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Everything posted by gougetheeyes

  1. Welcome dude, lots of Bay Area folks on here.
  2. Welcome dude! Off to a good start!
  3. gougetheeyes


  4. Welcome dude, keep up that drawing. Some great shops in Melbourne.
  5. Awesome, the best cure for shitty tattoos is just to get better ones. Welcome dude!
  6. Finally did it! Thank you @slayer9019 for finally getting our asses in gear. Great to meet you @HaydenRose @Fala and your dude Jason, @ironchef you are far too kind with that print.. truly. @dirbab hope you got back over that bridge ok, homie. That hair is looking luxurious. Sorry it's not a better picture! - - - Updated - - - Aaaaand it's crooked. I am so good at computers.
  7. Welcome dude, where you working? Who was this mysterious LSTer..?
  8. Ok, advice: Leave the bandage on for at least a few hours. The less you do to it during healing process the better. Don't get it facing you; while this may not bother you or your friends, it's an A1 rookie mistake. And if you decide to get more and go bigger and start delving into the world of tattoos, you may feel a little sheepish about it. Good luck!
  9. @dirbab come along dude! Though I can't promise any pizza..
  10. Just take a quick shot over to Amsterdam and go see Henk!
  11. The rent is too damn high! - - - Updated - - - Should we just get a headcount and go for Angelina?
  12. They do this every few years. Army, police depts., etc.. This will change once we need more recruits again.
  13. Either of those look good dude, so I'm all for 'em, especially since I haven't hung out in the LES in forever.
  14. Welcome @kohen -- where you tattooing, what're you into, how have the last four years been?
  15. Welcome dude. Our very own @Scott R was getting tattooed by David before he moved to Florida, love stuff like that. Nice tattoos!
  16. Walked by Alias a bunch but never gone in. Seems all right, sorta low-key: Alias | The Lo-Down : News from the Lower East Side
  17. Hi Nikole. Hope you're drawing up a storm and when you turn 18, hope you go get tattooed!
  18. The healing of your tattoo looks fine. You can just use a thin layer of regular, non-scented lotion, no need to get special aftercare stuff. I'm not very familiar with the tattoo goo products but whichever one is closest to a lotion is what you should use.. though that's just a guess.
  19. Welcome dude, sounds like you've put some thought into your prospective tattoos. Have you started looking into shops yet? If you're not too far from Luxembourg check out Dan Sinnes' place Electric Ave.
  20. Dare I say we just find somewhere to have lunch together over there?
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