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Everything posted by MsRad

  1. hasn't she been stalked before?
  2. julia roberts AS erin brokovich none the less
  3. Loch's correct. bummer that you won't be joining us. is school crazy, Loch? the first post for this thread was a few weeks ago, and i've been trying to set up a meet-up date for every month for those of us located in nor cal, but so far we've only met once. if you can't make it to tonight's meet-up, no worries, as i'll try to arrange one for April (usually the second week, but we'll see how everyone's schedules are).
  4. aren't gas bbqs actually girlls though, and not bbqs at all....
  5. ok, just to finalize and clarify, tonight, Picante, 7:30, capiche?
  6. 7:30? and Hogg, i can pick you up. no sense in wasting money on a cab when bart is basically on my way there. (i mean, if that sounds ok with you).
  7. Iwar, here's a link to their page: The Mystery Spot Official Website
  8. here's the newest addition by our own Lizzie: all one 4 hour session. i have two that were also just done by El Brad Mariachi too while he was in town, but i'm horribly bad with remembering to photograph tattoos.
  9. jayessebee, do you mind if i ask how much it has cost you to get that far with the particular piece pictured?
  10. ok, so i'm choosing and since i have been craving soup and tamales, i'm gonna say let's go to Papalotes!
  11. Cornish, do you have a recommendation for those of us living in the states? Living in California is kind of far from Cornwall :)
  12. had such a great time! added you on FB! can't wait to get more work done by you! maybe we could do a bigger project like that sleeve coverup?

  13. that second one will be me in 5 years. with the prajna and everything! (minus going down my legs and onto my arms) i love that picture and i love the prajna!
  14. MsRad

    Funny videos

    this is more adorable than funny, but i thought i'd post it anyways: it's a really sweet reminder of just how simple things can be.
  15. CaptCanada, i think you didn't get what i was saying, and basically we have said the same thing. as for me personally, i didn't have a long list of artists i was interested in, but i had a few who by the time i was 18, i knew i wanted to get work done by. that's because i went to the internet, started reading articles and books, and had attended my first convention by that age. i didn't actually get tattooed until i was 19, partially because of money, but also because i wanted to know for sure that if i was going to get a big piece, that it was going to turn out exactly how i wanted it. that's when i went to Chris Conn and got my chest done. and that's also what i am saying. most people, despite how easy it actually is to do, won't go through that process. it's easier to go down to your local university district and get a tattoo by whoever's working that day than it is to spend some time and have the patience to be serious about the art. i'm not trying to toot my own horn, but that's just the way it is for most people. and you're right, some people may be turned off by the quality of tattoos that they have, but others just won't care as it may have been a rather fleeting decision from the start. it's a comodity to most; i think the majority of people are simply ignorant to the idea that there is something better out there than just their neighborhood shop (even with the popularization of tattooing within mainstream media), and as the saying goes, ignorance is bliss. there will be some who will nerd out online, do some homework or meet some people, and their opinions will change. for most, i think, it just doesn't matter. and also, with the popularization of tattooing, comes the acceptance of those who are visibly tattooed. after having teachers in highschool with visible tattoos, professors in college, and now working a job where tattooing and body modification are being considered a credible subject to be examined concerning fine art and cultural history, i have to say that i disagree that your SOL if you have visible tattoos. sure, you may not become president of the US, but with my generation being one of the most heavily moded in the last 50 years, and with its cultural acceptance in society, companies and institutions are either going to have to hire those of who are tattooed, or they will have to cut their work force as tattooing doesn't appear to be getting any less popular (unfortunately). hell, my mom even wants a tattoo now. i figure i'll bring her over to Blackheart or Temple sometime in the next year.
  16. i remember when i was 16 and visiting Brooklyn for a month, there was a spot in St. Marks place that you could order coffee from and had a tattoo shop... i never investigated into it further, but at the time, i thought it was kind of neat. now i think it's kind of horrible. also CaptCanada, i'm not sure that people are getting crappy tattoos just because it's trendy, or more because they just want instant gratification. it's a lot easier (and cheaper) to go to a mediocre shop that it's your town, pay $100, and an hour and a half later walk out with a half-assed tattoo than wait on a list for 3 months, travel to a different area, pay $150 -$300/hour, sit through a 4 hour session, but then walk away with a piece that is truly a work of art. we live in a society driven by mass consumption and mass comodification. one experience is good enough for most, and for many, it doesn't need to be the best.
  17. MsRad


    Hey foks, i don't know what the tattoo scene is like in Mumbai, but that's where Shant is from. i don't think he's trying to be a scratcher, but maybe he's just generally interested in learning more about tattooing and doesn't have access to first hand information or people who can help him learn and understand? i think i remember him saying this in another post he made. so can anyone help him by recommending someone he could go talk to in person? i know there's google and the google button isn't broken, but i think a stellar recommendation from someone on here (if someone has one) would be great.
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