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Posts posted by Duffa

  1. @ThaliaCamille - Tipping is definitely not standard here in Australia thats for sure, but it could never hurt to offer ;)

    As you've experienced, unless your in a restaurant/bar etc and there is a clear tip jar, most aussies will just say "nah, she's right you might need it" lol, and its true, you might need it.

    My understanding of the reason for tipping was to help supplement a low income/low hourly wage? If anyone wants to help shed some further light on this feel free to jump in, I'm from a non tipping tribe

    As mentioned, what does go down a treat here with tattooers (and anywhere else in the world I'm sure) is a beer or 3, nicely rolled joint (should they be that way inclined) or even some snacks or a cold refreshing beverage for the session.

    Where in Australia are you at the moment?

  2. @CaptCanada - bahahahahaha now thats some cultural differences!

    I was sort of aware about the Japanese and their attitude towards nudity with bath houses, the naked man festival (google it if you have no idea what I'm talking about!) but this is on some next level steez ;) (and clearly the greatest high school system in the world!)

    Honestly though, cheers for sharing those stories, especially the pr0n one haha, you could have taken that one to the grave

    Oh and my quote of the week this week people is:

    Didn't pay to much attention to it cause I didn't want it to get any weirder then it was two grown men, one in underwear, watching porn.
  3. *Stolen from Revoks' blog Revok1


    Posted on September 30, 2011 by Revok

    My friend LOGAN HICKS just sent me this…



    Saw your post on the FLA rapper who was sentenced to two years. It’s not the first time someone has been prosecuted for the art they made. Check out the case of Mike Diana which happened in the early 90′s. Mike drew these comics that were super unrealistic and looked like kids doodles. they had people eating each other, guys with spiked dicks fucking chicks, kids getting ground up into meat. the kind of stuff a prepubscent kid would think up. They arrested Mike on Obscenity charges, and he nearly went to jail, was prohibited from being around any child younger than a certain age (i think 13) without supervision and this included members of his own family, he was prohibited from drawing!. Bunch of other shit happened too.

    if you have the time, check the link below. I did an interview with Mike in 94. he’s a good guy, but he really got fucked too. he can’t go back to his home state cause he’ll be arrested.

    Mike Diana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    “Diana was found guilty on all three counts, and was sentenced to a three-year probation, during which time his residence was subject to inspection to determine if he was in possession of or was creating obscene material. He was to avoid all contact with children under 18, undergo psychological testing, enroll in a journalistic ethics course, pay a $3,000 fine, and perform 1,248 hours of community service. He was also ordered to cease drawing for personal use, and his place of residence was to be open to inspection by the police, without warning or warrant, at any time, for illustrations violating this ruling.[6] He was not sentenced to any jail time, but spent four days in jail between the dates of the verdict and the sentencing.

    To fulfill the requirement of undergoing a psychiatric evaluation, Diana was informed that the doctor whom he would see charged $100 an hour, which he would have to pay for himself, and that his evaluation would take two hours. After the evaluation, Diana was informed the session would cost $1,200 because the doctor claimed to have spent 10 hours reading Boiled Angel in preparation. Out of funds, Diana was unable to pay, and the doctor refused to give her evaluation to the court, effectively making him in violation of his probation."





  4. The other day I was looking at Shiges' site and saw this photo


    I then realised that this client must have the same concerns and considerations for his artist as @hogg does ;)

    I know how awkward it is for some artists to ask a client to undress, so I avoid that awkwardness by undressing completely before all tattoos, regardless of placement. Common courtesy, really.

    Shige to client "Lets get a photo of your chest piece and sleeves" Client to Shige "Just let me take off my pants"... lol.

    (yes I am aware that on shiges' site you can see that the same client was getting photos of his backpiece at the same time... but for the purposes of hilarity we won't acknowledge that)

  5. These are by Horitsune II from Osaka Japan. The first is on his pupil Miyazo and the second is on tattooer Rob Admiraal (The piece on the lady is one of Robs' clients/his work)


    ^^ So friggin good!!!


    I tried to find a better photo of Robs' backpiece, but good luck finding much if any of Horitsune IIs' work online. There is a series of videos though called 'Onko Chishin' and are well worth checking out, so do it ;)

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