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Colored Guy

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Everything posted by Colored Guy

  1. Cock on the right.. you'll never lose a fight! Rob
  2. Women can touch me all they want. Which happens rarely so its ok. I had one lady on the beach a couple years ago... total stranger but cute... touch some on my arms. Rob
  3. I've been in the gym for just over 5 years now. I go 3-4 times a week, do a little cardio but mostly lifting weights. I've been through a serious shoulder injury, a car accident that kept me out for almost a year and family things that are more important as well. I boxed as a kid in a golden gloves type of industrial league. We had ex-boxers at our disposal to train us. We wore head gear and mouth pieces, but still you could feel a shot to the head. I had a thumb fracture that is now morphing into arthritis, so I'd never box again even for training. But it was a lot of fun and I'm still a professional boxing fan today. Rob
  4. I had back to back appointments before, separated by when I could get there and what slot was available and of course healing time between the outline and color. The sittings were around 2-2.5 hours each. So I'd think you would be fine. Rob
  5. About work... what they don't know can't be held against you. I would have probably been out of a job if I had my ink exposed all the time. "let's see.. who can we do without... yeah, get rid of the tattoo guy, he's different..". Rob
  6. The only time I covered up in front of my wife was during my needle and the spoon days. She crabs about money though since she isn't into the tattoo thing. Maybe I should of kept track of all the shoes she bought over the years, she'd be ahead by far. What.. another pair of shoes.. how many feet do you have??? I do side work and that's where my free cash comes from. I take nothing out of my main pay check, direct deposit all the way. I spend enough on everything else out of it too. Rob
  7. Wow... I had a couple that my wife was pissed about and she went months without even acknowledging them. Sometimes I think she has blinders on or maybe tunes them out. I had some sleeve work done earlier in the year, about 2 weeks later we were out for dinner with friends and I had a bit of a sleeve rolled up. Her friend mentions my new work.... my wife asks when did I get that done? Rob
  8. Thank you, it means a lot to me. Definitely a rollercoaster ride all the way, but I'd do anything for her. How many couples still have it all together after 30 years?
  9. I think it is nice to be able to share a passion with a loved one. My ex wife and ex fiancee, they weren't into it at all. My wife likes them though and goes along with what I want to do. Now she's battling cancer and I really hope she gets better and sticks around for a long time. After 30 years... I can't envision starting over with anyone else. Rob
  10. It sounds like you're having a good time regardless of anyone's negative opinion. That's how it should be. I've got some subpar ink that is fairly new... working on that next. Rob
  11. An excellent viewpoint. Most people at work got no idea I'm so inked. The few that I run into on the outside usually don't know what to say at all. Awkward... But tattoos are a good way to see how people react to diversity. Like anything at work, I keep lots of things to myself and really don't share too much personal things that I have going on in my life. Rob
  12. I have one coming up in a couple of weeks with a new shop. The artist knows what I'm looking for, I showed him some things in his portfolio that I was looking to add into some existing work. I'll also bring some examples with me from tattoo books, but I have high confidence that it will come out great and will give him free artistic reign. Rob
  13. I was at a hobby expo this past weekend and I got great compliments on my in-progress sleeve. One was from this lady who was a little older than me, I said that she should get something and she said maybe she would. Nice to have a fan out there. Rob
  14. I feel that women should always have the best tattoos on them, just for the reason you illustrate. Everyone tends to be more critical of tattoos on women, from a male or female perspective. So give them something good to crow about. And people need to get out more... tattoos are no longer a circus side-show attraction. Rob - - - Updated - - - I caught a lot of shit when I was involved in Cub Scouts from ONE parent who thought it was inappropriate for me to be in a leadership position with having tattoos. But everyone supported me and I wasn't going anywhere. Long story short, where was this lady's husband? Doing a 10-15 for drug dealing. Rob
  15. I'm having some sleeve work continued over at South Shore Tattoo in Amityville NY on 5/9 by Shane. He's relatively new to the shop but comes highly recommended for oriental work. Rob
  16. I had this with a session last year and it subsided in a few days. The artist may have had a good grip on my arm at the time, but it felt ok otherwise. My whole forearm was quite swollen up too, again, in a few days it went back to normal.
  17. Anything is possible if you throw enough time and money at it. I see it as an evolution of technology, for all the wrong reasons. Just because you can doesn't mean you should be doing it. The human element (on both sides of the ink slinging) is what makes the art an art. Rob
  18. Robotic-remote surgery has been around for a while. No doubt life-saving in many cases and they've worked the bugs out. Robotic tattooing... its being done because it can be done. The first CNC milling machines were also pretty crude and finicky by today's standards. But tattooing, the work piece doesn't sit still. It coughs, twitches, farts, stretches and so on. I can see robotic tattooing in another 5-10 years, tattoo kiosks in malls doing small relatively simple tattoos. Its the way of the world, everyone wants it NOW and refuses to wait. Scan your bank card, select the artwork and where you want it from a GUI interface. Even the laziest can be walked through it step by step. Pay your $50, stick your arm in and 20 minutes later you have a 2" x 2" piece of permanent artwork. Rob
  19. I'd say boot anyone out that was wearing a NY Mets t-shirt.. anything else could slide...
  20. I had to do this too with my queen-sized set that we moved upstairs after the addition was done. I've gotten a new mattress since then, kept the same box spring. Mattresses can be made to go around tight corners.
  21. Quite the wholesome citizen isn't he? Whatta maroon...
  22. Great shti... I'm having some work done soon and this is what I also need done.. awesome. Rob
  23. No matter what, let the artist know if you are diabetic right up front. I know of one artist who had a diabetic client almost pass out during the session and she wasn't warned up front. Rob
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