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Everything posted by hogg

  1. I mean, if you wanna just rock one Lehi tiger, then sure.
  2. You beat me to it. Very true, and I'm happy to have some of it. @zbatch34, check this out. I'm with Jebb Riley on this one. Script has its place (I have loved ones' names, for example), but I think this graphic solution is so much cooler. Just something to think about.
  3. I don't think I've ever seen this. It's spectacular!
  4. hogg


    Welcome! Thanks for introducing yourself and sharing that awesome Shige piece. Tell us more. Are you from Japan originally?
  5. Since I can lift those numbers, can I get tattooed? I'll send you my PayPal address. Thanks in advance. Seriously, though. Whatever it takes to motivate you, man. I'm a fan of lifting and tattoos, so I fully support this.
  6. I can say from experience that Capilli is a very, very sweet guy. It's great that he's an awesome tattooer, to boot.
  7. And you are correct. Check it out, @bongsau: "This Is That is a current affairs program that doesn't just talk about the issues, it fabricates them. Nothing is off limits--politics, business, culture, justice, science, religion--if it is relevant to Canadians, we'll find out the "This" and the "That" of the story. Each week, hosts Pat Kelly and Peter Oldring introduce you to the voices and stories that give this country character in this 100% improvised, satirical send-up of public radio." It's a pretty funny show, but definitely all fake. I, for one, am relieved; that tattoo looks like she fell and got dirt on her face.
  8. Jesus CHRIST, that black on the ribs is solid (and brutal). It all looks amazing, of course. Who did your chest?
  9. You might also try goblet squats, as front squats are difficult for some beginners. Also, I hate front squats. :)
  10. I think that RoryQ's advice is solid. I'll just add that if you do find yourself working out at a gym (as opposed to at home), keep your healing tattoo covered. Staph is on everything in commercial gyms, and I've been unlucky (and dumb) enough to have a healing tattoo get infected at just such a gym.
  11. Welcome, Piers! I follow you on Instagram, and I'm very happy to see that you've joined us here on LST.
  12. Thanks to the kindness and generosity of the one @irezumi, I came home yesterday to quite a pleasant surprise in my mailbox: I immediately found a dowel in the basement, cut it to size, and quickly stitched it into the top of the tenugui: I love it so much. But the real treat--the one thing that makes me feel better about missing the opening--is the catalog. I strongly urge everyone to pick up a copy. It's filled with incredible photos and--huge bonus--what I assume are the lectures that Jill, Junii, and Chris Brand gave at the seminar. I'm still getting over a cough, so I was up reading it on the couch at 3am. Thanks again, @irezumi!
  13. @dane, Matt's tattoos are so damned good, and he's such a nice guy, too. Congrats (and happy birthday!).
  14. Welcome, Josh! My wife has a US History PhD from Berkeley, so I already like you. Post some pics of the tattoos you'd like to cover and maybe we can make some helpful suggestions.
  15. I've been asked to bring a towel before. I also heard a story about a tattooer--now I can't remember who it was--who brought needles to a Thai tattooer for the artist to use on him. Sounded like a great idea to me.
  16. I agree with what @RoryQ said, @eisen777. One thing to keep in mind with 5/3/1: start lighter than you think you should. Things worth attaining take time, and it's no different in the gym. Add 5 lbs. to your working max (not your 1RM) each cycle for bench and OH press, and 10 lbs. to your squat and deadlift. Slow and steady progress is what 5/3/1 is all about. If you stall on a lift, which most people will after 5 to 8 cycles, drop the weight on your training max and build it back up. And keep logs of everything. I use Google Drive spreadsheets, which I access from my phone in the gym. It's a great way to track your progress, and you'll be amazed at how much stronger you get over the course of a year. One more note: if you're still losing weight, don't be surprised if your strength doesn't increase. If you can maintain your strength while losing weight, you are winning on both fronts. Keep at it!
  17. I've admired that backpiece for years and also had no idea it was a coverup. Amazing!
  18. I think the idea is that you want it to be able to "breathe," so moisturizer should be used sparingly.
  19. @dooktruck, I am damn near as happy as if that were on me! I am SO stoked for you! I am a huge Rassier fan, and I'm pretty jealous of your tattoo, but mostly, I'm just really stoked that it worked out for you. Not as stoked as you must be....
  20. If by "train" you mean "Greyhound," then you are in luck.
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