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Everything posted by CultExciter

  1. I'm wearing this one, I've since filled in the rest of my arm, but this was her when she was brand new. Andrew Conner, Harrisonburg, VA
  2. I bought a bottle of Elmer T Lee recently. For a $25 bottle of bourbon, it was pretty impressive. Pretty smooth on the top-end. Finishes like rye.
  3. I don't let anyone tattoo me more than 2 hours. It all hurts to me. I've gone about 2 years or so between every session on my chest just because I don't wanna!
  4. CultExciter


    Can this become a cheese tattoo thread? I don't have one, but I'd love to get a mouse running with a big ole triangle of cheese.
  5. Andrew Conner. He has done one of my sleeves and my chest. Incredibly talented and hard working. Andrew Conner | Artist
  6. Oh, I had posted the comment before twice, so I just edited to ask where the "delete" button was. We're all squared. Thanks so much.
  7. And on a second note, I actually posted this twice. Where the heck is the delete post function?
  8. Yeah, I would agree with you Kevin (being my name is Kevin also, I have to agree).
  9. In Chinese and Japanese culture, obviously, foo-dogs or shishi are protectors of either important places, shrines, etc. I think the lion is Tibet is one of the four auspicious animals, but don't quote me.
  10. Well, I think it is relatively multicultural. I just have a dry sense of humor. Looks so sick!
  11. a foo dog day afternoon. ha...ha....anyone?
  12. Get him a rad book or something from BookMistress (bookmistress.net).
  13. Yeah, I wish I didn't live 6 hours away. I'm going up next month to get tattooed by Steve Boltz. I should just stop by the shop.
  14. Yeah, I am not too keen on the celebrity culture of some of the New York shops lately. But whatever, they like getting tattoos as well. It's better than Kat Von D. That being said, you know, when Chris and Hoyer and a whole slew of guys were tattooing in Virginia, it was a little low key. A friend of mine has a walk-in half-sleeve from Chris, (not done in a day, however). We'll see how it goes, it's been a couple days since I have heard anything from Saved or Chris, gonna start getting on the horn again.
  15. CultExciter


    I hope I have made my new best friend. Cheese = Life!
  16. Every time someone says they are from the south I want to play UGK records.
  17. I'm hoping I can pull in a few of my connections to get bumped up a bit, but I don't mind the wait, it let's me save the money that is needed. The bus from Virginia and back isn't too bad, and if I can squeeze a cheap hotel room, I can stay a day.
  18. I'm trying to set up an appointment with O'Donnell. He's not taking appointments at the moment apparently, but hopefully I can at least get something scheduled for the distant future.
  19. I did the same damn thing. Welcome.
  20. There is a lot of this type of work happening over here in the states (some call it new-school). It's very painterly, which can be cool. I'm not as drawn to it, but some are, it takes all kinds, you know? As for European artists, there are some that I really dig or that are really well-known (you probably already know about them): Filip Leu - Leu Family Iron XAM - Xam — The Family Business Tattoo Shop Deno Jr - https://www.facebook.com/denotattoo But yeah, good luck with everything.
  21. He's still in New York, but I know he is spending a lot of time just making art right now.
  22. Just checked out your blog. You're a fellow Higgs-ian. Awesome!

  23. I thought this was some joke at first, but wow, it's true. Speaking of IQ and being someone who "protects and serves," NYC doesn't want cops with high IQs. Still trying to locate the source, as I heard about this in casual discussion. Little Abner can be a boy in blue!
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