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Everything posted by gougetheeyes

  1. That's great! I wonder if that's why Lochlan's angel is crying...
  2. Must be pretty good pals to all be vying for your arm space! I don't know much about cars but the whole custom culture thing has always been really cool and interesting to me. So uh, cars, flames, skulls, chicks?
  3. HA, yes. All of these types of shots/subjects gets kinda boring. Esp. when you start seeing the same people over and over and over. Also, DO YOUR PHOTO PROJECT!
  4. I hate to admit it but I'm kind of a sucker for photos of the heavily tattooed.. sometimes. Craig Burton shoots a lot of tattoo conventions/bands.. good stuff! HOME / CRAIG BURTON PHOTOGRAPHY
  5. Update: Wolf head with “No Order” by the good Mr. John Poverty, working out of Goose Tattoo with Nalla Smith. From an excerpt from The Crossing by Cormac McCarthy. Here’s the full quote: ”He said that the wolf is a being of great order and that it knows what men do not: that there is no order in the world save that which death has put there.” Good stuff.
  6. Hey man, where you working out of? Still in/around DC?

  7. Diamonds, owls, victrolas, lanterns, upside down umbrellas with rain, owls wearing diamond necklaces..wait, was the question?
  8. That's Dr. Dave! He works on the Lower East Side in NYC.. he does free gang tattoo removal and I'm pretty sure he recently (2009?) opened a facility for folks with no or little insurance coverage. http://www.davidjoresmd.org/ As far as tattoos and jobs, I've been lucky enough to never really need to go out of my way to cover up but I'm glad I can wear long sleeves or suit and tie and no one's any the wiser. I was just in court trying to get back my security deposit and all I could think was, "Man, this is one time I am so glad I don't have any hand/neck tattoos." You can't control others' split second judgments. And when that person is a judge (ok, an arbitrator in this case) it's probably in your best interest to look like a shiny, happy, contributing member of society.
  9. Ha, I'm sure you're the only one Lochlan but thanks! I wish I someone coulda gotten pictures of me driving head-on into tourists around Macy's..

  10. Good shirt! I'm assuming it'll shrink a bit when washed, which is perfect. THANKS!!!
  11. I fucking knew it! There aren't enough HAHAHAS OR LOLS to appropriately express myself here.
  12. Bingo. They take down your positive ratings unless you pay for advertising. They also get mad when a lot of people post positive comments at once.
  13. Funny, was just thinking about the circumstances of that tattoo. Best day!

  14. Seconded. Nick Swardson's pretty good though I haven't seen any of his standup in a long time. Zack Galifianakis was always great, glad he's getting some recognition lately. Denis Leary, George Carlin, Colin Quinn.
  15. HHAAHA Dean, psychedelic dirtball bikers are people, too. They were probably pumping some Royal Crown Revue or something, hope you don't harbor any haircut resentment because of it. I usually grow a pretty hefty beard at least once a year but I love a good haircut. My barber's never given me shit for it and actually likes hearing about how it pisses off my girlfriend.
  16. I know what you mean, kind of a burly, folky look but really crisp.. stripped down to basics. And Bunny, didn't mean you haven't earned em! Just jealous I can't get tattooed as often as I'd like!
  17. Really nice! And what little of the swallows is visible, looks really solid.
  18. Funny, I'm the same way. I actually have a BJ Betts (3) and Boog book I got kinda just for fun. It has seemed to prove true that they're good for basics and tips/tricks, but when left to your own devices you'll usually find your own way. At my work I drew some script on concrete over a doorway (which was later painted over!) with no reference that came out halfway decent. Fun to do that kinda stuff though I'm well aware I don't have the chops to get near a machine hahaa.
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