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Posts posted by Exiny

  1. Soooo, after having lurked around for a while and posting some comments in other topics, I guess I'll make a proper introduction.

    I'm an aspiring apprentice from the Netherlands, 26. Before you all get your balls in a twist: I'm not here to find an apprenticeship or get information on what tattoo machine is the best buy for ruining someone's life. I haven't ever touched a tattoo machine and won't before my future teacher says I'm ready. I know that's somewhat of a taboo around here (and rightfully so), so I just had to get that out of the way. I might post some of the art I make for my portfolio in the 'Art Show' topic, as I already have, but that's it. If you are really interested in my drawings you can also look me up on instagram under the same name as I use here. (@exiny)

    I consider myself, as most of you do, a 'collector'. Got my first shitty tattoo during the emo-age at 14, wich I have covered now. Working to someday achieve a full (neo-traditional) body suit. I'm still ways away from reaching that goal though. So far only my left arm and chest is done. I got an appointment to start my right sleeve the 4th of februari. I mostly read LST at work when I have some spare time. I love tattoos. I love reading about tattoos, I love looking at tattoos and I love talking about tattoos. Tattoos.
    Any questions, just ask :)

    Also, here are some of my tattoos (done by Theo Zinas) :





  2. This looks like what happens when you start to peel off/scratch the scabs. The outer border of the skin-flake may be lose, but the inner part is still not ready to come off. If you pull it off (you really shouldnt, ever) you pull some of the skin underneath it with it. The leaking stuff is plasma/ink. This is how you can get faded spots in a tattoo btw.


  3. My first tattoo was a little broken heart with a small rose I got straight from a flashbook when I was 14. I was shopping for clothes in the city with my mom and mentioned I wanted a tattoo. We walked straight from the mall to a tattooshop and picked something out. The original was a normal heart, but I asked for a broken one because I was "emo". Later I had some more rose added around it when I was 16. And then a (really, really badly done) girl shooting herself through the head with crows flying out, behind it when I was 17.

    At 20 I finally got some sense and had the whole thing covered and started getting good tattoos. :')


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