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Posts posted by MrsGougeTheEyes

  1. @beez Yoga doesn't work for me either! I've tried so many times! If you have a heavy bag and some time to read up on basic techniques it's pretty easy to start on your own. When you want to take it to the next level and get off the bag and work on your technique that's when you'll want to start at a gym. There are just too many things to be doing at the same time to not have someone watching and correcting you. And the conditioning for boxing gets you in to great shape.
  2. There are so many videos online that it's totally doable. I feel you on the work hours though. I'd like to train more but my schedule and the gym's don't really line up very well. I wind up spending my days off there.

  3. Yes! I started boxing about a year ago. I started at my gym on the heavy/speed bag and eventually joined a muay thai boxing gym in September (I only do western boxing though because an elbow to the face is not appealing to me). Last night I finally started beginners sparring but didn't get to punch anyone or be punched in the face. Apparently they like you to work up to that hahaha. I really love it. It's pretty much the only time I get to focus on just one thing and basically meditate. It's also fun to do something physical to work towards something that's goal is not weight loss.

  4. So I join a tattoo forum and I immediately find a lifting thread lol. Combining the best of both worlds.

    I have a few questions for those more decorated than me - do you take gym time off (other than avoiding areas that are fresh and could get irritated like back tattoo & squats) post tattoo? Like avoiding sweat or avoiding the gym with fresh work because its non-sterile? I suppose the same question applies to cardio and / or saunas with fresh work...if this has been asked and answered 1000 times please ignore my rudeness while I read back a few pages.

    As for me, I'm a strongman & powerlifter with a few tattoos. I had a big piece scheduled to start a few days from now but unfortunately my last comp (last weekend) left some nasty friction damage in part of the work area so my artist and I pushed the start date. Boooooo.

    I definitely take time off because gyms are dirty and I don't like to push my body when it needs to heal. I also box so I can't take the chance of getting punched in an fresh wound haha

  5. I just watched the Bourdain Parts Unknown: Tokyo episode and it blew my mind and really really really made me what to visit there some day. I've never been to Asia (besides like, a day in Turkey) and I can only imagine what that experience must be like.

    We have a vacation booked to Zion and Bryce and some other places in Utah for June with a couple friends of ours. This is my first camping trip/hiking trip/outdoor adventures, gotta be one with nature trip. Will probably be just as confused as if we were going to Tokyo.

  6. Yep, I'm the one who found that thing, I'm glad people like it.

    I haven't read all of this thread yet, but I think it's a great idea.

    I have a question, does anyone else ever get the wrong type of attention for their tattoos? Today somebody on another website messaged me saying they like me because I'm "innovative," whatever that means, and then asked me if I'm a "tattoo freak." I don't know this person at all and don't seem to have anything in common with him, he doesn't even live on the same hemisphere. I don't mind if guys are into girls with tattoos or whatever, but I'm not used to getting unsolicited attention from strangers, and the way he's acting is odd.

    Oh girrrrrrrrrl, this happens nearly every day in NYC for me. I once was buying lightbulbs and this older guy who worked at the store thought it would be a good idea to ask me about them ("did it hurt", "what's it mean" yaddayaddayadda) and then went into a story how his daughter got a piercing while doing a study abroad in France (because tattoos and piercings are the same thing) and that he greeted her at the airport with a DOG LEASH to hook on to it. He took her to the pediatrician to get it taken out because he didn't want her to go to "one of those street shops" I quickly grabbed my changed and left with barely saying a word to this guy because my jaw was on the floor that someone would have the audacity to a.treat their daughter that way and then b. triumphantly tell a stranger about it.

    I got stories like this for days. People touching me on the train, chasing me across streets.....

  7. I did this when visiting SF and both my husband and I had appointments booked at Blackheart. He knew what he was getting but I said I was going to get something palm sized and walked out with a giant eagle on my arm by Cody that I think is one of the most badass tattoos I have. I really love it but I felt bad that we went a lot bigger than I initially booked for so I think I might have pushed his appointments back for the day. And as a person who takes appointments myself, I know what a pain in the ass that can be.

    I like spur of the moment tattoos but I think for myself I need to plan just a little bit in advance so I don't waste anyone's time.

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