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Everything posted by Ursula

  1. What really pisses me off is when a tattooer comes into a thread like this talking all big like their shop is amazing just so they can get customers and good tattooers to come and guest, and then I've heard nothing but the most horrible shit about that shop and person from people who are actually good tattooers that know what's up.
  2. Thank you for not being a whore who's getting known in the art work by opening her legs. For that reason (and because on top of that you're an amazing artist) I have nothing but respect. It really sucks that women get shoved to the side in the art word for the most part. I see people blog about embroideries all day long that are horrible and are just being noticed because a man made them and men 'aren't supposed to take an interest in needlecraft'. So what about the women who do it and do it way better, why no recognition for them? I feel like this happens in the tattoo world as well. I know shops that won't hire women for any job, even toilet scrubber. Anyways, Valerie, you are a true compliment to women in art. Don't change!
  3. I made another reaper, I wanted to share it 'cause I'm stoked on it. This is 6.5x6" embroidery and paint on linen. More people need to start posting in this thread again!
  4. My best friend has her vagina tattooed too, so do lots of other people. No big deal to me at all. I thought the photo spread was shit and it didn't even show the vagina tattoo in question.
  5. Ursula

    ICP thread

    don't worry... he only produced the song which i'm sure they paid handsomely for... it's a pretty terrible song though... I guess for the right price I'd let them put my name on a shitty song too
  6. Most tattooers that paint flash also do 'proper' paintings as well that aren't meant to be used as flash... It's a lot more enjoyable for me to own a really amazing original painting than a print of some flash that I will never use for it's intended purpose. If I was going to spend a few thousand on some art I'd rather buy a painting from someone like Robert Ryan than spend it on a single sheet of Jerry flash. I get why it's worth that much but it's not something I need to own. For me looking at books of his flash is good enough and maybe one day I'll be in a shop or somewhere that has an original that I can look at and appreciate.
  7. Hadn't until you posted it... not sure how I feel about it yet...
  8. Being from Canada, and having not spent any time in the south, I was fucking floored when I moved to Jacksonville. I actually couldn't even understand what people were saying to me sometimes. It's a strange backwards place down there.... And somehow also ended up home to one of the best shops in the country...
  9. Stop telling people to get my tattoo man!!!!! I wanna be the only one to get this shit bro....
  10. I only wish my arms were all bob roberts stuff! There's a chick in Jacksonville who apparently got some stuff from Mike Wilson, lasered it off and then got more tattoos in the same spot, i think from either him or someone else at inksmith... fucking retarded i think... especially since she didn't have any other tattoos so it wasn't a question of room and certainly no question of quality...
  11. I've never been a fan of this. I guess if you have tattoos you hate that much but I don't know, I'd probably do laser instead.
  12. I guess it all depends on who you're talking to. For me the only tattooing that 'pushes the limit' is heavy facial/head tattooing and second layer tattooing. I also feel like crazy piercings push it too. Like the guy with the ridiculous nostrils (search rooorah crumbs on google) or the dude @dcostello posted in the random photo thread with the insane check piercings.
  13. To some people any visible tattoo is very 'out there' or 'crazy' or 'non conformist'. In my experience it seems people are getting a lot more used to arm tattoos, even forearms. I find it's when I wear shorts or a dress that people get kind of weird and stare a lot. I don't know if it's because people aren't used to the heavily tattooed leg or if it's because when I wear a t shirt and shorts it makes me look a lot more tattooed with both arms and lega showing. Or it could be because some of my leg tattoos could be considered offensive. Hands neck and face deff attract a lot of attention like previously stated.
  14. I think it depends who's selling it. Some asshole who knows other than 'this guy is popular I bet I can get loot' well I feel bad buying anything from him. Other artists or collectors who realize why it's valuable and who contribute to the tattoo or art word well I'd fell less bad about that person getting my cash.
  15. That tattoo is pretty great. I've always been more of a tattoo style portrait fan myself. My friend has a tattoo style Mr T on his foot by mike Wilson and it's one of the best tattoos ever. I also feel like it'll last longer than a b&g one.
  16. I've read reviews from a few people online who have said their tattoo was ruined, not removed, just messed up.
  17. I've never had a problem with anyone selling me artwork, books, line drawing books, flash sets, or anything else of the like. I'm not a tattooer but I am marrying one so I tend to get away with some shit that others might now. I think in this case though almost any artist is happy to sell their work to anyone, tattooer or non.
  18. This is more related to after it's healed but has anyone here has problems with their tattoos getting tiny holes in them from their hair? This might sound really weird but the individual hairs on my legs are so thick and strong that I actually get little holes all over my tattoos over time. Like the hairs are actually pushing the ink out or something. It doesn't really happen on my arms thankfully but I have noticed it on almost every leg tattoo I have except maybe the newest. Anyone else have this problem? Unfortunately it's too late for laser hair removal because you can't get it over tattoos I guess.
  19. yeah i had seen it before but it was a while ago.. it's pretty great.. the dude who cuts his wrists and neck open as part of a performance art show is fucked though hahaha, I'm surprised he didn't die or at least pass out, I guess it takes a lot longer to bleed out than I though
  20. I've been told I have good skin because of my colouring. I'm Italian but not really dark so I have pale skin with an olive undertone which apparently shows the colours nicely. I also have been told I'm horrible to tattoo because I have very dark arm and leg hair and my skin is very sensitive and tends to swell and hurts a lot even in easy spots. Usually just the shaving makes my skin start to sting. My dude tattooed a friend of mine a while ago who is very very white and has no freckles and doesn't have a lot of dark body hair, he said her skin was great to tattoo. As far as what you read in the book, I have been told that black skin is a lot harder to tattoo because the purple stencil just looks shiny and is very hard to see and then once you start tattooing the lines look grey rather than black so it's easy to over do it I guess. I'd imagine asian skin is good because of their colouring. Usually fairly pale and with yellow undertones. I agree with shmitty about latinos and black and grey, it does tend to look better on them than on most really white people I've seen.
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