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Everything posted by Dan

  1. yes,it's a perfectly normal and common feeling IMO, I have too many tattoos to count,and I still get that every time. relax,enjoy it,plan your next one. that feeling will go away.
  2. @Youngjason you are really way over thinking all this,if you want a touch up or re-work or change or whatever,just go get it done !
  3. it's never too late to touch up or rework a tattoo IMO. I had a 15yo tattoo reworked recently and it rocks again,even better than it did. and btw,6mo is barely healed.
  4. it's hard to tell now,wait til it's fully healed in 3 or 4 or 6 months,besides,there is nothing you can do now anyways ! I can't tell if it's blowout or not, for now,relax,enjoy it,take care of it,plan your next one,and wait and see what it looks like in 6 months. honestly it looks ok to me.
  5. Dan

    New tattoo

    there are too many variables with tattoos and healing,we all heal different,I always peel after using Saniderm,sometimes I scab,sometimes I don't.
  6. I like the genre/style of death tattoos, I have a grim reaper and a skull patch,and 3 other skull tattoos.
  7. sorry,I just saw your question, it was a great time,amazing food, a free open bar,music,and lot's of art and tattooed people.
  8. voting for the unofficial June 2017 rose tattoo contest
  9. looks fine IMO,except for maybe you are keeping it too wet with ointment,try something like fragrance free Aveeno,very lightly a couple time s a day.
  10. Dan

    I hate summer :(

    It's a little hot here right now in the hood
  11. @soosoosoo it looks like normal healing to me. in 3 or 4 months when it's healed,look at it again, for now,enjoy it and plan your next one.
  12. Alycia Harr invited us to this event tonight,she and Cory Norris and Eddie Zavala form Classic Tattoo are showing art at this event,(among many others)it's right down the street from our home,looks like fun. http://www.imperiousrextattoo.com/
  13. @soosoosoo good idea to stop using the vaseline, keep putting on light coats of the lotion and since the tattoo is so small,try some large bandaids for your days,take it off at home and wear loose clothing. go to a store and look on the side of this box and see if it's big enough to cover the tattoo. https://www.band-aid.com/durable-protection/tough-strips/extra-large-10-count or just wear really loose clothing ?
  14. looks fine to me for what it is,it looks straight to me.
  15. so entries are open for the UNOFFICIAL June 2017 tattoo of the month contest, for June it's "rose" tattoos, please post entries in this thread ,be sure to include artist name. I will make another poll thread around the 20th or so of the month to vote in, let's keep this alive,IMO it's fun. post your entries through the 20th. I will post a "Poll" on the 21st to start the voting.
  16. Dan


    ongoing for the tattoo IMO,use a daily lotion like Aveeno fragrance free,forever !
  17. looks like a normal healing for what it is to me,that's what happens to tattoos,they NEVER again look like they did the day they were applied. and also this new "water color" style does not hold up as well as bold saturated colors with outlines.
  18. where the F*** is this conversation started from ? I would like to see it,but I can't seem to find it, :( is it because I am an old guy ? edit: nevermind,I think it is just because I am a brainfarting old guy.
  19. welcome,it looks like it's healing fine to me,and I don't see any blow out.
  20. right on,remember that this black mostly thin lined tattoo will heal relatively fast,tattoos take months to fully heal. so sit and relax,enjoy your new tattoo,and start planning the next one.
  21. actually it looks normal, a little heavy on the lotion is what is causing that cracked look, try lighter coats of lotion. otherwise it looks good IMO.
  22. I'm not familiar with that product,I use Palmers Cocoa butter the week or 2 after the application of the tattoo,Maybe that stuff you are using does have too much perfume/alcohol in it.try using a different lotion then,like I said,I like fragrance free Aveeno or the cocoa butter. we all heal differently,maybe you could post a pic of it ? some cracking and scabbing is going to happen to some. maybe you are applying too much ? that can cause cracking too.you have to find that lotion that works for you and the amount that you use as well,I just use a very light coat of the butter or aveeno,VERY light.
  23. it's not really that big of a deal,using fragrance free lotion is just one more small step to take in healing,the perfume in the lotion has a small amount of alcohol in it which dries out the skin and tattoo a tiny bit,I use Aveeno fragrance free all year long and post healing as well,again though ,it's not a huge deal.
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