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Everything posted by SeeSea

  1. @marley mission - great placement! That is a neat reference for a side tattoo. Love the expression on his face.
  2. @beez - here's some fun if you haven't been over here: http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/tattoo-designs-books-flash/711-eagle-tattoo-designs.html
  3. Welcome! Yeah, my first tattoo ever was a god-awful looking mess through the cling wrap when I woke up the next morning, fried and exhausted from a 4am finish time. The ink was all greens and blacks to begin with, and it freaked me out a little. As @Mush said very eloquently, all will be right in the world.
  4. That is crazy amazing! Really really neat morph!
  5. Now THAT is going to be cool. Please tell me the tail will be featured :) And good to see you again.
  6. Oh my, did he really put a peacock's head on a side boob? What the hell is that gonna look like down the road? "
  7. SeeSea


    Welcome! Love the octopus with the tentacles wrapped around the toes - very unique!
  8. Man, if it's that old and a really good one, you might want to get that framed too. Unless the mannequin-for-effect is more desirable. After all, any home decor could use a random mannequin.
  9. @Graeme - ooooooo noooo, and LOL! The re-lining makes sense I suppose. My last session will be a lot of relining anything lined, then more saturation for details and whites and the like. Seems like they want to put all the finishing touches on that one last session, regardless of what it does to the poor "canvas." Hopefully the impending joy and awesomeness of finishing your tattoo will help carry you though the pain. I think I will be so excited, and like a girl, I will likely shed a few tears. This time in joy, heh heh.
  10. Welcome to LST! Read around the posts - there are many related to your present situation, but none that discuss the actual mechanics of tattooing because that is not discussed here. Head over to the search box on the upper right and do a couple searches. Here is a thread for "apprentice" to get you started. (NOT to suggest you shouldn't be an apprentice!) http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/general-tattoo-discussion/3844-do-we-really-need-apprentices.html
  11. Welcome to LST! Fellow engineer and nerd here - cool that you got your research tattooed on yourself. The lettering is amazingly consistent. No, no one will think you are a nut to have reference material - you have the right idea. (Although if you show up with a ton if it, you'll probably be asked initially to pick out the stuff that is most important to you.) Good luck and keep us posted!
  12. Welcome to LST! Talk to an artist and they can advise you what would be the best size for your particular foot. It's hard for someone to make a guess without seeing the design itself, your foot, etc. Also, please head on over to the Initiation thread and create a new thread and introduce yourself and pose your question there - many more folks will see your post there. Then all your responses will be together. Initiation | New to Last Sparrow Tattoo | Last Sparrow Tattoo
  13. You guys all amaze me with the first session(s) of lining your entire back. My back was not lined. My first session was the size of a saucer or small dinner plate, and nearly every session after that has just been moving that dinner plate all around to different locations and chipping away at it session by session session. You have my awe sitting through that. And, for the whole searing ass part.
  14. @pidjones - I was thinking black lacquer but bamboo could be nice. I would have to see it - I have trouble imagining things (which is why I posted!) @Fala - That is a great site and description - thanks! I am thinking hard mounted at this point. There is a lot of great information on that site. When I started this quest, there was NOTHING on the internet and I wasn't having luck finding anything, so it went on the shelf...and stayed there for all this time.
  15. Ignoring trolls robs them of their self-perceived power. How to block trolls and their inane, useless and passive aggressive "contributions" can be found here, with useful instructions below. General Forum Usage Can I block posts, emails and messages from specific users? If there are particular members that bother you and you do not want to see their posts or receive Private Messages and Emails from them, then you can add these members to your 'Ignore List'. There are several ways to do this: Through your User Control Panel: User CP, Settings & Options, Edit Ignore List. Then, type their name into the empty text box and click 'Okay'.
  16. ^^^ Where are the cries for commiseration with a bunch of you lately?!? Where are the laments for massive itchification and scratching and sticking to the sheets? For color loss and cankles and other assorted swellings and dangling precariously over toilet seats? I propose a new rule for LST - Thou shalt not come to the commiseration thread and happily dance about in joy that your healing is going beautifully. <insert repeated lashings with a well-used fundushi>
  17. "Involuntary twerking." Ok, well, there is that. Involuntary, you say. (And, freaking amazing!)
  18. I bought this silk embroidery in Hong Kong about 15 years ago and it's been sitting in the original roll since then. FINALLY I am getting around to framing it and would like advice. It has a fabric mat it looks to be glued to and the mat has a subtle pattern. Should any part of that mat be shown? A different/additional mat? What kind of frame? Me, not being very artistically creative, would just put it in a black frame. Black? Matt or gloss finish? How thick should the frame be? Also, any idea about the artist, and what the characters mean? Does this design have any significance? I bought it simply because I loved it. The embroidery is so fine. Some of the pictures have glare or shadows from the plastic, which I didn't completely remove to take these pictures. Thanks!
  19. Welcome, what what a neat experience! (It's a good idea to keep all your posts about the same topic together rather than creating a bunch of separate threads otherwise thoughts and conversations get separated and duplicated.)
  20. Welcome! But now you probably already got the tattoo - what did you end up getting? It's always good to give your reference ideas to your artist and tell them what you like and don't like about it, and let them do their stuff.
  21. Seriously?!? You come into a community and in your first post ask complete strangers to contribute for you to get your first tattoo?
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