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Everything posted by Hogrider

  1. And you've graduated to douche bag?
  2. You keep saying that and then you keep coming back for more. You're like boomerang, the harder you throw it away, the faster it comes back.
  3. Like gum on your shoe! I have to give them points for tenacity. I don’t know that I’ve ever met someone so wrong who was so determined to be right!
  4. I can only dumb it down so far. You can CLEARLY see the lines in the picture, so "it's a bad picture" is total bullshit. No amount of "finishing" is going to change those lines. Look at the tattoo below, then look at that tattoo of the OP. NO amount of finishing is going to get that in the same league as the one below. It's not my tattoo.
  5. I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you.
  6. Reading comprehension isn’t your friend, is it. I didn’t START with it sucks, I said it wasn’t very good, then I said it was flat and two dimensional. Per your comment, the artwork sucks. It has nothing to do with the stage of healing, nothing to do with quality of the photo, and nothing to do with it not being finished. NOTHING is going to fix that artwork. The more people defend that mess, the more ridiculous they look.
  7. Yea, I always laugh at the ones that say about 10 times they are done. How can I miss you if you won’t go away?
  8. +1 I know I sound like a broken record, but how the hell do you look at that and think it's good????
  9. Thank you for reminding me of an old saying, "Never argue with a pig. You both get dirty, but the pig likes it." You're now on my block list with the other blockheads. Do try to educate because some day you'll wake up and realize what a poor tattoo you've got and you don't want to make the same mistake again.
  10. It’s a new, special kind of denial. I don’t understand how anyone can look at that and not see how bad it is.
  11. Reading comprehension is not your friend. Let me be more clear - it’s a shit tattoo, the artwork is awful, you can’t fix that and it has nothing to do with the pic. Get it now?
  12. I'm not sure how you can look at that tattoo, then look at the outstanding work on a lot of people here and come to the conclusion that your artist is good.
  13. You seem to be hung up on reputation and experience. Only the final product matters. If you can’t handle criticism, don’t post on a public forum. We’re actually trying to HELP you here. As far as going on the artists site to trash them, what a childish thing to say.
  14. So I can’t see what I’m seeing??? WTF???
  15. That’s rough all right. There really isn’t anything you can do. Too much moisturizer is worse than too little, so go light. I’d just keep it clean, a little moisturizer and wait for it to heal.
  16. Hogrider

    Huge scabs

    I've never had scabs like that. I hope you're not planning on going back. That is brutal. At this point, I don't think it matters what you do. I'd probably put a little cocoa butter on it every day. Emphasis on a little.
  17. It’s like a bandaid, just rip it off.
  18. I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. Go look in this thread - https://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/t/12-latest-tattoo-lowdown/ You'll see lots of great tattoos. It's not a "3D" effect, it's about a great artist making a tattoo look alive and a mediocre artist making a tattoo look flat and lifeless.
  19. It's very flat and two dimensional. Look up some really good work on the internet and you'll see the difference. There's lots of great work right on this site. How long someone has been tattooing is irrelevant. I've seen lots of crappy work by people with many years of experience.
  20. 3 times a day is too much. The point is to not let it completely dry out, although many people successfully use the dry heal method. Too much is worse than too little. Tattoos take 4-8 weeks to heal. Let it heal and get it touched up if necessary. I'd find another artist too. That art work just isn't very good.
  21. There are a lot of variables. I wouldn't even be thinking about it with that tattoo. Taking good care of your skin and staying out of the sun are going to have a far larger impact on how long it lasts.
  22. What makes you think that wouldn't last just as long as any other tattoo?
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