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Everything posted by MsRad

  1. you should post a picture of it in the shark week thread!
  2. i saw this same thing on someone's blog... but now i can't remember who's it was!
  3. yeah and Scott's experience, if i'm remembering right, is on the top portion of his thumb, not the thumb pad area.
  4. Scott has told me how getting his thumb tattoo right by the nail felt as if the needle was punching through his nail. sounds super gnarly!
  5. i love the tiger/panthers with tattoos! i never would have even thought of that.
  6. it's the second time this reference has been used on this forum! Anchorman, FTW!
  7. i still don't see bucket cat, but i did stumble upon some videos of one of my favorite cats of all time... Maru!!
  8. i can't see bucket cat :(
  9. it's true! Perez said if i didn't send him kitten pictures, he wouldn't be my friend haha!
  10. Dan, you're not a dumbass, you're amazing!
  11. this is the best thing that has happened all day. seriously. i'm having a hard time containing myself here at my desk.
  12. i completely disagree with that... but i can agree to disagree. can we just stop the snarky bantering back and forth and let this thread die?
  13. Valerie's totally right. for the best advice, you should talk to someone in person. also, there is this guy who used to post on this board, but who we haven't seen in a while. i'm not suggesting him, as i've never met him, and can't speak of his credibility, but if he's close to you, you might want to check him out.
  14. i don't think Scott needs to write an introduction, but i will note it on the list that there are reasons why certain questions will not be answered and to be cautious if you are going to ask.
  15. MsRad

    here's to new beginnings!

    thanks Ross, Perez, i'll post them all on your page!
  16. you just hit the nail on the head. here's the thing, most of us don't talk about all aspects of the industry, especially those of us who don't tattoo. it's kind of like a secret recipe, you might get most of the basic ingredients, maybe even their amounts, but the spices or the signature ingredient is left out. because why pay for the milk if you can get the cow for free? most of us (at least i think) are perfectly fine with not knowing every single detail about what it takes to make a tattoo if we're not tattooing. there are aspects of the industry that i'm curious about, and if i asked an artist in person about them, i might even get an answer, but if i was told "sorry i'm not going to answer that", then i would respect it and back off. while your statement about the internet is true, that you can learn just about anything from searching around, this community is not the answer to all of your questions, and if someone says "no" then you should also respect that there is a reason why they said "no". it's ok to ask, and i agree, if you're new to something, you may not be aware of boundaries, but when someone says to "stop", then you should stop. this goes to most situations in life, online and off.
  17. alright, i've had it. i'm going to come up with a list tonight and send it around to a few people. Pat and i worked over the weekend on an introduction, but i think that maybe that introduction should be placed within the same vicinity of the questions and answers.
  18. how about if people who do not tattoo just don't ask technical questions? it would appear that tattoo artists usually ask other artists, face to face or in private through email. that's probably for the best.
  19. MsRad

    Modification advice?

    Hi Ireside, i hate to tell you this, but i don't think that this is the best way for your to ask for advice. while there are many great tattooers who are a part of this community, the best way to see about getting this fixed to where you are happy is to research and artist that you like that is in your area, or within a comfortable traveling distance, and ask them in person. you can find a list of LST recommended shops here. also, please be aware that this site has some really opinionated members who are not afraid to give a critique if prompted. my own personal opinion is this: i think you're trying to do too much with a simple design. you don't need the arabic or the kanji unless it has some sort of personal meaning to you, otherwise visually, it takes away from the design and is confusing. that's just my .02. anyways, good luck!
  20. a bat! i'm going to Pinnacles National Monument in a few weeks, and hopefully will be catching a glimpse of some of these little dudes. they're known as the Townsend's Big Eared Bat.

  21. you could also get a giant panther.... just sayin!
  22. if you're also willing to travel, there's a plethora of artists in New York that might be worth looking at. Favorites around here would be those at Smith Street, NY Adorned, and Saved.
  23. laser it and start fresh. definitely do not go back to that artist.
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