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Posts posted by Lngbeard

  1. I traveled to SF for my first significant work. I did 5 1/2 hours one day and 4 more the next. My artist was guesting at the opening of Analog in the tenderloin district. We were in a loft overlooking the street. Observing street life of the Tenderloin kept me entertained for 90% of the time. Drug deals,hookers, homeless, insane. Even two women beating up some guy. IDK if it was me reaching the end of my rope but the last hour of each day was pretty tough. Seemed like my guy just had to edge into the armpit area from the front one day and from the backside the next. Both times right at the end of the session. I was pretty tense. All I could do then was tell myself "get through to the next time he goes to the ink".

  2. Hi all,

    About to highjack the thread. My justification is last activity on this thread one week ago. I am a newb so I cannot start a new thread. I have used the search function without result. My question is along a similar line as the Op's question. That being said here goes. for my second significant tattoo I want a Japanese style. I live near Seattle and don't want to travel too far so I can do multiple short sessions. My first tattoo I traveled to SF (Analog). Did 5 1/2 hours day one and four day two. Rather not go that route again. I have found a portfolio of a guy in Vancouver BC called Horiryu I. Shop is called Strictly tattoo. They seem to have a lot of artist's who's portfolio's look to be along the lines of what I want. Any one out there have experience with Horiryu I or the shop? Would you recommend? Thanks for your feed back. Please don't hurt me too bad if this post is a egregious example of bad forum etiquette.

  3. Well done!

    Of course! I'd bet that every time you find someone super "opposed to tattoos" you'll find someone who secretly wants one. Did she ever get it?

    She did not get it yet. I ask her when every once in a while and I get "I don't know". I am just happy I am off the hook and getting ink!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Cool tattoo! Wish the pictures were a little bigger though ;) Welcome to LST!

    Thanks for the positive comments! As a tattoo and posting newb I still have a few things to learn. Let me try and see if I can get the pictures to come out bigger.

  4. My names Eric. I am 55 years old and just got my first significant (at least to me) tattoo. I spent years softening up my conservative wife to get tattooed. I could have just gone ahead and done it but she's suppose to be a life partner right? I got the kids names done on the sly figuring how mad could she get? Turns out pretty mad :mad:

    Threatened to walk out before even seeing or knowing what it was. Once she saw it she calmed right down and even confessed she wanted one of the Russian doll things on her hip. I spent a long time looking and trying to learn about tattoos. Searched on-line in the Seattle area for a style that I really wanted for my first big one. It was when I went to the Seattle Expo (felt like a outsider being naked as I was) that I realized "hmm,, there are artist's from all over the west coast and beyond. Maybe I need to look outside of Seattle for what I want. When I stumbled upon the Dot work / pointillism I had found what I wanted. Anyway I ended up booking about five months in advance to go to San Fransisco to have Dillon Forte (Guesting at Analog) do my Mandalas in Dot work and negative space style/technique. Five and half hours for first mandala and four the next day for the rest.They are two weeks old, scabs off and still itchy.

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