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Posts posted by Dhopper

  1. Good guess @MadeIndelible

    I am seeing Steve Byrne - next week!

    Last week I thought I had decided what, specifically, I wanted him to do but a couple days ago I reverted back to not really caring too much about the specific imagery... I am, however, strongly considering asking him to do my knees. Just to get 'em over with!

    I have a working theory about this whole communication thing... So far the results have been pretty interesting. I'm going to test my hypothesis a few more times before I share my findings with y'all though.

    If you do get your knees done, call me! I want to see someone get their knees done. (Besides the one I have)

  2. I have a shitty palm tattoo and when people ask me how it felt I say, "It is like getting papercut, very sharp and shocking that is stings so much!"

    - - - Updated - - -

    I read that thinking that there are a bunch of ladies on this board who have had children who are reading this thinking youse guys are total pussies.

    Yeah but most women get to take drugs(if they want) to help the pain!

  3. Finally @hogg Been waiting for that one. Now I want to see a photo of it besides the killer tattoo you have from Theo Mindell on your other knee ;)

    Come to think of it, I also have a "not very recent" tattoo that I haven't posted before.

    Chris Conn, Sekretcity.


    Finally! Thank you Ivarro! You have a great collection man.

  4. I'm getting an elephant head on my thigh. We're going to iron out the rest when I get there Friday afternoon. My mom has collected elephants forever and I've wanted to do an elephant of some sort and Seth's elephants are all amazing. So when I saw his announcement on Instagram about the convention, I jumped on it. I'll post pics when I get back from Austin. Come to think of it, I need to post some progress pics of Kore's work on my back.

    What time? I will be walking around Friday!

  5. This is probably should be on a different post. I am to blame. I am sorry for that. I will not speak about anyone anymore, without permission from the person I am talking about. It really was none of my business to put Hooper's info out like that. I am sorry again!

  6. I got to see the drawing in person and was bragging about it to Chris conn. I really like the tattoo! Eddy is very close to dark horse tattoo! Eddy is probably the proudest parent I have met! I wish I could spend more time with him but had to run back to get tattooed! He blasted through my tattoo in no time! I have pictures of it on my Instagram. Check out the full functioning tattoo machines he made for his son. He has some stories to tell!

  7. I had to wait almost twenty minutes for Nick to get set-up last week...

    I never had to wait long on people's list. I think a few days for Grime that has been said to have three years to wait and only a couple of months for Trevino. Anything that you have to wait two years for is too long unless you are a pregnant elephant!

  8. My Buddy Mike Volakakis from Oddball Tattooery here in Portland will be there. It's his first time in Texas. Mike puts on clean tattoos and is super efficient. Sometimes it feels like the needle never leaves your skin, like he is think ten lines ahead. Anyhow here is a couple of pics of tattoos. His instagram handle is @mikev1974

    Was he with Seth ciferri's shop? I think I met him at the Portland convention back in 2011.

  9. I like to repeat a story a buddy told me. He said "My friend was at the grocery store and while in line, a woman grabbed his arm and started looking at his tattoos. So, he grabbed her breasts! She yelled at him, "You have no right touching me! How dare you!" He goes and says you are right! Just like you have not right grabbing me!"

    Just remember people are dumb and try to roll with it.

  10. Good luck in finding your answers you look for SailorClaire. Maybe you have to do some research before your research! Not everyone is an open book, willing to talk about their tattoos. This was a learning experience for you hopefully. I'm not a woman but a woman taught me about tattooing and how to tattoo. My answer to you is keep searching and you will get the information you seek. You just need to find the right way to ask!

    I may not be liked for this response but I think stony said it best " I, Leonard 'Stoney' St. Clair, am in the business of rendering a service to the community for the small group of people who choose to have their bodies decorated in some way or another. I choose to pursue my profession with intelligence and skill, wishing not to offend anyone, but instead, with my love of mankind, to do what good I can before I die."

  11. I like your thinking! I would go to a place like pair o dice tattoo or tattoo city then skingaphics or dermatology! A name is very important! Perfection tattoo and elm st tattoo are easy to say and remember. So when people ask where I got my tattoo I can say spotlight tattoo or kings ave tattoo. Too long of names or complicated are just that, too long or complicated. I am not going to say, " Go to Diamond Glen's River City Tattoo!" Or " "custom tattoos for the soul!"

  12. I guess if I mashed my tattoos together I would have only a full leg and one third of my torso left. I have tattooed the top of my feet and one palm. I just don't have as much space left as some and I just turned 30. When I have told people that I am stopping and people look at me like I am nuts! I have experienced the painful spots minus the top of the ribs and armpits. Also not tattooing my ass either!

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