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Wyatt Strange

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Posts posted by Wyatt Strange

  1. @Wyatt Strange That eagle is great. If I can offer some unsolicited advice, I wouldn't thicken the lines. Time will do that to them anyway.

    My artist actually asked if I could come in so he could do it. I know he was really determined to make the design perfect and I think he just wants to touch it up a tad in some spots, I'll ask him when I go back in what he had in mind exactly. Regardless, I trust him enough based on his other work that whatever he needs to do will look best. Other than that I'll probably end up getting a small filler near my wrist after the touch up.

  2. Yeah, probably a dagger. Kinda like your. But I definitely want to have a little gap between the "base" of the neck so it will not be visible. Looking forward to the pain on the boney areas!

    When you say gap between the base do you mean having the dagger further towards the outside of you shoulders? Because if you're worried about it being visible outside of a collared shirt, don't even fret. It's only visible if I'm wearing a casual shirt that has an extremely wide collar, other than that you don't even see it.

    Let your artist know beforehand as well, I'm sure most won't just assume you want a neck tattoo, they'll be courteous enough to work with the placement that you want and what you're comfortable with.

    I'd suggest wearing a loose or wide collared shirt the day you get it tattooed that way when your artist is setting up the placement - if you're really that worried about it being visible you can make sure even with a loose fitted shirt it's still not seen before you take your shirt off and get it permanent. (Given, your artist doesn't let you look in a mirror before starting, which wont happen lol)

  3. My first tattoo was a panther smack dab on the middle of my forearm a year ago. I loved the design of panther the minute I saw it but being my first tattoo, I wanted to be sure if I really wanted to go with it on my forearm. I knew I wanted it to be seen but if I was really ready, that was the next question.

    Well after 3-4 months of thinking about it and plenty of talks with siblings and friends, some trying to convince me not to get it and others reminding me what I would be doing - I finally got it. It was a pretty bold testament to expressing myself without the care of what others think along with a lifetime decision for long sleeves if I pursue a line of work that requires no visible tattoos. Regardless, I couldn't be happier, and the placement I believe adds to the power and strength the design possesses and a year later I'm still as happy as ever with my decision every time I look down to see it.

    My next mission is to get "something" through my neck

    What did you have in mind? Were you thinking about a dagger or weapon of some sort?

  4. All your works are bold and beautiful:cool:. I really like the Dagger through your neck. Did it hurt too bad on the boney bits of your shoulder ?

    Thank you very much! :) The dagger wasn't too bad at all, it brushed up on my collar bone a little bit and that was an odd feeling but it was very brief on that area. Other than that- the tops of my shoulders were a breeze, and I'm a super skinny guy so I was curious how it'd be in that area as well. But Austin Maples knocked it out in 2 and a half hours and was extremely genuine and personable, so I think that's what made the experience that much better.

    I haven't been tattooed anywhere else but my arm, but I'd definitely say the inside of my forearm where I got my snake rose was really annoying, sensitive skin and after maybe 3 and a half to 4 hours I was over it lol. The elbow wasn't fun either but to answer your question simply, the tops of the shoulders were nothing to be worried about.

  5. How's it going guys?! Just recently found this place while searching through examples of back and chest pieces, browsed through the forums roughly, and saw it looked like an awesome community. So here's my introduction:

    Figuring most users on here will be of all ages, I think it's safe to say at the age of 21 I'll be amongst the younger crowd. Anyways, my name is Wyatt, I live close to the Los Angeles area, and I just started getting tattooed close to a year ago. I was never against tattoos but never intrigued to them. I have always enjoyed drawing and art since I was a kid but never connected Tattooing as an art or thought of it that way until over a year ago when I really started looking into it getting one for myself. I just had that stereotypical view that tattoos are just what criminals and bikers have and they're generally done in some scumbag's garage (no offense to any artist). But like I said I was never against them I just thought that's all that tattoos were.

    Fast forward a year later after getting my first one and many more- and I'm completely fascinated with the tradition and history of it all. I find myself using Instagram to continuously come across new artists (young and old) and probably spend more time looking at tattoos than I do at looking at what my friends are up to. It definitely makes me want to learn more about the roots and the true pioneers of tattooing but I think I'd learn more from those with the stories and backgrounds than I would on a summarized paragraph from some snobbish prick's blog.

    Anyways, excited to be apart of the forum, and hope to see you guys around!

    Sincerely yours,


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