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Everything posted by irezumi

  1. Not a fan of the highlighted ones in that second to last one. Mixing images that indicate shape and dimension with flat images always looks weird and doesn't work. The dragon head should have shadow and a light source if the beads do.
  2. Holy shit that looks fucking awful. Somebody please remove that
  3. irezumi


    Yeah I saw that one, I was debating getting it ha
  4. irezumi


    Same site has a bunch of other rad sweaters
  5. irezumi


    I want to see a Krampus cake.
  6. Hi Dave! Overlooked this post; good to see you here.
  7. Anyone defending this guy is a complete moron
  8. You don't get it. And with as many pages and posts right here that make it pretty clear, I don't feel like I need to explain why.
  9. I've tattooed plenty of cops, no big deal. Lots of cops have tattoos. To think that most or all tattooers hate them would be similar to saying all cops are dicks. I know it's not the case, I've met plenty of good decent people in an underappreciated public service with a through-the-roof danger rate. I appreciate the people that truly believe in their job. There are plenty of people that don't entirely trust or feel comfortable around police, whether it be deserved or not, but I know that's not new to you and it encompasses lots of people besides tattooers. Are there some asshole tattooers out there? Yes. Are there some cops out there that are bullies and abuse their power? Yes. We're all just people, and if you're a dick then that's just who you are no matter what field of work you are in. If you are not comfortable with your artists, then don't get tattooed there. I wouldn't want to pay someone that hates me either.
  10. I can't tell is she, or the 4764846578 others trying the same thing, is genuinely convinced she will somehow do it different than anyone before her (because surely nobody else before her has ever done it 'right') and it will last forever, or if she doesn't care and just wants to get paid. Gogue said something that I can't recall to quote word for word but it was something to the effect of knowing that his tattoos fall apart in just a few years, and I still give him 10000% more credit than this other tattooer.
  11. I didn't even know there was a max limit. Let me delete a few so you can re-send
  12. Agreed! Some styles are so unique to the specific artist that any attempt to capture it from a different party will fall short 99.9% of the time no matter how qualified or talented the 2nd tattooer is. Can anyone else do a deVita tattoo? Nobody can channel that. Not entirely unsurprising that Higgs falls into the same 'lineage' of styles that can't be duplicated. Probably 50 other artists that I'm not taking the time to think of and list. That's enough of me seemingly like putting anyone on a pedestal; partially because those people wouldn't want that and also because I'm not trying to seem like a fanboy. Just someone that appreciates tattoos with soul. My 2 cents sorry if I derailed the thread.
  13. I'd like to see every tattooer that has ever worked in a street shop pay Evil Don and Crowe $.25 for each one of their flash they've done.
  14. If your artist doesn't know who Higgs is or doesn't have any of his/her own reference for it, and it's probably not the right artist to get the piece of Higgs flash from. The right vibe just won't be there.
  15. been looking forward to this; can't wait.
  16. I was wrong about this; working 30 years. So, add Wilson to my 25+ list.
  17. Holy shit Arthur Kade; @hogg I haven't seen any of his videos since the hllrbd heyday hahaha KADE OUT
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