might add), now we need to figure out the when since he keeps waffling and I kind of wanted his first tattoo to not be a couple one, you know?
  14. I need to get husband on board for the timing since this is going to be one of those couple-type tattoos and his first! ;) Maybe at the LST NYC gathering next month ya'll can work on him for me. Haha.
  15. How was the Virginia Elwood tattoo experience @CABS? I'm hoping for a tattoo from her in 2015, if I ever get around to emailing her!!!
  16. There's really not much else that people can add to answer your question, your question has already been answered and you've been given advice as to what to do next and you don't want to hear what people have to say. Yes the blowout (what your tattoo artist is calling migration) sucks, and aside from lasering or covering up/adding to your existing tattoo there is nothing that can be done by you, me, your tattoo artist, or anyone else for that matter. Deal with it.
  17. @SStu That's awesome! Love the dragon's antlers!
  18. 1. This is your first tattoo - relax. 2. This was done in September, it is now the end of October, why don't you wait a few more weeks and see what's happening? 3. Tattoos were never meant to be perfect, they are done on humans by humans. If you can't handle that, then well... 4. There's nothing that can be done to "fix" the tattoo as it stands now aside from lasering or covering it up (as others have said.) What are you expecting the tattoo shop/artist to do to fix it? 5. Don't go back to that shop, find somewhere else to go to next time. Ask for a recommendation here on LST! 6. I agree with SeaSee - if you are going to review a place, don't bother venting the back and forth, just post the photo as your review. That's all that people need to see.
  19. @daragao - as you look at the work these artists do on folks, you'll notice how smaller works are laid out differently than larger works, and that anything involving long lines takes up a larger portion of the body for more oomph and visual power. It is fine to have a meaningful tattoo, but remember to not let the meaning dictate the form. You want something that will work visually with your intended meaning, that may mean that you have to change the form. And, your tattooer will likely not care about your intended meaning; but he/she will care about making a kick-ass tattoo. So, my other bit of advice is to not get hung up on the meaning or the image, and to provide your tattooer with a list of ideas/images (high quality images) that represent what you are going after. Then, let the tattooer do their job and trust them to do a good job.
  20. I agree with Graeme. I'm really into Jondix's work right now. You might check out Kenji Alucky, Nazareno Tubaro, Garcia Leonam, and Roxx at 2Spirit as well.
  21. There's no such thing as perfection... All I read was that the artist is good, and happens to be fast (which I interpreted was an added bonus.)
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