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Everything posted by irezumi

  1. You can lighten it up by disassembling it and drilling some holes in the frame. Voila, re-assemble and you're good without buying a new machine. Try it! I also am not sure you will sell that on this forum, no offense intended. I've never heard of this company before and they do not seem to be tattooers, thus making 2 strikes against them for myself and others. Good luck though.
  2. My view from the front door for the 3 weeks working in Breck The scenery while riding a bike from Copper to Frisco to Breck Boreas Pass My friend seems to think this sign means downshift and accelerate. Guanella Pass This should not need a caption Oh yeah no guardrail and a big big big ass drop nbd. Hailstorm hit right after this picture. Independence Pass / Continental Divide Hailstorm rainbow FTW View from the campsite at Twin Lakes/Aspen area Taking the monster truck to the mountain to the lake, load up and row the canoe across the lake and make camp in the other side. Camping got realer than I thought it would. - - - Updated - - - Thanks man this has been a long time coming, (the move/job that is)
  3. apologies in advance for large pics. Too many to resize. Summer tour 2013 Baltimore One Shot! RIP Cosmo Philly just a quickie in St Louis NEW JOB! Joel Long's art show Boulder - - - Updated - - - More later
  4. Stewart always says it better than I can
  5. I would put anyone at that shop at LEAST on par with if not better than Johnny's skill level. Zack IMO has a better understanding of Japanese tattooing than he does.
  6. Oh god. I've met this douche before; he has his head so far up his own ass its unbelievable. A few years ago a regional southern living for young people magazine based in Savannah did a spotlight on a few local tattoo shops with little quickie interviews. This pompous prick had the gall to say that he is the best tattoo artist in Savannah. Went on to say that all the other artists in town were hacks and junkies. On a rock poster forum (where as far as he knows he's the only tattooer on there) he showed a before and after pic of a tattoo he went over to 'fix' it; which was basically where he blasted white on top of some shitty line work and shading. Good job man, that will hold up well over time. He can eat a dick and I would say the same thing to him myself if we were in the same room at the same time. Whatever this asshole has to say means little to nothing to me or any of the accomplished tattooers in Savannah. If he thinks there have been no gallery openings that focus on text or lettering he is oblivious to talented artists such as Chaz, Big Sleeps, Retna, Defer2, Steve Powers, Seen, etc. that list could go for an entire page. Sorry Shawn, nothing personal or against what you do on your blog; I have always enjoyed it before and will continue to.
  7. A lot of judgements on appearances in this thread. Thank goodness nobody ever judges us on how WE look.
  8. This is the view from my front door for the next 3 weeks. America. Fuck yeah.
  9. irezumi

    Who are you?

    Do we have a cliff notes for that post?
  10. The best and most durable inks are still made with powder pigments and natural binders. I just made some last week. My mentors all use the same thing. I'll bet 95% of the tattoo that get the most 'likes' on this forum are made with these types of ink. The 'Newer' types of ink (pre-dispersed) are made with synthetic binders (plastic for lack of a better word) and are completely unnatural and have many many more allergic reaction problems with many clients. I could go on and on but he tech info isn't really what I'm trying to get into. Just trust that the powder inks we're talking about are still the best to use. Lets see if the skin candy dude pops up here in this thread to talk about that crap he pushes.
  11. I think that it would be worth your while to explore more than one or two shops in the area; I strongly recommend Dan Lowell @7th st for a Japanese style sleeve. He has a lot of experience with that subject matter and has been tattooing for more than a dogs age. Hrs also a really down to earth dude, super nice guy. A sleeve is such a huge powerful tattoo that I would go with one of the most qualified in your area. If you're already committed to this artist I can understand that but it wouldn't hurt just to drive over and look at his work if nothing else just to meet artists from all over your town. Skip the web page and just go in.
  12. When pretty girls come in and give me/us cookies or whatever its pretty much one of the best things of the day.
  13. Whatever you do don't let your tattooer use that drawing for a reference. He/she should know exactly what you are talking about and have their own references. The one you posted is atrocious no offense intended. Out of curiosity, whom/what shop are you planning to go to or do you mind if we give suggestions of artists that would excel at that style based on your location?
  14. IMO if you have a pretty full arm of various tattoos and some are B&G and some aren't its really not all that big a deal. In fact I don't see any reason not to. Color pinup next to grey shaded Indian design isn't really any big conflict. Get a lotta tattoos on that arm! Jap half sleeve next to random grey shaded tattoo would be a big fail, but that doesn't seem to be your plan anyway.
  15. Also btw if its less than a year old it will be a long long time before it begins to break down if it was done well. Applying lotion or sunblock every day several times a day is pretty tedious, esp if this is a life long plan to keep them looking 'new' or fresh or whatever. That will get old real fast. The sun is really the biggest problem. A well applied tattoo can be vivid for a very long time if it doesn't see much sun. I might also want to just give my opinion that a tattoo that has 'settled' into the skin looks better. That means it won't look brand new anymore but it looks a little more natural for lack of a better word, particularly with ink made without synthetic binders.
  16. Got a new job at a spot I've always wanted to be at. Best thing of the year for me so far.
  17. Zulueta told a good friend of mine that the hardest part of doing big tribal is to get them back in for the touch ups.
  18. Any imperfection adds to its beauty.
  19. I'm here and will be at Godspeed until about the 24th-ish. Pm me for email addy
  20. Hopefully she doesn't read this forum.
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