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Everything posted by Hogrider

  1. I'd see a doctor and stay away from that artist. That looks like he was really heavy handed on some very thin delicate skin.
  2. I'd use the search feature here. There are several threads from people that have something that looks like yours. I forget what the diagnosis was.
  3. You can't really get it removed. If you have it layered, you'll likely have scarring and that won't look good.
  4. Hogrider


    It depends. If it's a big dark, poorly done tattoo, it might be hard. If it's a small, light, faded tattoo, it will be a lot easier. Make sure you get someone really experienced with coverups. Look at samples of their work. I've seen coverups that were worse than the original. I was getting tattooed one day and this woman comes in with one of the most amateurish, God awful tattoos I've ever seen. It was a cover up. After she was gone my artist looks at me and said, "That looks like Arnold Schwartzenager climbing out of a tar pit."
  5. Taking them won't cause a problem, but not taking them could. Strep is not a joke, it can be a serious illness.
  6. In these narcissistic times, too many people think they are the center of the universe. No one knows what it says or cares what it means.
  7. The fact that you don’t seem to understand that great art doesn’t necessarily make great tattoos tells me you’re out of your depth.
  8. You should learn about the industry. There is a difference between great art and art that makes a great tattoo. Nobody is going to buy art from someone who isn't even a tattooer.
  9. I recommend you learn how forums and tattooing. Your first post is asking for something??? Get real. There is no viable market for tattoo designs by nobodies. Back to the drawing board.
  10. And educate yourself about tattoos. People think that simple tattoos are easy. Actually, it's just the opposite. There's no where to hide in a simple tattoo. Thin lines on thin skin are prone to blow out. Learn how to tell a good artist from a hack.
  11. What a great way to introduce yourself - selling your shit.
  12. +1 If the artist says that coverup will quick, easy or cheap, Run Forrest, Run.
  13. Sorry to say, but that's rough. Unfortunately lots of dark colors too. You really need to see someone that specializes in coverups. Don't try to "fix" this first. Anything you do should be part of a unified plan for your sleeve.
  14. I'd go all color. As a matter of fact, I am going all color. I was working on my left leg and chest when this all hit. I have to finish that, then my ass (ouch) then I'm done.
  15. Hogrider

    new guy

    My first tattoo was a sleeve and chest panel, so I'm in the go big or go home club. Do a ton of research before you start so you know what to expect. Too many people see their bright shiny tattoo one day one and then can't figure out why it doesn't look the same on day 60. I don't think that those examples you showed are what a tattoo is going to look like any time after day one. But again, do the research for yourself so you know what you are getting into. And DON'T cheap out and don't be in a rush. Good tattoos are expensive and take time.
  16. This isn't a site for scratchers. Its a site about tattoos, not about how to do tattooing.
  17. It's 6 weeks old, you can use whatever you want.
  18. Do a search on bumps. There have been multiple threads on the same thing. Have you tried dry healing it? Sometimes too much moisturizer can case issues.
  19. You need to see a tattoo artist to answer all those questions. Prices very widely, but good tattoos are NOT cheap. How long it takes depends on what you get and how much detail you put into it. Only you can judge "good enough." Do some research, find a good shop and book a consultation. Expect to drop a couple of grand for a really good tattoo.
  20. This is not a forum for scratchers.
  21. Looks like it’s healing fine to me. I don’t take white at all. Probably because I look like Casper. I had all the white disappear out of my samurai’s kimono. The longer it has to heal, the better.
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