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  1. Haha
    LadySchism got a reaction from oboogie in Anxiety ridden canvases   
    Ok.. so apparently being an asshole once you are “liked” in this community is ok? May I remind you that she was the one who decided to go out of her way to call me crazy initially in this thread, albeit admittedly, without even reading my post to gain any kind of understanding of the situation prior to doing so.
    Now stating facts and choosing to stand up for myself makes me the asshole? Interesting.. Perhaps she needed to learn some manners as well before she chose to comment the way she did.
  2. Haha
    LadySchism got a reaction from oboogie in Anxiety ridden canvases   
    Gosh, well I can’t imagine how lazy and ignorant you continue to make yourself sound as you prove my point.. It may not be your job to thoroughly read a post, but it definitely invalidates any point you attempt make when you chose not to fully inform yourself on the subject matter first.
    Talk to me once you actually read what happened before creating another response continuously fueled by more uninformed assumptions and cognitive dissonance. 
    Ignorance is not bliss. Your words are nil.
  3. Haha
    LadySchism got a reaction from oboogie in Anxiety ridden canvases   
    The answer to your question lies in the initial post, and again in the comments that followed that you obviously chose not to read prior to labeling me as crazy.
    Perhaps you should go back and “proof read” before making your next judgement.
  4. Confused
    LadySchism reacted to oboogie in Anxiety ridden canvases   
    Have you ever been tattooed before?
  5. Haha
    LadySchism got a reaction from oboogie in Anxiety ridden canvases   
    Not true. I thanked the initial person for their advice, proceeded to explain further what had happened, but then just ended up getting insulted and berated so I flagged them. You cannot justify your opinion when you chose to see only one side of the picture. Not all tattoo artists are saints dealing with “insane” customers.
    Tattoos artists have the choice to be prepared, to communicate with client prior to appointment with any questions or concerns about the design, and to have a minimum level of clear communication and customer service during the appointment. This artist did not. 
  6. Like
    LadySchism reacted to Dan in Tattoos inspired by music?   
    here is another music inspired piece of mine, small but I like it.

  7. Like
    LadySchism reacted to Kurgana in Tattoos inspired by music?   
    I have a neo traditional Freddie Mercury portrait on my left calf - still fresh in the pic pinched from the artist's instagram. And my left arm is a collection of random tattoos that no one else would associate with music, but for me each is a representation of a favourite song of mine (so far they are all Queen songs...).

  8. Like
    LadySchism reacted to Kill Uncle in Tattoos inspired by music?   
    David Bowie`s Black Star album cover.

  9. Like
    LadySchism reacted to thyes in Tattoos inspired by music?   
    I'm curious to see if there are others in here who have gotten tattoos dedicated to their favourite bands, singers, artists or just inspired by music in general? 
    I love music, especially metal and rock. So my second tattoo was heavily inspired by the band Tool and their.. wierd artwork. It's been 7 years since I got this tattoo, but I still feel like it needs something more added to it. Just haven't gotten to it yet, I guess. 
    The pic is from the day I got it if I recall correct. Didn't have a healed pic and couldn't be arsed to take one now, so I snagged this from my Facebook. It's not as crisp ofcourse, but it's still in pretty decent shape (thank god for SPF 50). 
    Show me yours, there must be some in here :) 

  10. Like
    LadySchism reacted to SJP0tato in SOS - Post tattoo anxiety through the roof!   
    My totally unqualified opinion:  I think it looks cool so far.  
    We tend to really overly criticize these things when its our own body, but seriously I can't imagine a single person who'd come up and try to find some "flaw" in what's been competed so far.  
    As far as the artist:  Nah, life's too short to put up with bullshit, especially when I'm sure there's plenty of talented artists near you who'd be happy to give you a much more positive experience in exchange for your money.
    I wouldn't bother looking for someone who cares about the subject matter exactly, but more someone that has a portfolio that you like (if you don't rate 75%+ of the examples as 9/10 or 10/10 then they're probably not "your" artist).  Once that's done see if you can schedule a consultation and see if you "click" with them.  In my experience it took a couple tries before I found someone I really felt like I had good communication with about my ideas and implementation.  I personally don't want someone who can barely listen and obviously doesn't care to be "stuck" tattooing my ideas for hours on end.  Sounds miserable for both of us.
    $100 is a drop in the bucket when it comes to getting what you want, and having a good experience.  I'd say let it go & never go back.
    Good luck, let us see the progress if/when you find someone better to work with for you!
  11. Like
    LadySchism reacted to Curasy in Having anxiety   
    Don’t worry I’m going through exactly the same I’m currently in progress of a full sleeve and it got me pretty depressed “ since 3 weeks ago “ I’m slowly getting better it’s more of in the morning when I wake up I sort of look and think oh no then panic attacks happen. I understand how you’re feeling completely. I work myself up so much I get headaches 
  12. Like
    LadySchism reacted to AEG in Having anxiety   
    Thank you, I have more work pending to wrap around my forearm. 
  13. Like
    LadySchism reacted to AEG in Having anxiety   
    Hi all,
    Here is a pic of semi healed. It is still pretty dry.
    Just wanted to get your thoughts. I don’t know if my mind is still playing tricks on me and I’m over analyzing still. Kind words are appreciated. 

  14. Like
    LadySchism reacted to AEG in Having anxiety   
    Thanks for your insight! Glad to know it gets better. 
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