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Posts posted by jen7

  1. I have come to realize, after putting a large round tattoo on my back, that I have to hold my shoulders exactly how I did when the stencil was applied in order for my tattoo to look like the correct shape.

    Kind of a drag.....I think I was tense when the stencil went on based on how I need to hold myself. LOL.

    Heads up to those wanting round circles and straight lines over a large area of the back. Lots of movement back there and things may look wonky depending on your position at the time. More fluid lines may be best back there. This may be obvious to many of you, but it wasn't to me!

  2. I have opted for big pieces covering entire body parts rather than lots of small ones. It feels more cohesive to me so I guess it's an aesthetic decision. I also work a corporate job so that has governed my "look" decisions also, like no forearms etc. I also waited until my 40s to get visible or otherwise hard to hide work so I only have to struggle with clothing choices for a few years pre-retirement. When I retire in a few years my criteria will change a bit but I think big pieces will stay with me.

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