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    Gregor got a reaction from AverageJer in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    Pure trollage , just stop man .
  2. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from PinkUnicorn in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    Pure trollage , just stop man .
  3. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from Delicious in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    Pure trollage , just stop man .
  4. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from SnowyPlover in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    Pure trollage , just stop man .
  5. Like
    Gregor reacted to DJDeepFried in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    I hate to pile on @deadsp0t, but I do want to make a couple points. I've heard you say "silence is consent" on this and other threads, and I don't think you realize what a loaded term this is. Google "silence" "consent" and "rape," and you'll see what I mean. Just in case you're wondering what all this outrage is about. All that stuff about Rosa Parks/MLK I'll chalk up to a bad analogy and leave it at that. Except to say that when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
    @Zillah, I'm a big burly guy and I probably would've done the exact same thing in that situation: bit my tongue, get my tattoo, and got the f*ck out of there (but no tip). So many ways that situation could have ended badly for you, sometimes it's smart to keep your mouth shut.
    @Bunny Switchblade, not to get off-topic or pick a fight here, but I'm getting a little sick of hearing this particular sentiment. I hear what you're saying, but put it this way: there are dives and fancy wine bars, and the existence of the latter shouldn't ruin your enjoyment of the former. Grungy old-school street shops are awesome -- and I hope they never go away -- but the private/custom/boutique-type ones exist because there's a market for it. Speaking as a non-tattooer, it seems to me that everyone who wants a tattoo should be able to get one, how and where they want it. And that people from all walks of life getting tattoos is good for business – even if it's the dreaded "soccer mom" getting a butterfly on her ankle. It's like with bands when people say, "I was into so-and-so before they were cool." Why should I give a f*ck if what I like is popular or not? Bands want to sell records and make money so they can keep making art. Tattooers do too.
  6. Like
    Gregor reacted to Zillah in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    When I made the original thread, I had no idea that it would turn out to be a big debate; I was thinking that it would be therapeutic for myself and for anyone else that had experienced something like that, to share the anecdote, and encourage others to share theirs.
    About speaking up- that would have been great, if I had felt safe to do so. I think that now that I am 12 years older, more mature, more confident, and more assertive, I would have -at the very least- told him afterwards that I didn't appreciate that bullshit thank you very much. The situation I was in though, as a young woman, alone in a tattoo shop with a guy named 'Graham' who worked at 'Graham's Tattoo Studio' (now long closed), I didn't feel okay. I felt afraid. So I didn't. Thank you to those that got that, and wrote eloquent responses.
    It's all very well to say that I should be tougher, or stronger, or more assertive, or be able to fly, or whatever... but I was who I was, and I think that tattoos should be for everyone. I don't think there should be certain class of people who tattooing should be limited to, e.g. those who can 'take it like a man' or whatever, although I understand that attitude, because some women have had to fight long and hard to be treated as equals in a male-dominated field.
    Silence never equals consent when there is a power imbalance. The person in the more powerful position is responsible to ensure that their behaviour is welcome. This guy could have made a number of jokes, even some lewd jokes, that were not about my body, which I may not have enjoyed but would not have been offended by.
    The 'large cohesive upper arm tattoo' (@HaydenRose ;) ) that I am getting in a week or so is being done by a professional who I have met and had a lengthy consultation with, who works with others in an open studio, and comes highly recommended. I have a bit more tattoo nous now. But for those young ladies (and men) who go into a studio and point to something and say, "I want that one", or with less sense who get upside down tattoos, or pop culture references that will disappear in 5 minutes, or whatever, I want them to have an enjoyable, safe experience that they can think of fondly and get lasered off later.
  7. Like
    Gregor reacted to spookysproul in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    After reading this entire thread and double-checking the posts, I can say that you are not getting this. Before you go off in the direction of reading comprehension or something of that nature, I am above average intelligence and possess a significantly higher level of reading comprehension than I see you do, judging solely from your choppy grammar and punctuation.
    You can in no way whatsoever, under any circumstances, speak assuredly about what she "should have" done. Yes, you are correct in that if no one tells him what he does is wrong he will almost certainly never realize it on his own and self-correct. However, when you are getting tattooed by someone you are in a very vulnerable position. This person is doing something that is, for all intents and purposes, permanent and possibly holds great significance for you. That puts them in a position of extreme power over you, especially because you went to them and theoretically chose them over any number of other people to make this for you.
    Now, add to that the fact that this person has made an unwelcome and lewd comment with the underlying tone -whether intentional or no- that they can make whatever comment they want to you and there's not much you can do about it, and that puts you at an extreme psychological disadvantage for speaking up for yourself.
    On top of that, when she comes to look for people who have had similar experiences and vent about how she was mistreated, she has narrow-minded fools coming out of the anonymity of the internet to tell her that, wait a minute, this is mainly her fault for not going extremely far out of her comfort zone and correcting the behavior of someone who has the significant psychological upper-hand in the situation. You cannot equate her situation to one of where your artist showed you something and you didn't speak up about not liking a portion of it. She was in the predicament of actually being tattooed and the person who was tattooing her sexually harassed her. Whether you like it or not, sex is a very private thing to most people and not discussed openly or casually with someone who is ostensibly a stranger. That can be a very violating and even traumatic experience, ESPECIALLY when this person is doing something to you that has a deep significance and will be with you permanently.
    And before you start talking about what you would've done and how you would've handled it and how you would've told the guy to "back off, bub", please take a step back and look at yourself. I can think of multiple times on this board - including one interaction with myself - where you've made a bold, poorly-thought-out statement and back-pedaled immediately when someone called you out on it.
    It's not always so easy to stand your ground when you're put on the spot. Please consider the circumstances before getting mouthy on the internet.
  8. Like
    Gregor reacted to Pugilist in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    I promise you that you are not on the side of Rosa Parks and MLK in this conversation, and that it's genuinely one of the most offensive things I have ever read on this message board to see you make this comparison. Rosa Parks and MLK were tireless in their articulation of the power imbalances that exist in our society, and the ways in which dominant groups silence marginalized ones. Pretending that their resistance is equated with "always speak up" with no analysis of power asymmetry, structural misogyny, and the fact that women HAVE SCARY FUCKING EXPERIENCES TALKING BACK TO CREEPY MEN is both painfully stupid and morally appalling. And that is the last thing I will say here, because I gave up internet arguments as a new year's resolution two years ago. But I just could not let this go.
    PS it gives me faith in this board to see so many like-minded folks calling this out, and not just women. <3 you guys.
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    Gregor reacted to SnowyPlover in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    I feel that's part of the problem of you totally not getting it - how she reacted or didn't react to the sexual comment during a session is not up for our judgement! She was sharing her experience and handled it the best way she knew at the time. Your comment that "silence is consent" seriously gave innuendo that a person is asking for more comments if she doesn't say anything. Everyone is different, sure, maybe you would have said something, but stop getting all judge-y to those that don't. It's complicated, especially because it is sexual in nature and the person on the receiving end of the comment was in a vulnerable state.
    I think all woman have had some kind of sexual comment at some point in their lives. I know I have, however, I don't have a blanket policy how I react - it depends, where, the context, the comment, the situation. I've never had sexually slanted comment during a tattoo session and I've been getting tattooed since the early 90's. So if shit like that is happening in a shop, that is what's wrong, not how the woman responds to it.
  10. Like
    Gregor reacted to iowagirl in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    When I got my peony in December, the thing I had my arm draped over slipped down a notch. He leaned down and said "Well shoot, sorry about that I didn't have it in the right hole" then he turned a bit pink and was like uhhh umm...sooowaaaa....and I busted out laughing. It was a true enough statement, but just that little bit of dirty minded-ness is all it took. Had my husband been sitting there, he'd have laughed too, b/c it was funny, it was said innocently and it was our own dirty minds that took it there. HOWEVER. If he'd made comments on my TITS, and I'd felt too intimidated to say something, that doesn't mean it's MY fault. And he'd have had his teeth knocked down his throat after I went to my husband about it. WOMEN, as a general RULE are NOT encouraged to STAND UP FOR OURSELVES. Not around men. No, we absolutely are 100% NOT. it's one thing for dirty jokes to be bantered back and forth, especially when the shop is an open plan. It's SO not in even the same realm as speaking directly to another person's body parts. It's not ok. And it's not ok to say she should've spoken up b/c it's not always easy to do. I'm more outspoken about things (SOMETIMES) b/c I happen to have a big and mean looking husband who people find intimidating. And he has had to come to "my rescue" a time or two, b/c of things guys have said/done. I also have had to go to my incredibly protective brother. It 100% was rude and he's lucky he still has his teeth and is not speaking in a high falsetto if that's how he speaks to female clients.
    And really, if she'd have said something, what would've happened? Oh gee lady, you're right, I'm sorry. HA NO WAY. He'd have dropped his jaw and stared at her and slid back in his rolley chair and been like "are you kidding me? Seriously? You're OFFENDED? haha listen to this guys, this PERSON is offended that I'm looking at her TITS" or some such drivel like that. Set herself up for that? Why?
  11. Like
    Gregor reacted to CultExciter in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    Man, I'm so glad that @steve1461686340 reminded us of the "ignore users" function.
  12. Like
    Gregor reacted to SnowyPlover in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    Silence is not consent! I can't believe I am debating this!
    Just because one person would say or do something, doesn't mean some else in a similar situation would or could - that's ridiculous! Everyone has different coping mechanisms to get through a uncomfortable and vulnerable situation. She did the best she could, she did not invite those comments, nor is she bound to school that jackass about proper behavior towards women.
  13. Like
    Gregor reacted to Graeme in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    He didn't twist your post, he bolded something that you wrote. Maybe you should instead think a little bit about what you write before you post it.
  14. Like
    Gregor reacted to tatB in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    WOW... I am speechless
    I look forward to reading the responses to this.
  15. Like
    Gregor reacted to Orangutango in New to the site with a question about a healing tat!   
    What they said^^^
    Wrote (and then deleted) large rant about people with warped tour body suits, then remembered it's on the internet, so it doesn't really matter. I'm fine with other people doing stupid shit, as long as they are fine with consequences.
  16. Like
    Gregor reacted to Graeme in New to the site with a question about a healing tat!   
    Can I suggest that we talk a lot less about hand and finger tattoos on here? I feel that if you're in a position where you should be getting hand tattoos you don't need this or any other forum to find out information about them.
  17. Like
    Gregor reacted to irezumi in New to the site with a question about a healing tat!   
    The OP has the bottom side of the finger tattooed, not the top of the hand or the top of the knuckles like in that picture you posted. Entirely different type of skin.
    That tattoo looks like it will age better then some other ones I've seen, but who knows? A lot of the stuff that's being done right now with dotwork is more advanced than what had been done before with it (it's not a new thing) but the nature of people skin will never change. I am certainly not going to second-guess what the artist in the picture that you posted did because it looks very clean and it looks like they've had plenty of experience applying that type of tattooing. I don't know who the artist is but that's relatively unimportant in the discussion.
    The picture from the OP was an artist with less than 1/10 that skill level based on that messed up crooked O and none of the conscience of a responsible tattooer for obvious reasons. And yes underside of a finger regardless of who did it is a bad idea period.
  18. Like
    Gregor reacted to irezumi in New to the site with a question about a healing tat!   
    They blew that out nicely for you. I'm honestly sorry to tell you this but you're kind of screwed. Nothing about that is going to fade in the sense that it will uniformly fade and look good or entirely disappear. You'll probably lose some of that but hold on to some of it which means you'll just have a gray smudgy dirty looking part of your finger for the rest your life. When I say THE REST OF YOUR LIFE that's really real. You will get accustomed to it at some point or another, but that will still be kind of weird looking bruise on the inside of your finger when you hit 40.
    This is the epitome of irresponsible tattooing. Your tattooer should never have done this; even if he warned you that this would happen and had you said "I want it anyway" he should not have done it anyway simply on that principle.
    Please know that I am not being mean or disrespectful to you, I am honestly just saying what I would tell any customer that came in the door with that. It's your tattooer that I am talking about.
  19. Like
    Gregor reacted to Delicious in Book thread   
    I've already mentioned it in this thread but I am such a Neil Gaiman fan, read every book of his my college library had to offer.
  20. Like
    Gregor reacted to tatB in Book thread   
    Based on this thread I recently read The Name of Wind and The Wise Man's Fear. Very enjoyable reads and am looking forward to the 3rd book. In the meantime I started reading American Gods (also because of this thread).
  21. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from Delicious in Book thread   
    I liked American Gods , though , I thought it lost cohesiveness at times . Lots of great ideas jumbled about a bit. Anansi boys flows way better . I absolutely loved it. I have read loads of his comics (most recently Marvel 1602 -very clever). But those are the only 2 novels I have read. I really want to read The Ocean at the End of the Lane now
    I find this very exciting too : Joseph Gordon-Levitt is working with Neil Gaiman on 'The Sandman' movie | The Verge
  22. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from Delicious in Book thread   
    I read the Batman Vampire Trilogy , wow amazing artwork and great stories. I also read Flowers for Algernon , just to make me really sad , Anansi Boys (Neil Gaiman) to cheer me up again, and at the moment I am reading my way through Ken Bruen's Jack Taylor series. Irish Noir at its finest . Not one for the Galway tourist office.
  23. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from Zillah in Video Game Thread   
    Fallout 3 and Bioshock (1 and 2) are the only games I have ever bothered to play through more than once. Amazing.
  24. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from Zillah in Book thread   
    As far as "owning" ebooks is concerned, I use Calibre to manage my ebooks, including backing the files up to my PC and stripping the DRM out
  25. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from beez in Views on these tattooists please   
    Jondix, Deno, Claudia de Sabe, Xam, Teide, Dani Queipo, Marco Serio, Andrea Furci.
    amazing !!
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