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Hands On

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Everything posted by Hands On

  1. dreading that spot! the side-ish knee ditch was already a pain in the ass. i was just imagining some Forrest Gump leg braces.
  2. welcome, happy belated bday, and good shit on getting an apprenticeship! i think this sort of thing might be what hogg was getting at in his first reply. it might not be super technical, but some folks might take it as being close to a "how to tattoo" question. sounds like something your teacher would be able to answer.
  3. this is awesome but oliver makes me never want to get my palms tattooed. hooper takes it like a meditating champ! i wonder if hooper going first woulda impacted oliver's reaction at all. i'm guessing not. i'm looking forward to following the blog as the project progresses and definitely can't wait for the finished product! thanks for putting this out there, @Stewart Robson !
  4. Merry Christmas! Ed Hardy’s TattooTime - Hardy Marks Publications and Don Ed Hardy Archive
  5. Looking good! I'm sure it will only get bigger!.. any ideas for the other side yet? ;) - - - Updated - - - gotta get this done by 12/21/12, right?
  6. Holy hell, you're going for it! By the time I saw Scott Harrison would be in town, it was already too late... he's all booked up. I'm hoping to drop by on 12/12, but now I might have to swing by throughout the weekend too and see what's up. I'm telling you... that vegan Thai buffet is legit. It's called Araya's Place. I'm not even close to being vegan or vegetarian, but I love that spot!
  7. Thanks for these interviews, @ltholley ! It's always nice to gain insight from tattooers and these videos do a great job of getting a quick peek into their minds. It's also interesting to ask everyone the same questions and get such varying responses to some and similar responses to others.
  8. i definitely thought the same thing... "kai...za...zo...zaaaaaay"
  9. no problemo. inner arm by Jondix. i also got a perfect space filler under my knee by this Japanese tattooer, Hideki Kobayashi, whose book captivated my eyes and mind. he turned the lines from the third pic to the tattoo in the second.
  10. i got this on my forearm from Mike Wilson at the SOG convention. he was stoked on this being the first time doing a snake with a black belly. (fyi, this is an unhealed pic, one day after i got it)
  11. i just started this thread a couple of days ago... http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/general-tattoo-discussion/3216-dogs-other-animals-tattoo-shops.html i guess we know Lal's vote.
  12. along the same line as what @David Flores said, you can keep an eye out or search for folks on this forum who've been tattooed by the artist you're hoping to get tattooed by and send that LSTer a private message.
  13. I've been tattooed in a couple shops that have dogs hanging out and I don't mind it at all. I guess there are folks out there who don't like the idea of having animals at the shop. I just wanted to hear a few different opinions and reasons for or against it. I couldn't find a related existing thread, but if one exists that folks here know of, I'd gladly take the redirect. Thanks!
  14. HELL YES! the wait may feel long, but it's going to be more than well worth it. i'll keep my mouth shut and wait patiently.
  15. there will be many ways to give back to the tattoo community with our hard earned cash! i'm also hoping to find a walk-up! shirts are always good and i'm also bringing a tube to roll up some flash for safe travel.
  16. The last few have even been up late Tuesday night... at least Pacific Standard Time.
  17. weird, but not "dude in the upper right" weird. definitely doing it right!
  18. i'm not sure if artists do it consciously or if it was your choice, but i like when colors for a tattoo are chosen based on what the client already has in the surrounding area... makes for a more cohesive piece.
  19. Interview with the judges. Tattoo Artist Magazine: The Ink Master Interview « TAM Blog
  20. there's some cool portraits on that site, including a few familiar faces in the tattoo community.
  21. Sounds like the Bay Area Convention? My wife's got an appointment with Jondix on Sunday at 3pm. I don't have anything booked for the convention this yr, but if funds allow and there's any artists available, I'm looking to get a little palm sized something or another. The list is so damn amazing, it's hard to choose.
  22. it pained me a little to hear that we got a week to wait until part 1 of mutsuo... i was hoping for a weekly fix!
  23. just saw this on Sang Bleu. hopefully it hasn't already been linked here, but i don't remember seeing it. enjoy! http://sangbleu.com/2012/10/02/the-tattoo-a-documentary/
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