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Everything posted by oboogie

  1. Did you get that done in a reputable shop?
  2. Just let it heal. Quit staring at it.
  3. oboogie


    You cannot tell yet.. Wait. And touchups aren't going to fix a blowout. You just have to live with it. Just let it heal and stop obsessing.
  4. Too soon to judge, and stop putting so much lotion/Aquaphor/whatever on there. You're smothering it.
  5. If you like it, that's all that matters. 🙂
  6. it looked like he slathered the whole thing in Vaseline. What the hell?
  7. We can't answer about prices. You have to speak to each individual tattoo artist.
  8. Well, that was a thrilling read.
  9. We can't make your feel better about what you are going to do. You either want it or not. You may feel some remorse. But you may not. I think I'd wait if I were you. You don't seem sure enough to make this decision. If you are resorting to asking strangers, just wait a while. There's no rush.
  10. That really is just a reference. No reputable artist is going to take that and just put it on your skin as is. And you wouldn't want them to. I had lots of ideas about what I thought I wanted from my first tattoo, and I'm really glad I didn't go through with it. If you're that nervous and anxious, maybe just wait a while.
  11. I don't know. It doesn't look that bad to me. Just looks like it's healing. I had trouble healing the underside of my left arm because it was always leaning on my desk on or on a table or whatever. Location may make a difference in how it heals.
  12. She said she did on another thread. Yes. Looks bad, doesn't it?
  13. I can't see the photos. I get bumps around the outside of my tattoos from the adhesive on saniderm. It's probably nothing, but I can't see the photos.
  14. That white will look yellow soon. Just let it heal. You can always get a touch up.
  15. oboogie

    Hi :)

    I scab sometimes, and then sometimes I don't. I forget between tattoos, too, which is ridiculous because get tattooed a lot. I waited 14 years between my first tattoo and my second tattoo. And my second tattoo was a coverup of the first. Now I get tattooed all the time. Welcome, Torsie!
  16. I have a lot of tattoos, and after I finished my whole sleeve on my right arm, I was like, "WHAT DID I JUST DO?" Now I can't imagine my arm without it. You'll get used to it. It's part of you now.
  17. You can't cure an allergy with antibiotics. I'd suggest not going to that tattoo artist again. I don't care if it is the greatest shop in the world.
  18. I like it. I have an Amy Winehouse tattoo, too. 🙂
  19. Just because he was the owner doesn't mean he is a great tattoo artist. Don't get any more tattoos from that guy. Do more research. As @Hogrider said, you can't do anything about it now. Just enjoy it for now, and quit worrying about it. Nothing will fix it now other than a ginormous cover up of a black panther.
  20. I mean it won't look like a typewriter anymore. It will look like a bit of a black, blurry blob.
  21. You won't be able to fix it. That would make it worse. It will just lose definition because there isn't much open skin. Just enjoy it and move on.
  22. @duckgoosed, it will probably end up looking like a black blob in a few years. Nothing you can do about it now. Just enjoy it and get more tattoos.
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