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Posts posted by oboogie

  1. The place where my artist works doesn't allow anyone to come back with you anymore. I live in a college town, and sorority girls come in in packs to get a tiny tattoo and fourteen girls want to come back with them. So they just had to say no one could come back. My Mom and I got Mother-Daughter tattoos this past Saturday, and she had to be back there by herself. I know my artist well, and they had a good chat, but I still would have liked to be there. Sorority girls and frat boys ruin everything. :4_joy:

  2. Two things:

    1. That's prime real estate. Consider getting the autograph somewhere else or only get one autograph—someone you really love (I have Johnny Cash's signature on my leg.).
    2. Doesn't matter what it looks like to anyone else. It is for you.
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