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Everything posted by MsRad

  1. that last picture of it's mouth is just rad! i love the detail of the tongue and all the little bumps (maybe tastebuds?) on the roof! crazy! also, what's it like having a blind cat? i know people who've raised hard of seeing pets, but never completely blind or eyeless. i also have friends who are fostering a deaf dog, but he watches everything so he get's right along just fine. he even barks with the other dogs because he sees them barking haha.
  2. Here's the article: STICK'N'POKE and yeah Ursula, i too love Tattoo Age, as well as their cute TV channel, but then i see some stupid picture by Terry Richardson, shake my head, and remember why i hate them again. god, i HATE Terry Richardson. i just remembered too that there was some travel/review show they started doing, and i tried watching the first episode and couldn't get past the first 5 minutes. it was horrible.
  3. it's becoming a trendy thing to do amongst 20 or 30 something "hipsters". i read an online article through Vice i think (might have been another publication) on how to give a proper stick and poke tattoo. it was really ridiculous. i also know some people who do it on a regular basis because it's cheaper than getting tattooed, but really, i think it's pretty dangerous thing to make "cool".
  4. Jonestown Massacre. a lot of people from Oakland died and they've been trying to sort out a memorial site to remember them at a local cemetary.
  5. yeah i would say that the Jim Jones photo isn't really funny...
  6. our cat Vanilla was like that growing up. he loved being around my mom, and my mom said it was like loosing a child when he passed away. he helped her get through the first part of my parents divorce, then he had some sort of stroke and we had to put him down. we all loved that cat. he couldn't even kill a mouse (he was actually afraid of them, along with my pet rat, and my rabbit Henry!), but man did he love campbell's mushroom soup.
  7. i love Simon's Cat! it's adorable!
  8. it's really amazing. i've watched it at least 5 times (not, right now, but over the last few months). i cry everytime. also, this will be the hardest part of my new job.
  9. i was once asked at work if i believed in jesus due to my praying severed hands straight edge tattoo. i didn't know what to say.
  10. is David Bruehl a really recognized artist? i've seen Shawn mention him on here, and while i wouldn't get some of the stuff he tattoos tattooed on me personally, i still like his work, especially his birds. i just haven't heard many people talk about him on here or in person. Tattoos and Art by David Bruehl
  11. seriously, i'm just having an off day. it wasn't a statement directed at anyone but myself. it's gloomy outside and i'm cranky. wah.
  12. we have a lot of mutual friends but i've still never met him. i think his work is different, and reminds me of a lot of graffiti i like, but is also influenced by traditional western tattoo designs. i know that doesn't make for a good tattoo necessarily, but it's still what i like which is good enough for me. i'm just going to shut up in this thread though. i feel like i belong in the sandbox, so i'll just keep watching the big kids playground. i'm also having a bad day, so don't mind me.
  13. i walked by some dude yesterday on the street and he said "nice tattoos". i later walked past a different store on the same street, going the opposite direction, and he happened to walk out of said store just as i was walking by. he continued trying to talk to me about my tattoos, walking with me, and then he touched my arm to tell me which one he liked. i kept walking, and he was like "yo, it seems like you're in a hurry, but i think we should talk more because what a coincidence that we would meet back up..." i just said "sorry!" and kept walking on. yeah, what a coincidence.
  14. i think he's rebuilding his portfolio after getting shot in the head and having to learn to tattoo all over again. he used to have more of his older tattoos up, from when he was right handed, but i think it gave off the impression that his tattooing now would be the same as then, which it's not. this is purely speculation though, and either way, i like his work and his paintings, so i guess this is another thing we can disagree on.
  15. you're right, you didn't say it. but it was the first thing that came to mind when you said flash (though there are pages of flash than most of us are probably aware of, many of which are of shitty designs made by various companies and not individuals). anyways, glad to see that you came to a solution. no one's mentioned Devon Blood as far as i know, so i'm going to. i think his new work, is actually better than his old work. you can find out more about him, and more about the left hand path here: Devon Blood Tattoo| Left Hand Path » art
  16. Raskolnikov, were you refering to scratchers or traditional artists in general? i think Stewart may have felt that you were putting down most western traditional artists. Correct me if i'm wrong Stewart, and i'm not trying to speak for either of you. just trying to make sure this doesn't become a major argument on a great thread.
  17. the work by Musa looks really horrible. oh and was Tomas Tomas around before Hooper? i feel really stupid asking, but i only do because Hooper has said he is heavily influenced/inspired by him. i wonder the same about Jondix, but since i learened about Jondix at the same time as Hooper, i don't really know either of their histories, and his blog doesn't seem to have anything about it. i guess it doesn't really matter, i was just curious.
  18. so here is the list of animals that i hope to add to the California arm: -CA quail -Golden Trout -dog faced butterfly (yeah i know, it's an insect. whatever.) -possibly a desert tortoise (if i have room) -possibly a gray whale (pretty sure i won't have room for this, but we'll see) other animal tattoo ideas as of recent: - a bat with party hat, a bottle of root beer in one little winged hand, and a party whistle thingy (you know, the ones that blow out and then curl back up) in the other. - if Jackson and i ever get married, we have decided to both get slow loris' in our armpits, with their arms up because they apparently like to be "tickled" as evidenced by the below video: http://youtu.be/g9f-6jygRJk Jackson can't get enough of it. it puts him in a laughing fit everytime, to the point that he can't even make a coherent sentence. i'm totally serious.
  19. i found this sweet dog(pug??) face tattoo in Valerie's gallery. i know it's not any of our pets, but thought it was fitting none the less (and very classy!)
  20. was lurking Valerie's gallery and came across this awesomeness!
  21. i have a friend who's apartment is floor to ceiling bookshelves with books or records, spilling over into some milk crates. it's pretty amazing. and i love your traveling library idea!
  22. there's not many places here on the west coast that serve Okonomiyaki either (or that i'm aware of at least, though the point is mute since i won't eat the regular version of it) and man, have i been craving it! one of my roommates and i are conspiring about making a vegan version of it.... also, there was this article in the Chronicle yesterday. you might be interested in it Rory.
  23. Elloise Grace who is a member of this forum has one in her gallery...
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