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Posts posted by Ursula

  1. Scott Sylvia helped create is board and also creates some of the best tattoo machines. Save up some loot and get a real workhorse.

    If feel like you're crossing over into troll territory so beware. Keep asking these kinds of questions and double posting threads is gonna get you flamed pretty hard and possibly locked off the forum for good.

  2. "But at the end of the day, are you really a happier person? Has this tattoo, for instance, caused you to learn something new about yourself? Has it challenged you? Has it led you to self-growth? Nothing comes out of getting a tattoo. You get a tattoo, and that's it. You do something productive, though, and you see results. That's a genuine, satisfying change in life. Not ink."

    At the end of the day when I've gotten a new tattoo yes I am happier. Tattoos can cause you to learn something new about yourself. Tattoos can change you. Tattoos can lead to self growth.

    Her idea of doing something productive "Invest your time, money, and effort into a gym membership, or yoga classes, or new clothes, or experimenting with different hairstyles if you're craving something new with your body, not a tattoo"

    So instead of getting tattoos all women should do whatever it takes to be skinny and have the latest fashions? So according to her going to the mall is a way to promote self growth and positive change? Wasting your money on overpriced goods so that some guy will want to fuck you is better than investing in artwork you will carry for the rest of your life? Awesome glad I know how to make my life more awesome now.

    And just to be a bitch I'm gonna go ahead and guess that girl who wrote the article is just dealing with some jealousy as she's not very attractive herself and looks to be rather plain and boring. Way to go lady!

    P.s. since when is a woman equal to a Ferrari or any other car? Talk about degrading yourself by getting tattoos and then you're gonna write and article comparing women to cars. Shit like this drives me up the fucking wall.

  3. thanks guys! I've started moving to free weights with some simpler stuff and plan to gradually leave most of the machines behind. For me it's just about being healthy and staying active. Plus it's nice to be able to carry 6 bags of groceries at once instead of making three trips to the car. I'm picturing most of you guys doing all the crazy shit I see the guys doing here. Some of it looks like it would be cool but some of that stuff is pretty crazy looking.

    I do get to see a lot of pretty ridiculous tattoos at the gym though hahahahahah

  4. My dude has a customer called Mike like that. He's been tattooing him for years and I said the same thing, Oh it must be cool to see all the work now. His reply was about the same, all he sees are the ones he now hates and wishes he'd done differently. The guy has become a friend of ours and has helped us out with personal stuff before, so it's cool to have a customer turn into a friend.

    For me I have some tattoos that I kind of wish I waited till that person has gotten a little better. People who at the time I was like man they're decent and probably gonna get real good one day. I should waited till that happened haha.

    Kind of on a similar note, my dude used to be cool with tattooing me when we first met and before we really got serious about our relationship. Now that we are engaged he pretty much refuses to tattoo me because "I don't want to have to look at everything I did wrong in your tattoo for the rest of my life". Out of the 5 or so he's done on me, I think he actually likes one of those hahaha. I get it though, I wouldn't want to look at what I thought was a mistake forever either. Even though I like all the tattoos and don't think there's anything wrong with them.

  5. I know I'm a little late to join in but I've been outta town a couple days.

    I recently started doing weight lifting at my local YMCA. I'm not super strong but I do a lot of reps. The trainers there tell me it's better for a lady to do less weight and more reps. My upper body can only push about 50lbs for most things and some stuff is less. My legs are a lot stronger, as most people's are, so I can do up to about 120 on most of those things. Most of the stuff I'm doing is with pin weight machines so I guess it's not legit lifting, but I'm not ready for all that yet. I've worked out in the past doing things like treadmill, stationary bike, and other more cardio intensive stuff. I'm still doing that just not as much. Since I've started with the weights I've noticed a huge difference in my body. I went from weighing 125 to being 139 without getting any bigger in size really. My arms and legs have gotten maybe a little bit bigger but nothing noticeable at this point, the shape is totally different though. I don't look super buff or anything but I certainly look solid and actually have muscles that I can flex now hahahaha. If anything my waist has gotten a little smaller because I do a lot of ab work with weights. I'm currently 24 inches around my middle and was probably 26 before.

    I'm not into any of the weight gain stuff like weird diets or protein shakes because I don't want to have manly looking musculature. I don't wanna start wearing a xl blouse just so my arms will fit in it! I usually try and do at least three sets of 12 for each exercise and then some I do up to 6 or 7 sets of 12. There's a couple I still find really hard and do maybe 3 x 10 or 4 x 8.

    My triceps are probably my weakest, I can only lift about 35lbs.

    I try to go every other day and it's been about maybe 3 months now. I've been able to increase the weight on every be at least 10-15 lbs, some more since the first week.

  6. She even had some dude on the 7 train, a few weeks ago, ask her to unzip her knee high boots so he could see her calves.

    Amazing. Simply amazing.

    Whatever happened to "Hi I'm (insert random dude name), how are you" or "Hi I'm (again random dude name) may I buy you a drink?" or even just "Hi, I find you beautiful and wanted to let you know"

    Instead we get "Hi I'm some random fucking weirdo who hasn't showered and smells like urine, may I see your calves?" and when we reply no it turns into "What you think you too fuckin good for this? You think you're better than me cause you pretty huh? Well fuck you lady you ain't that hot"

  7. Jaycel, I'm sure there are lots of good school in FL, the bad ones just outnumber them. In Jax specifically I'm thinking of the public elementary school in Springfield and Regency areas. Unfortunately it seems, the poorer you are there the better chance you'll be stuck in one of those awful schools that get no funding. In my opinion it's those students that need the funding and the better teachers more than the better off white kids who will have a much easier time at life because they came out white and not really poor. When I first got to FL I was shocked by how many spelling mistakes I'd see on signs. To me, the fact that you can not even spell what you are trying to sell me does not make me want to give you my money.

    Gouge, I've been to NYC a few times. I was either with my boyfriend at that time, or traveling with a security guy (I used to be cool haha) so I guess that's why I never noticed it there.

    Slayer, I too got away with the looking like a mean metal head type for a while but in the last 7-8 years that I've let my hair grow long and started wearing makeup and not men's xl band t-shirts, I've lost my scary edge :( I do keep my eyebrows with a high steep arch though, which I've been told by some makes me look mean. Maybe when I move back to Jacksonville I should get back into full face Marilyn Manson style makeup like back in my high school days. I bet dudes think that's real hot.

  8. In my experience washing before and after seems to do the trick. When I was getting my back worked on in the Florida summer I would get super super sweaty while walking home or waiting for the bus after. It didn't notice any major problems as long as I washed up after. Weightlifting could be a little different just because of how hard you're exerting yourself, vs just getting hot walking in the sun.

  9. Everyone should be treated with respect, not just ladies!

    Haha thanks Slayer, but don't worry I don't hold those things against all Americans, just the ones who act like that. I'm sure the fact that I usually then tell that person what kind of an asshole they're being doesn't make it any better and usually just encourages them further. And yup, I've found the same thing in NYC, never had problems like that there, mostly a southern things, and really mostly a Florida thing 'cause I didn't have people treat me like that in Texas or the Carolinas. I believe that a lot of the problems in places like Florida stem from the poor education system there. Even in private school it can get pretty bad. I know a girl who said her school refused to teach evolution or sex-ed. I know that's pretty common but it's still totally fucked. I'm sure there's parts of Canada that are really shitty too, I just haven't had to live in them, so I don't know first hand. Apparently Vancouver is lousy with heroin and child prostitution. Fucking a little girl is a lot worse than cat calling at an adult.

    I don't think America is horrible, or the worst place ever. I'm sure being in a third world country is way worse than the shittiest shit in America. There's lots of things I like about America too! Even if they don't approve of the way I say 'intestine' or 'cement'.

  10. If the painting sucks they're not gonna be that stoked. If the painting is rad, then they'd be more into probably. There lots and lots of people who get paintings tattooed on them, like a Van Gough image or something. There's also lots and lots of people who bring in their own or their friends art that they want tattooed on them. Most of the time it's not that great and needs to be redrawn, but there are artists who will do it exactly like you bring it in, if that's what you really want.

  11. One of the big differences I found when I moved from Toronto, Canada to Jacksonville, FL was the way men treated me. I'm talking about, random guy on the street who I don't know. In Toronto I have never had someone yell a sexual obscenity at me on the street, or on the bus. I never had a random guy at the bar in Canada think it was appropriate to touch me on the thigh or breast out of nowhere, like it was his right. In Jacksonville I've had all of that and much much worse. Miami was by far the worst place for it. A couple of examples. On the bus one day while minding my own business reading a book or whatever, this guy comes up to me and says "If I asked to see all your tattoos would you get naked right now?". Yeah dude, I'm gonna get naked on a bus. I was at a bar on New Year's Eve, this guy walks up to me says nothing and just sticks his band between my legs. Wow awesome dude, I guess you forgot that you personally know my fiancé and saw me with him 5 minutes ago. And even if you didn't, wtf bro? When is that ever acceptable? While waiting for the bus in Jacksonville (while wearing long pants and a tshirt) I've had a number of men drive around the block a few times trying to offer me money for "my services". Countless men yelling rude things out their car windows. Men who get actually angry with you when you say 'sorry I have a boyfriend already'. I was at the bar in Tampa with a female friend. We're at the rail ordering drinks, I feel someone grab onto and hold my hand, like in the boyfriend or BFF way, I assume it's my friend, then I look over and see she's on the other side of me. I turn around and it's some random dude. So I lean over to try and tell him that he's offended me, and why. He put his hand in my face, walked away angry, and then spent the rest of the night trying to show us what an awesome catch I'd missed by dancing like he was at a rave about 10 feet away from us.

    Other big difference. Racism. The very first day I lived in the USA, I told someone I had just come from Canada. His reply: Do y'all got a lot of niggers up there?

    Not saying there isn't racism in Canada, because there certainly is, it's just not as strong or as widespread. Not as accepted.

    Oh and one more. The education system, specifically the public school system. Wow. I've already told my fiancé if we did ever have kids, we're moving back to Canada when they're ready to start school.

    THANKS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!

    p.s. I felt I needed to edit this to add that in regards to all the gross man behaviour. I do not in any way dress provocatively. Anyone here who knows me can verify this. I'm a real jeans and t-shirt kinda lady for the most part.

  12. Here's the best advice I ever gave someone. I was at the shop waiting for my dude to finish a tattoo on a soccer mom type who was jumping all over and freaking out (this was before he even started!). She saw the tattoos I had and asked me the same question, how can I sit better. My reply? "Don't be a fucking pussy and just sit there" She didn't like the comment and I could tell, but god damn she sat through that tattoo without a complaint.

    I used to be the same way, and I took that same advice. Don't be a pussy. Just sit there and take it. If you can't, take some pain killers, they really really do help.

    I went from not being able to get tattooed longer than 30 mins to having a back piece and a lot of other shitty spots without too much trouble.

    I have also found that eating right on a regular basis, working out, and staying hydrated all help too.

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